apart from this, "One with Heaven and Earth" also transformed another ability of Hailan .

Not only the power of Devil Fruit, but the Sword Spirit in the soul is also integrated into Hailan's body by "One with Heaven and Earth", becoming a part of Hailan itself.

It can be understood that Hailan has obtained a kind of "stand-in attack". It can also be said that Hailan is now a two-soul one, and Soulshang has changed from a "Supreme" demon knife to one The black blade of pure "above Supreme" level no longer has special ability.

But, Hailan doesn’t like this result at all...

It’s just that Devil Fruit’s ability is integrated into her body, adding another soul to her body, it’s true It's uncomfortable.

Just imagine, if you take a bath or go to the toilet in the future, there will always be another consciousness with you, watching you all the time. Every detail in your life is exposed to his observation. Who can stand this? ?

Although the Sword Spirit in the Soul is a ghost shadow swordsman who is not interested in anything except fighting, Hailan still feels uncomfortable.

"I still like a little bit of my own privacy."

Mumbled, Hailan was not satisfied with the additional ability of "One with Heaven and Earth".

Initiating the "soul stripping" ability, Hailan quickly separated the Sword Spirit of the soul from his own soul, and the Sword Spirit, who had lost its attachment, re-lodged in the soul. .

Hailan tsk tsk was surprised, shook his head and sighed: "Fortunately, my abilities are still relatively rich. I was a false alarm."

After dealing with my own affairs, young Marine Fleet Admiral began to make final preparations for the attack on Celestial Dragon's Holy Land.

Hailan left Kong Ming before, because Hailan needed Kong Ming to conduct a public opinion war for Marine without gunpowder.

Celestial Dragon releases the murderous criminals in the deep-sea prison Impel Down. Of course, they will not admit that they let go, but will discredit Marine, saying that it is the Marine of wild ambition in order to weaken the power of the World Government. Thus released those criminals.

Typical thief crying, "Stop thief!".

What I have to admit is that if left alone, most people will believe the rumors of the World Government, after all, they don’t have a God’s perspective.

"World Nobles" Celestial Dragon’s fall has been going on for hundreds of years.

In that distant East Blue, Goa Kingdom, the hometown of Vice Admiral Garp, the civilians there, even the nobles They all thought that these "World Nobles" were perfect human beings with elegance and gentlemanly demeanor between their gestures.

It wasn't until Sabo, who went to sea in childhood, was shelled by Celestial Dragon and his life and death were unknown. It was the first time that the people of Goa Kingdom saw the cruelty of these World Nobles.

It can be seen that what people know is not necessarily the truth, so the war of public opinion must not be lost, especially Hailan needs a million-level recognition value.

He is now Marine's Fleet Admiral. The common people's identification with Marine is equivalent to their identification with himself.

Staff Kong Ming is an excellent talent in dealing with politics, even more how Hailan has already rescued "Big News" Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency, and World Government is in this field of public opinion The disastrous defeat in the war can be described as horrible.

Around the world, the voices of supporting Marine's crusade against World Nobles continue to rise and become more and more intense.

"Report, Momousagi and Tokikake Vice Admiral, two Vice Admiral encountered a very difficult problem in the park."

With Hailan’s consent, intelligence officer Brannu began to help the sea. Lan explained this problem.

Hailan raised her eyebrows: "Blackbeard Pirates group?"


Brannu hands behind back without looking at the manuscript , Talking endlessly.

"The name of the captain of the Blackbeard Pirates regiment is Marshall D·Teach and he calls himself'Blackbeard'. His rapid rise is due to the turbulence of Impel Down. In Impel Down, I don’t know what he used What is the method, including many famous Great Pirates such as the "Big Barrel" Basque Choate, the "Evil King" Abarro Pizarro, the "Xuanmoon Hunter" Catalina Depeng, etc., They joined the Blackbeard Pirates group one after another."

Hailan was a little surprised: "This black fatty is a little bit impressed. At that time Issho brought him to my G5 branch. Buggy has a good relationship with him. It didn’t take long to see, this guy has grown so big?"

"And this is not the most serious problem."

The above content is enough to shock the sea, but cloth Lanu believes that if you compare with the latter, the previous things are not surprising at all.

Hailan paused , tapped his index finger on the desktop, "Speak."

"The former Impel Down Chief Warden, Shiliew of'Rain' also joined the Blackbeard Pirates group ."

Hailan remains unmoved.

Although this incident is more surprising, it can't be considered a major event that can suppress the previous content.

Sure enough, Brannu has something to follow.

"This Blackbeard, together with Shiliew, killed the legendary Great Pirate'world destroyer' Byrnndi Wapol, I don’t know what method to use. He absorbed Wapol and More-More Fruit. Now it has the dual abilities of Logia ・Yami Yami no Mi and Paramecia ・More-More Fruit at the same time."

"It's another...Alien."

Hailan is slightly frowned.

The same creature cannot eat two Devil Fruits, otherwise it will explode and die. This is common sense.

