
In the office of Marine Fleet Admiral, there is immediate absolute silence.

Listen to Fleet Admiral Sengoku... Is he going to give the position of Marine Fleet Admiral to Hailan Admiral?

Sengoku laughed: "Why, haven't you heard what I said clearly? Don't I need to repeat it again?"

Momousagi opened his small mouth in surprise: "No... …This is a bit too abrupt... Fleet Admiral, are you serious?"

"I’ve been a retiree long ago, and now I’m just an agent Fleet Admiral, this Marine Fleet Admiral was supposed to be Sakazuki, but he has sacrificed in Mariejois for justice, shouldn't I give up Fleet Admiral's position?"

Speaking of this, Sengoku's face suddenly felt sad: "Sakazuki The day before leaving, he talked with me for a long time. According to his last wish, he also hoped that Hailan could take over the position of Marine Fleet Admiral."

Sengoku felt that Akainu on that day was somewhat Weird, it's just that Akainu in my memory never lied to him, Sengoku didn't doubt it, didn't expect, Akainu finally chose to take the 1st Step.

For a while, Sengoku looked towards everyone again: "What? Don’t you agree?"

"It’s not... we just think it’s a bit too sudden... "

Gion murmured a little, and then he was the first to say: "I support your decision!"

"The old man also thinks that Mr. Hailan is very suitable for this position, after all If that Eim is really as strong as the legend, Marine Fleet Admiral's position is none other than Mr. Hailan, only he can hope to defeat such a monster."

"I... I am the same. ......"

This time, even the two chief staff members clearly expressed their approval, but Kizaru said nothing.

Sengoku said curiously: "Borsalino, do you have any other comments?"

"This... does have."

Kizaru sits in a tight face and faces A rare seriousness emerged: “First of all, the old man agrees with Admiral Dayhu Admiral’s succession to Marine Fleet Admiral. I have no opinion on this matter.

What I want to say is this Then, another place for Marine Headquarter is vacated. At present, it seems that the most suitable one is Gion Vice Admiral or Vice Admiral. Therefore, old man thinks that it is better to retire directly than old man, so that the place for Marine Headquarter will be empty. With two out, Gion Vice Admiral and Jiaji Vice Admiral don’t have to fight anymore. Isn’t it beautiful?"


Everyone was speechless, and after tactics Up.

This sounded like Kizaru had an opinion on Hailan. He was so weak that he could not make clear what to do, so he resigned and resigned to protest.

In fact, everyone here knows Kizaru. He is simply not interested in playing political games. He clearly wants to run away. Once Marine goes to war with the World Government, there will be wars. , Marine Headquarter is going to take the lead and take the lead. How can it be compared to resigning and retiring and taking care of the elderly in the rear?

Hai Lan saw through Kizaru’s careful thoughts, but he didn’t break it either. Instead, he said, “Borsalino senior, you can’t resign from Marine Headquarters yet.”

Kizaru's mouth crooked: "Why?"

"If you leave, only one of Marine’s elder staff members will be left as a staff officer. This is extremely unfriendly to Marine’s internal stability work. The World Government may also make a fuss about this matter. You don’t want to watch Sakazuki Fleet Admiral leave, the Marine business he left behind becomes a mess?"

Sengoku nodded with satisfaction, Although what Hailan said is not very profound, but at least it is simple to understand and move emotions. All Marine senior veterans change to newbie. This is indeed easy to be criticized. In addition, Borsalino is not just Marine’s Admiral, he is also Sakazuki. 'S friends.


Kizaru sighed, he really doesn’t want to get involved in too many disputes, but for justice, his classmate friend Sakazuki gambled on his life. At this time, he If I quit, I would be too sorry for Sakazuki.

"In this case,

the old man will give full play to his residual heat, and accompany you youngsters to go crazy again."

Hailan nodded: "many thanks."

Kizaru soon became quiet again.

Hai Lan looked towards everyone, "As for the third Admiral, I don’t want to appoint this position yet. I hope to leave this position to the person who has done the most in the Celestial Dragon crusade. Gion senior, In addition to senior, please forgive me for my willfulness."

Sengoku, Crane, Kong Ming and the others have no objection. Hailan’s decision is indeed reasonable. This can maximize the enthusiasm of Marine soldiers to fight. The only thing they worry about is that Momousagi and Tokikake Vice Admiral may not be acceptable, especially Momousagi, who has been actively supporting Hailan. I don’t know if Hailan’s decision will make her sad.

Momousagi said to Hailan Yanran Issho: "The elder sister watched you grow from Small Accomplishment to this step today. Don’t I know you yet? Don’t worry, I won’t blame you, and I won’t lose to anyone again. Even if it’s fair competition, I can overwhelm other opponents!"

