More than a month passed in a hurry.

For more than a month, Marines all over the world have not had a day to rest, they have spent every day busy.

It is not just the vicious Pirate released by Celestial Dragon from Impel Down.

Since I heard that Marine is fighting with the World Government, many large and small forces and wandering Pirates that were originally hidden have surfaced one after another, do as one pleases, act wilfully.

They think that whether it is Marine or World Government, they will not have extra energy to take care of them during the fighting with each other, or even a considerable period of time after the end of the war.

It's a pity that they felt that, not Hailan's.

They did not expect that Marine would put down its preparations for the World Government and turned to devote most of its troops to fighting crime.

Especially this time, Marine did not take prisoners or keep alive. This is Marine's annihilation war against criminals.

Unexpectedly, Pirate, gangsters and other extrajudicial fanatics all over the world were killed and injured countless.

In the four seas, there are even many branches of Marine who took advantage of the opportunity of the headquarters and Celestial Dragon to betray Marine's justice and engage in warlord style. This group of Marine traitors are also within the scope of Marine's attack. Inside.

In the treatment of traitors, Hailan has always been iron Xue Wuqing.

Grand Line, Sabaody Archipelago.

The new and old Marine Headquarters have been destroyed. This is the archipelago closest to the "Holy Land" Mariejois. Eim has no interest in maintaining law and order. In addition, this is a must pass between the paradise and New World. Lu, the current shampoo land, has become a Pirate paradise that is more respectless of the law and of natural morality than Gaya Island’s "Mock Town".

The captain of the "Straw Hat adventure group" "Straw Hat" Luffy suffered the biggest blow in his adventure here.

Always fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, Luffy, who can only be "reckless" in the event of trouble, provokes an enemy he can't afford to offend-"3D Godzilla", "Descent of the Devil" ", Douglas Buretto.

The current Luffy has been out for less than a year, and he has not been able to use it in third gear, let alone fourth gear. His strength, even if he adds Zoro, Sanji, and Franky. , It's not enough for Buretto to stuff his teeth.

Buretto doesn’t even need to transform into a “3D Godzilla” form.

He lets the Straw Hat adventure group use both hands and feet, relying on the purest body refinement, and it’s already done. The younger generations can't find North anymore.

"You said you want to surpass Pirate King? What kind of thing are you!"

Buretto originally just wanted to play with Luffy. He thought these youngsters were very interesting, but when he heard Luffy shout "I am going to be a man beyond Pirate King" Buretto was angry when the slogan came.

Pirate King Gol D. Roger is the only man Buretto identifies with, and is also the goal he vowed to surpass.

With Buretto's powerful strength, the reason why he was captured by the Marine at the time in Impel Down was because after Roger died, Buretto lost his only goal in life, and he began to fight and destroy frantically. In the end, he was arrested and imprisoned by Marine because he was exhausted by fighting the "Buster Call" with Admiral oversee.

Buretto, no one is allowed to be disrespectful to Roger.

This is not the theater version, the aura of the children of the plane is invalid.

Will Buretto be moved by Luffy's persistence?

Does not exist.

The Straw Hat adventure group now dare not move.

Buretto, who has lost interest, even wants to kill his friends one by one in front of Luffy.

"Asshole Buretto, stay away from Usop!"

Luffy roar hysterically.

Even though his body was wounded, Luffy still gritted his teeth and activated the second gear again, madly attacking Buretto.

"It's too slow. When you rush over, this long nose head has been squeezed by me."

"Let’s stop here, Buretto!"

A vicissitudes of life sounded, a pair of powerful big feet hit the middle of Buretto's arm, Buretto's hand shook, Usopp finally fell to the ground, avoiding the fate of being pinched to death.

Buretto grinned and showed a meaningful smile, "long time no see, Rayleigh... sir!"

"Just, Rayleigh, you have to help this group of little demon Early?"

"Buretto, you don’t have to kill to the last one, they are just a bunch of children."

"Child? So what? Who is not from Child comes from the age? Who gave them the courage to go to sea with such a little strength? Do they think they are playing a house? If they don’t know how cruel and good this sea is, then today, it’s up to me. Come and teach them yourself!"

Buretto's contempt and dissatisfaction with Straw Hat Pirates is not without reason.

As he himself said, there is no qualification to go to sea without the strength.

As early as on Roger's boat, the 15-year-old Buretto was able to tie with Rayleigh.

Today, several decades later, Buretto is in prime of life, Devil Fruit has also developed the awakened realm, and the elderly Rayleigh is not as strong as before. Obviously, Rayleigh is no longer Buretto's opponent. .

The current Buretto is the "Yonko" level of genuine, "Supreme realm".

Rayleigh knows Buretto, except Roger, Buretto will not listen to anyone.

"Hey, little demon, don't hurry up !"

Rayleigh is very anxious.

He knew how long he could not stop Buretto.

Buretto grinned Issho, "Mr. Rayleigh..., now I am different from me back then."

While he was parrying Rayleigh, he started Devil Fruit at the same time. His awakening ability directly created a circle of barriers to stop the Straw Hat adventure group who wanted to escape.


As if moving instantaneously, a tall silhouette suddenly appeared between Buretto and Rayleigh.

Oka Shichibukai, the "tyrant" Bartholomew · bear who has been missing for a long time!

The bear whispered a few words in Rayleigh's ear, and Rayleigh's squeezed eyebrows stretched out.

"I can still do this."

In the next instant, the bear flashed directly to the side of the Straw Hat adventure group.

Luffy and the gang have not been able to distinguish whether a person is a friend or an enemy. With a slap, the bear directly photographed the dying long-nose Usopp disappeared without a trace, as if disappeared from the face of the earth.

Luffy was completely stunned, the companion he recognized and cherished, that's it... no more?

Taking advantage of Rayleigh's opportunity to temporarily stop Buretto, the bear flickered and came to Nami again.

Xiong hesitated a little, he remembered that Nami seemed to be related to Marine, and his mother seemed to have something to do with that day tiger.

Forget it, I didn't harm her, Hiuhu It shouldn't be blame myself?

"Luffy, save me!"

After the bear hesitated so much, UU reading www.uukā gave Nami a few seconds to ask for help.

The second gear Luffy, Santoryu Zoro, and Sanji, the demon wind foot, attacked quickly from three directions, but in the next instant, Nami directly disappeared.

Luffy was so stupid, tears and nose running.

He began to use his head to hit the ground frantically. He hated, he hated it very much, he was very angry, but what he hated most was not Buretto or the bear, but himself. He hated his own power. , It is too small.


Just when the Straw Hat adventure group was experiencing the Waterloo of their lives, far away in the floating island fortress and the mobile Marine Headquarters in Hailan, the mood was extremely refreshing. Delightful.

It has nothing to do with Straw Hat adventure group.

Hailan is happy that with the efforts of Marines all over the world for more than a month, he follows Fleet Admiral's justice to serve the people, the military and the people are united, people-oriented, and his "identity value" Finally breakthrough the one million mark.

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