Feeling the battlefield in the distance, sitting on the throne of the void, Eim put his chin on one hand, squinted his eyes, and muttered to himself.

"Vermilion Bird."

The army is a little bit red from it, and the silhouette of "Akagami" Shanks crosses the battlefield, invading like fire.

"Black Tortoise."

The tall Whitebeard stands on the battlefield like Little Giant, single force subduing ten sessions, Motionless As Mountains.

"Azure Dragon."

The cloud from the dragon, the wind from the tiger, the Kaido in the form of "Azure Dragon" is moving like a thunderbolt, soar into the clouds and mount the mists, soaring In the sky, dragon roar shakes Nine Heavens.

"White Tiger."

British English quality, quiet and clear sound, threatening animals, and howling mountains and forests. Hailan sits steadily in the military tent, and the beasts are silent when they are still, and the movement is like War God coming to the world.


As if thinking of something interesting, the corner of Eam's mouth was rarely outlined with a subtle arc.

"Smelly brats, Shanks has already taken a step ahead of us. You said, can we shame the Red Hair Pirates group?"

Red Hair Pirates group, deputy captain "Ben・Beckman" with a cigarette in his mouth and holding a rifle in his hand, the scars on his face made this normally kind mate look a bit vicious. This is what the real Pirate should look like.

Kaido thought that when he came out, he didn't even notify the subordinates of Beasts Pirates. He just fell from the sky abruptly and entered the Holy Land battlefield alone.

Shanks is different from him. They have been preparing for this war for a long time. The core members of the entire Red Hair Pirates regiment have all come to this battlefield.

Ben Beckman, Yasopp, Lucky Lu, Shanks’ close friends, still remember what Shanks said to them before the Red Hair Pirates group started, "After the battle is over, I will I’m going back to East Blue to get married. I ’ve been wandering for so long, and I should have a home."

This may be the largest and final battle of their Red Hair Pirates group, for the boss to return East Blue settles down, they must not be ashamed.

Especially Yasopp, who is from East Blue, has a lot of feelings.

The man of the sea can abandon everything for adventure.

Only adventure is the pursuit of the famous man. This is the romance that a real man understands.

But after hearing what the boss said, Yasopp suddenly had some insights. Adventure is indeed a man's romance, but he has to be a man before he can be a man.

If you don’t even care about your own wife and children, do you deserve to be a person?

"Bancina, Usopp...I don't know if their mothers are okay?"

The two silhouettes of memories that I haven't seen for many years are in my mind In a flash, the sound of the bullet being loaded, Yasopp's attention was focused on the battlefield again.

In my ears, my companions howl like wolf howling.

"ao ao ao...follow the boss's footsteps, enter Mariejois and destroy World Nobles!"

"I will come first!!"

Big Fatty Lucky Lu jerked off a piece of barbecue with his mouth, and took the lead: "Meat bomb impact!!"

"Brothers, Red Hair Pirates have already taken action, can we fall behind them?"

On Moby Dick, a handsome young man jumped onto the fence, reached out and pressed the cowboy hat on top of his head, be eager to have a try.

The Pirate Supernova three years ago, "Hiken" Ace finally returned.

Under Marco's obstacle, Ace still failed to catch up with Blackbeard.

Ace wears a string of beads around her neck, and she wears a chic jacket, cropped jeans, cowboy boots, and a western cowboy outfit.

Ace is not a born exhibitionist. He likes to show off his pectoralis major.

He only developed the habit of not wearing a shirt after joining Whitebeard Pirates, because the Whitebeard Pirates logo was tattooed on his back, which is his pride.

Currently, Ace has not joined Whitebeard Pirates, so there is no such habit. Although they have not joined, the brother sisters of Ace and Whitebeard Pirates are almost as family.

Marco is relatively calmer: "Ace, don't be impulsive, we don't know how many cards Celestial Dragon has."

"Anlaanla, what three old stars? We are all stopped by Whitebeard uncle, do we still need to be afraid of the remaining enemies? Wait... I seem to see an acquaintance."

"Hey, Ace, where are you going!"


