Some friends may look too fast and feel confused. Here is a little explanation.

Redefine the strength realm after the system update.

Admiral, Yonko: Supreme realm

Hailan , Yim: Above Supreme

……The following is the text……

world Time: Sea Calendar 1520

Identity: Hailan

Age: meaningless

Strength evaluation: Above Supreme

Perception : Lv13 (12+1) (1 point is gained from self-cultivation promotion)

Calculation: Lv13 (12+1) (1 point is gained from self-cultivation promotion)

" Comfortable."

Seeing that the "pseudo" word behind "Supreme" in System's assessment of his own strength finally disappeared, Hailan was nodded with satisfaction.

The so-called "pseudo" character means that the abilities you temporarily possess are fake, with special effects added, and are unreliable.

"Straw Hat brat" Monkey·D·Luffy's strength is a kind of weird realm.

"Second gear", at first glance this is a very handsome and powerful ability, but after careful analysis, you will find that it is not the same thing at all.

Luffy uses his feet to pump up his body when he starts the "second gear" (two years later, both hands and feet are fine), just like a pump.

With the help of the pressure brought by pumping, the blood flow in the body can be accelerated, the heart is stimulated violently, the heartbeat rate is increased, and the strength of the body is strengthened.

This is a unique style that only rubber people can use, because the body of ordinary people is not rubber and does not have this kind of tension. If you forcibly activate this style, your blood vessels will rupture and your body will explode due to the huge increase in blood pressure.

Even the rubber man Luffy, when using the "second gear" in the early stage, it was at the expense of damaging his body and reducing lifespan.


these side effects are still not the most scary.

Including the "fourth gear" that later merged the "second gear" and "third gear" into one. Luffy's shift is actually equivalent to - using some kind of "secret technique" to temporarily increase his explosive power Raise one or more Ranks.

Just like your own arms and thighs, Devil Fruit’s ability is a completely personal ability. Luffy’s “shifting” style does not have the term “dependence” because it originally belongs to His own ability.

But I have to admit that Luffy's path has narrowed.

Luffy can only defeat Doflamingo by transforming into "fourth gear" and raising his strength several ranks out of thin air.

Imagine that Luffy with 0 block (normal state) is actually not much capable, that is, it is a tie with the gorillas of Zou Island.

Also narrowing the road is the More-More Fruit Ability User, "world destroyer" Byrnndi Wapol.

He used More-More Fruit's real ability to magnify the super cannonball a hundred times and was cut into two pieces by Hawk Eyes. This is the difference between the true strength of the two.

Just imagine, what is the concept if you enlarge and speed up the slash of Hawk Eyes by a hundred times? I'm afraid it can directly cut off an island.

So Luffy's ability to defeat Wapol is really not a protagonist's halo, because that stuff, simply isn't that strong.

Hailan officially stepped into the realm of "Above Supreme" and removed the "pseudo" word. This shows that his path is getting wider and wider.

"Achievement skills, not forgetting, lightning conversion, perception barrier..."

"Special skills, heroic temperament, King's Heart, eyes of insight..."

"Reward skills, soul stripping...have it!"

Not long after Hailan’s computing power reached Level 13, a new attribute soon appeared on the System panel. Among.

[New skills, [One with Heaven and Earth] has been acquired, source of skills, upgrade skills above Supreme]

"Upgrading skills", in other words, it is actually "hardware upgrade".

From the 8-bit machine used to fight Contra when I was a child, the 16-bit machine of Tyrant Fist, to 32-bit XPSystem, 64-bit win7, win10System, the basic conditions for improving computing power are often The first is the upgrade of the hardware.

No one can play Cyberpunk 2077 on an 8-bit machine because the computing power is simply not matched.

Hailan's calculation and perception ability both reached Level 13, and the updated System also thoughtfully strengthened his body to a realm above the real Supreme.

Hailan’s previous fatigue and internal injury accumulated in the battle with Yim were completely wiped out. Hailan expected the "golden light flashed, full state" special effect after the Rank increase. Appeared!

Well, actually there is simply nothing golden light flashed.

Hailan didn't care either. He was already satisfied with the further increase in physical strength. Compared with the fancy special effects, Hailan paid more attention to these substantive things.

"What does One with Heaven and Earth mean?"

After calming down his excitement, Hailan continued to watch the explanation of the new skill.

[[One with Heaven and Earth] "The foundation of martial arts is to be one with nature!" Those abilities that have been "lent" to you by mysterious beings will be completely exclusive from now on yourself. ]

This description is very illusory, just like saying nothing. But in the dark, it was like a sudden enlightenment, and it was like a memory that originally belonged to him was suddenly awakened, Hai Lan had fully understood the meaning of "One with Heaven and Earth".

The "Heaven" here does not refer to the real sky or the "Heaven" or "Heaven Realm" in the mythology, but refers to nature as in the description.

Hailan is an Ability User of "Logia ・Aurora Fruit". He can be transformed into an aurora element and can control the abilities related to aurora. At the same time, he is restricted by Devil Fruit, afraid of Kairoski and sea water.

The skill called "Soul Stripping" can temporarily separate Hailan from Devil Fruit, making Hailan immune to the suppression of Kairoseki and the sea. As a price, Hailan will lose the Aurora Fruit at the same time as the ability is separated. Ability.

Being one with nature, this means that "Aurora", including the "thunderbolt" ability derived from lightning conversion, has been integrated into Hailan's own ability, and it is no longer being used by the outside world, that is, Devil Fruit. And endowment is like a person has a nose and eyes, and a person's body can heat up and exercise. "Aurora" and "thunderbolt" have completely become part of Hai Lan's body.

This is not as simple as being immune to "Kairoseki" and "sea water". Hailan is no longer an aurora element, and he has become a human flesh and blood again.

The "capacity imparting system" such as retrograde fruit, music fruit, Wash-Wash Fruit, More-More Fruit, Soru Soru no Mi, all split up and in pieces fruit is good. UU reading www.

Gomu-Gomu No Mi, Venom Fruit, Candle Fruit, Ice-Ice Fruit, Magma Fruit, these "body modification systems" are different.

Luffy has become a rubber man, possessing all the attributes of rubber, including advantages and disadvantages; Magellan incarnates venom and has diarrhea all day long; Candle fruit Ability User is afraid of high temperature even if it does not use the ability; even if it is as strong as precognition, No longer wearing the Marine uniform, but also wearing a cotton coat all day long, when Akainu is angry, his body will magma and burn the things around him.

The Devil Fruit Ability User of the "Body Modification Department" is no longer a pure "human".

"One with Heaven and Earth" means to transform Hailan back into human beings again.

At the same time, "Aurora" and "thunderbolt" are abilities that belong to Hailan completely. With a single thought, he can still release aurora and thunderbolt, and can still elemental transformation without any loss.

The price is not that absolutely does not have, that is, "Aurora Fruit" and Hailan One with Heaven and Earth. There is no "Aurora Fruit" in the world.

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