Speaking, Momousagi also touched Tokikake next to him with his arm, "You say something What are you talking about."

"Uh? Me?"

Tokikake couldn't help but grinned Issho, "Me too!"



"World Economic News Agency", headquarters.

"Big News" Morgans hasn't slept for a long time.

According to the order of the World Government, the newspaper he issued covered up a lot of facts, and also discredited Marine’s Fleet Admiral and Admiral. He is now very worried whether he will lose his life because of this incident.

Even if World Government agents assured him that he would never be in danger, Morgans still couldn't feel at ease. After all...Didn't the World Government find the dead tiger's body?

"en? What's the smell?"

Walking to the door following the salty breath, Morgans pushed open the door and almost jumped up in fright.

The agents who had been stationed near his bedroom and said to "protect" him were wiped their necks, and blood was bleeding all over the floor.

"Don't call, you understand?"

A voice came from behind, and Morgans hurriedly closed his mouth, nodded hard.

"Turn around and look at me."


Morgans stared wide-eyed, the rumored Marine The Headquarter didn't die as expected. Thinking of the other party's "Don't Scream", Morgans didn't dare to say a word. The word "Day Tiger" was stuck in his throat.

When Morgens' breathing gradually recovered, Hai Lan said: "I won't blame you for your mess."

"You don't blame me?"

"every injustice has its perpetrator, you are just a tool man, don't go to the World Government to settle accounts but find your trouble? It's like not daring to find Pirate who killed his relatives and friends but only dare to take revenge Losing his temper at the sailor's knife used by Pirate is nothing more than a coward."

Listening to Hiruto's tone, it didn't seem to be a lie, Morgans finally relaxed.

"Then you are looking for me for?"

"To ask you for a favor."

"As long as I can do it, go through water and tread on fire, it’s incumbent."

Hai Lan sneered: "Don’t brag, tell me something practical."

Morgans hurriedly responded: "OK...OK ......"

"I am going to declare war on Celestial Dragon in the name of Marine, and your job is to spread this news to the sea."

Morgans looked embarrassed: "This..."

Hai Lan raised her eyebrows: "You don't agree?"

"no no no!"

Morgans hurriedly waved his hands. "It's just that there is a small problem."

"What's the problem?"

"Don't be angry after you listen."

"You Say."

"Marine, after all, depends on Celestial Dragon’s celestial gold to maintain operations. You have to deal with Celestial Dragon in the name of Marine. If they say Marine is an anti-thief, you can I can’t argue with a hundred words, after all, Marine’s name against Celestial Dragon is not right, and it’s not right."

"Who said we were anti-thief?"

"What do you mean?"



Morgans saw an Akagami girl come out.

"Tell him who you are."

The girl handed Morgans a thin card. Morgans stared wide-eyed: "Hernandez Ga West Asia? This is Celestial Dragon’s ID chip! How could she have this thing?"

"What did you say?"

Morgans looked towards the girl in surprise: "You Is it Celestial Dragon?!"

Ciruno smiled slightly, "authentic."

"We are not anti-thief, we are just standing on the side of the righteous Celestial Dragon and crusade against the evil Celestial Dragon, nothing else, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, do you have any questions? Oh, yes, when you finish the work I entrusted to you, I will take you far and high to an absolutely safe place. Celestial Dragon will never find you. "

Hai Lan originally wanted to bring Pierce, but thinking that it might kill Pierce's family, she changed to Cirno.

"There is no problem!"

Morgans is in awe. In fact, he has long seen Celestial Dragon displeased, but anyone who has had contact with Celestial Dragon , Have been oppressed by Celestial Dragon more or less.

The next day, countless news birds took off from New World and sent the last issue of the World Economic News Agency to all parts of the world.

"The Declining Nobility: Celestial Dragon The Hernandez family was extinguished overnight for proposing reform proposals"

"The Buried Truth: Siege of Marine Headquarter "Day Tiger" Hailan’s is not the legendary Rocks Pirates"

"Historical suspicion: the original Marine Fleet Admiral "Akainu" Sakazuki went to Mariejois alone because of this"

"Marine Legend : The Youngest Marine Fleet Admiral in History Has Been Born "Descendants" in the name of "devil-like and sinful acts"

Today's "World Economic News Agency" is extraordinarily generous, and every news in the newspaper is enough to attract readers’ attention, even normally put in There are countless readers involved in the page that no one cares about in the corner of the corner.

But the most noticeable is the front page news.

"The Times Will Change"

"I am Marine Fleet Admiral'Day Tiger' Hailan, today, with all Marine Headquarters soldiers, to the World Government in the name of justice, Officially declare war."


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