The blazing flame swept away a large number of enemies in front of him, and Buggy Vice Admiral was dumbfounded .

Falling in front of Buggy, Ace politely said: "You are the red-nosed Buggy, right?"

Buggy heartbeat speeds up, scared to death, but face is full of imposing manner: "Who are you?"

Ace Issho warmly: "Don't you remember me? I'm Luffy's big brother, Ace, don’t take seriously when you were ignorant, I apologize to you now, too Thank you for saving Luffy's life."

Buggy's heart suddenly choked, because he suddenly felt, how does this young man look a bit like a young captain? When I was still at Roger Pirates, I saw the bounty order of the captain in his early years.

Buggy is thinking one thing in his heart, and saying the same thing: "hahahaha...this Uncle is of course Luffy's life saving benefactor. Come and thank me, you give me What gift did you bring?"

Ace was confused on the spot.

Generally speaking, shouldn’t Buggy say something like "What a small thing?"

Isn’t this different from what Makino taught to be a human being?



On the tower of Mariejois Castle.

Many experts of the Celestial Dragon family are gearing up.

"It seems that we can no longer continue to watch."

"There are too many enemies. The three old stars have been held by the three emperors, under the three emperors." The cadres of, it seems that we can only deal with it."

"I will come first."

The self-styled "Salted Fish Admiral", Logia ・Salt Fruit Ability User Pierce took the initiative to ask.

"The treasure of salt!"

The fine sand-like salt particles condense from the air behind Pierce into the shape of eighteen weapons. Any Logia Devil Fruit Ability User, as long as they work hard , Can always develop a wide range of killing style.

"St. Pierce, now you really make us admire."

"Let us take a look at the formidable power of your salt treasure."

If someone takes the initiative to attack, other Celestial Dragons are naturally happy.

"No problem."

Pierce grinned, his eyes full of killing intents.

"The treasure of salt. Punishment!"



"sou ! "


Countless salt weapons did not kill the enemy in the distance. Instead, they gave a just back to their friendly army behind them. prick.

Screams one after another, the weaker Celestial Dragon died on the spot, the stronger ones were also injured in different degrees, but don’t forget, the treasure of salt, physical damage is always just an appetizer , Chemical damage is the real terrifying.

Only a few powerful Celestial Dragons can escape the disaster.

"Pierce, you traitor to Celestial Dragon!"

"You are traitors!"

Pierce, who had been acting as a fool for many years, finally got a bit stiff Reply: "Have you all forgotten that you are the descendants of 19 true kings?

There has never been a Celestial Dragon, and you are the biggest traitor of Blue Star!"

"Go together, kill him!"

Pierce's words seemed to sting Celestial Dragon's heart, countless Celestial Dragon complexion azure-white.

Pierce laughed mockingly: "Even if I am dead and nailed in the coffin, I will still be in the tomb and shout with this decadent voice: I am the descendant of the true king, for the sake of Blue Star Fighting for the glory of man, the Blue Star people will never be slaves!!!"

"The traitor I hate the most in my life, all traitors deserve to die."

A voice It sounded lightly, Pierce's scalp was numb, and his back was cold.

Isn’t the script written like this?

What about the king and Royal General?

Why did the old monster Yim come at me?

"bang! !"

The big fists of sandbags collided, Haoshoku Haki and Busoshoku Haki unscrupulously flocked in all directions, the wind was strong, and the lightning was lingering.

Even many powerhouses can't help but back away. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"The traitor I hate the most. But unfortunately, he is just your traitor."

Hailan’s silhouette appeared in time and stopped. Eim attacked Pierce's mortal fist.

If Pierce was just a stumbling block, Hailan would not save such a person, but Pierce was already closely related to him.


Hailan looked up towards Yim's eyes with gleaming eyes.

"The cloud comes from Azure Dragon, and the wind comes from White Tiger."

"I am not White Tiger, because I am faster than the wind, I am light."

The imposing manner on Yim's body skyrocketed, and Hailan was equally true, and the war was about to start.

"Remember my name, I am the day tiger."

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