Eim thought he had seen everything about Hailan , but didn't expect such a result. There was a secret in Hailan.

Eam shook the head.

Whether it is that there are other secrets in Shuhu's body, or it is just that this guy has a swollen face and is fatty and refuses to admit his own judgment, it doesn't matter.

Regardless of whether he is a blue star or some other planet, the result today is nothing more than two, you die or I die.

"Zhouhu, you are too arrogant."

A bit of anger flared between Eim's eyebrows.

Hai Lan smiled hehe, "So what? You are giving me an unforgettable lesson for the arrogant."

After finishing this remark, Hai Lan thought of it. Suddenly, there was a sense of dislocation. He was the arrogant villain boss. Yim, a cosmic man who chased thieves, became a positive character with strong features.

However, it doesn’t matter.

There is no right or wrong in the world. All contradictions are just competitions between different positions.

Yim's eagle-like eyes condensed suddenly, infinitely sharp.

"Gravitational field. Forbidden!"

A huge force suddenly came from all directions and all angles, Hai Lan felt as if there were countless hands pulling him around his body , Makes myself impossible to move even a little bit.

"I almost forgot, you not only have the ability of a magnetic field, you can also control the gravitational field."

When the gravitational force is strong enough, even light cannot Escape the shackles of gravity, the black hole can swallow light relying on its terrifying gravity.

However, Eim is certainly not a real black hole, otherwise the entire planet will be swallowed up by his power.


No longer relying on the technique of seize every opportunity to take advantage of Eim, Hailan bursts out the power of his body, tearing open Eim's gravitational field. The blockade, even the space has become distorted and broken in the competition of these two huge forces.

Almost at the same time as Hailan shatter space,

Eim also activated the space fruit ability to shuttle into the space. The distance of several kilometers was instantaneous, and the two of them were enough to explode. The fists of a big mountain banged heavily on the opponent's chest one after another.


Hailan vomited blood and stained his teeth red. The splashed blood was completely isolated by Yim's defensive power field.


Eim also spewed out large swaths of blood mist. As soon as the blood mist touched the aurora barrier of Hailan, it was instantly evaporated.

The fists of the two of them are no longer the simplest and purest power.

Hailan fist is fused with the surging high-end Busoshoku Haki, and at the same time has the power brought by the acceleration of the aurora.

Yim's fist has the same Busoshoku Haki as Hailan, and the blessing of the gravitational field also gives his fist a powerful force.

"Come again!"

Ignoring the injuries on her body, Hailan clenched her bright red teeth and slammed her fist at Yim again.


Eim also not to be outdone, people have been fighting crazy, the sound of the wind and rain, the sound of gunfire, the sound is not heard, their eyes have long been left Each other.

The beautiful and flawless aurora and the distorted gravitational field compete and erode each other. You don’t let me, I don’t let you, you are in me, and you are in me.

The aurora and gravity that can easily tear apart an army of tens of thousands of people can only become a background in front of the two competing in the field.

"bang! !"

The arms of the two collided together, and this move held the fist from the opponent and collided with a billowing wave of air surging in all directions, like The tornado destroyed the parking lot.


The fist held by Hailan suddenly opened and turned into a claw shape, and colored high-energy auroral rays sprayed out from his fingers, like five sharp swords, towards Eam shot straight in the chest.

Yim did not evade, allowing Hailan’s five-color aurora to pierce his chest. At the same time, Yim’s arm blocked by Hailan suddenly turned into a black swarm of insects. The densely packed insect swarms madly attacked Hailan, seemingly about to swallow Hailan completely.

Hailan was surprised to find that even his own aurora rays blessing the high-end Busoshoku Haki could not hurt Eim, because Busoshoku Haki could only grasp the body of Logia Ability User, and Eim , At this time, he was relying on this weird swarm to repair his wounds, and healed as usual in a blink of an eye.

"What the hell is this?"

Among the swarms of insects that attacked him, Hai Lan felt a huge crisis.

This is not an ordinary swarm. These black swarms that look like ants with wings can even devour elements and Busoshoku Haki.

Appearing to be very satisfied with Hailan’s surprised expression, Yim sneered: "Let us keep some secrets of our own between each other. It seems pretty good, right?"

This guy has always been worried about his inability to guess Hailan's secret.

"such insignificant ability."

Hailan's eyebrows are cold, he is like a vortex, and the surging aurora particles rush towards him frantically, followed by Xiao Rays of light shine like the sun.

Sun Fist!

This is not the time.

The "Sun Fist" nowadays is no longer the speculative style that could only blind others' dogs many years ago. At this time, Hailan is really like the sun, with him as the core, scorching heat waves in all directions Rushed away.


black The ant colony was scorched by the heat wave and made a miserable cry, but they still rushed towards Hailan frantically, countless black The ants are devouring Hailan's aurora elements. This is not a contest of who restrains who, but an evenly matched contest.

"Day tiger, it's over."

Yim's silhouette crossed the void and came to Hailan's back in the blink of an eye.

Hailan dealt with the black ant colony, Yim will leave him with an unforgettable kidney attack; Hailan turned to fight against Yim, and the black ant colony behind him would consume him.

Hailan faced a sandwich-like attack from two sides.

"It's too early."

A tall silhouette like an ink swordsman shoots out from Hai Lan's body, holding the soul of the soul, and rolling up a huge ink sword aura Gang Feng attacked and killed the black bee colony in front of him.

The vicissitudes of life and the resolute voice regard death as home: "A ghost. Back to heaven!"

"shua!" "shua!" "shua!" "shua!"

A few sword shadows flashed across the sky, and countless black ant colonies were densely packed and fell towards the ground, turning into black smoke and annihilated in the void.

These black ant colonies are obviously not real ants.

In just an instant, Sword Spirit's body was full of holes, which was the terrifying consequence of being gnawed by countless ants.

This black ant colony can even be swallowed by Ghost God.

Fortunately, Ghost God is not a human being after all. As long as he is given enough time, the wound on his body will be completely recovered sooner or later.

And Hailan has already fallen heavily on Mariejois' palace under Yim.

"bang! !"

The gate of the castle was smashed open, and countless warriors broke into the city gate of Mariejois.

"ka! !"

The stone slab burst, Yim and Hailan jumped out of the pit one after another, the two sides are riddled with scars, gasped for breath, the fierce battle is visible Spotlight.

"Damn it."

Im screamed.

The Three Old Stars are pinned down by the Three Emperors.

Because of Pierce’s betrayal, the Celestial Dragon was killed by heroes from all over the world.

Even if he has all the abilities of his 3 types Devil Fruit, he still can't kill the day tiger.

The scene is obviously already not in his control.

"But, it's really fun!"

After a brief period of anger, Im burst into laughter.

It’s not Doflamingo’s kind of break out into laughter caused by anger, but Hailan’s intuition can feel that Yim seems to be laughing from the bottom of his heart.

Is this who in the end? What are you thinking about?

It's obviously that his side is at a disadvantage, why is he smiling so happily?

"Then... let's start the final closing performance!"

"Uranus, fight with me for the last one!"

Eim Right hand lightly waved towards the sky.


The earth roared, and the whole Holy Land began to shake. Countless people stood still and stopped to watch.

Hailan guessed something vaguely, and couldn't help being surprised: "Is it?"

"Yes! The so-called Holy Land in your mouth is the legendary'king of heaven'-Urano Si!"

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