Ai Yin can assassinate a Gorosei and it is also an attribute of Devil Fruit.

It is recorded in some very old materials that a very rare type of person is sometimes born in the world, who can eat two Devil Fruit at the same time and possesses two Devil Fruit abilities. This type of person is called For "alien body".

In the past, Hailan only knew something about the data. The first alien he really encountered was Yim who possessed both Logia·Field Fruit and Paramecia·Space Fruit.

I didn't expect, Teach, who had been hiding in Whitebeard Pirates for more than 20 years, turned out to be an alien.

"Having both the Paramecia ・More-More Fruit Reality and Logia ・Yami Yami no Mi abilities, plus the Great Pirates under them, this Blackbeard Pirates group has not yet developed its own power, but From the high-end configuration point of view, it can be regarded as an Emperor level Pirates, not very easy to deal with."

Hailan thought for a moment, and quickly issued an order: "In this way, you will explain for me. Going on,'Descendants of the Devil' Douglas Buretto,'Blackbeard' Marshall D. Teach, the danger level of these two people has been redefined as the Emperor Pirate level, and continue to execute in accordance with the original combat policy."

Marine's current targets are all criminals except "Emperor Pirate" and "Oka Shichibukai".

There were a lot of extrajudicial fanatics in this World. Celestial Dragon released the prisoners in Impel Down, which caused a blowout increase in the number of the impossible. I have to admit that, Marine really doesn't have extra troops to deal with so many enemies at the same time.

This is one of them.


The emperor Pirate is different from the wandering Pirate. The wandering Pirate will only burn, kill and loot everywhere, and the emperor Pirate will establish his own power, speaking from a certain perspective, before the real Great Marine era, the emperor Pirate The existence of it helps maintain the stability of the sea.

This is also the reason why Hailan will not attack them for the time being.


Brannu retired.

"Neither [D] nor [Aliens], no matter how much trouble, can I still make trouble for Yim?"

Said to herself, Hailan didn’t Concerned about these issues again, but ordered the staff to find Kong Ming.

Although this Kong Ming is far inferior to the Wolong on Earth, he is still a rare and outstanding talent. He accomplished all the tasks assigned to him by Hailan very well.

Kong Ming cupped the hands to Hailan, "I have seen Fleet Admiral."

Hailan was nodded, "It's almost time to start."

Kong Ming was surprised. , "Have you fully recovered?"

"Everything is ready, I only owe the east wind."

"Let’s find Morgans now!"

The whole world will never forget that day.

Sea Calendar November 17, 1520, in every corner of the world, wherever signals can be received, the silhouette of the same person appears on all the big screens at the same time.

"Damn the Purple Demon, it's that he made us no way to live happily anymore!"

"If it weren't for the fact that I couldn't live, I wouldn't want to be Pirate either. " " wife, that's who you said at the Marines of Hero? " " yes ah, I adore him! If you have one of the very people My temperament, I won’t quarrel with you every day!"

"The magician who was once the World Government bounty 500 million Beli, the starting bounty is the existence of Whitebeard and Roger at the end level; the current Marine Fleet Admiral , The day tiger who led Marine and World Nobles to war... didn't expect, it seems that he is still so young."

Pirate, civilians, and reclusive people, because of various reasons, They stopped to watch the heroic posture of the man on the big screen everywhere on the side of the road.

"Hello, compatriots all over the world, I am Fleet Admiral of Marine, Day Tiger・Hai Lan."

"World Nobles for a long time."

"Western Blue, your hometown once had a beautiful island of knowledge turned into ruins."

"Southern Blue, where a king who loved his people like a child was called a tyrant "The name of the city."

"The tragedy of the northern blue and white towns is like yesterday’s nightmare, vividly remembered."

"Eastern Blue, do you still remember the one who wanted to go to sea to chase? Dreaming little boy?"

"My fellows of the Grand Line, the door of Impel Down Eternal Hell was forcibly opened, and you are the most direct victims."

"You Do you want to continue to bear it?"

"Don’t you want to fight for a peaceful era for yourself and your family and friends?"



"There has never been any Savior."

"Nor can rely on the illusory angel Ghost God."

"To create human happiness."

"We can only rely on ourselves. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Those World Nobles that used to ride tyrannically abused power above your head are now hiding on the top of Mariejois. , The top of the Red Line continent."

"Any compatriot who is willing to fight for their own happiness, can join us and attack Mariejois with Marine."

"Today, I, Shuhu·Hailan, Marine’s Fleet Admiral, in the name of all Marine, send an invitation to every compatriot all over the world."

"Whether you are Pirate or a civilian, whether you are Mountain Bandit Gangster, or Bounty Hunter, you want you to be willing, as long as you want to contribute your own strength, no one will refuse to come."

"Those aloof and remote privileged World Nobles, they will I am called'Celestial Dragon' and claim to be a descendant of God."

"After seven days, please follow me on Mariejois. " " And I will lead you, killing God. "

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