Located in the new Marine Headquarters in New World, all Marine officers and soldiers gathered in the center of the square.

The war between Marine and World Government has become an inevitable inevitability. Before everything starts, in order to boost Marine's morale, a grand swearing ceremony is being held at Marine Headquarters.

Different from the public execution of Great Pirate "BIG・MOM" Charlotte Linlin, no reporters came to the scene this time, and Marine’s own propaganda department did not broadcast it, because even the broadcast is impossible. Going out, the World Government’s strength control over the world is still much higher than that of Marine, and any live broadcast signal will be cut off in time.

The new Marine Fleet Admiral, who was in danger, walked towards the high platform in the center of the square. Marine officers and soldiers looked at Hailan, looking at the stalwart shore like a mountain. Their new Fleet Admiral in an imposing manner.

There is no need to use Haoshoku Haki to move any hands or feet. Now Hailan, just standing there can put a lot of pressure on others, and Hailan is not their enemy, it’s theirs. Fleet Admiral, in front of Hailan, what Marines feel is not pressure, but motivation, a force that can double their confidence and calm down.

"I think you all people should know, right? The war between Marine and the World Government is about to break out, and the scale of this war is bound to be unprecedented, and it is not the first in the past. This is the second time that the war on the top can be mentioned on equal terms."

Hai Lan from the high on platform glanced around the Marine soldiers below and started his speech.

He doesn’t need to use a loudspeaker. Instead, he uses electromagnetic waves to induce sound, and uses electromagnetic waves to vibrate the air to make a sound. Hailan’s voice can be clearly transmitted to every Marine’s ear. Come, just like Fleet Admiral speaking in his ears, every Marine soldier listened very carefully.

"Those so-called World Nobles, those Celestial Dragons have ruled the world for 800 years. In 800 years, even a desert can be transformed into a forest. But those Celestial Dragons What did they do? They didn’t do anything. They just rode on people’s heads like leeches to suck blood. No, saying that they are leeches have insulted leeches. Leeches still have medicinal value, but what about Celestial Dragon? Who can? Tell me a good thing Celestial Dragon has done?"

Hearing Fleet Admiral's humor, the soldiers could not help but laugh, Hailan paused for a moment, and waited until the voice in the audience gradually calmed down. , He continued: "Marine has endured for too long, and the people have endured for too long. It is time to point the blade of justice to the greatest evil in the world."

"Destroy Celestial Dragon! Marine! Win!"

There was a lot of people in the square. Even the Marine under the World Government, most soldiers have suffered from the insults of Celestial Dragon, as long as it is not the East Blue Goa Kingdom who has nothing to Celestial Dragon. There are even ignorant frontiers who know and even have a hint of fantasy, but those who have known what Celestial Dragon does are all looking forward to a day of high spirits.

Hai Lan pressed her hand and signaled everyone to be quiet.

"I have to say that there is no way to avoid the dead in war. It is normal to feel fear in the face of death."

"But we are Marine, the only one on this sea Guardian of justice, if we choose to withdraw because we are afraid, who should defend and enforce justice?"

"I'm afraid it's normal, I won't blame you. But I also believed that among you There must be warriors willing to shed their blood for justice. Just like the great pioneer Mr. Sakazuki, he is the messenger of justice and the hero of Marine. He will be remembered forever by the world."

"Time is pressing and the war is coming. Here, I am willing to give you a chance. Those who are afraid of death can choose to quit now. Marine will not stop you. There is only one choice. Once the war starts, everyone including me I can’t look back anymore, the deserters will be severely punished. Let’s get started, make your choice."


The Marines underneath are in a commotion,

The discussion came and went one after another.

None of the general-level officers flinched. They were all headquarter generals, and it was impossible to sit in this position for fear of death.

The strongest retreat is the lower-level soldier, but it is only relative to the generals. They are all headquarter elites. Since they have chosen Marine this path, the overwhelming majority have already done it. Out of the consciousness to dedicate everything for justice.

“I’m afraid of death from the very beginning, I won’t join Marine!”

“I’ve long wanted to fuck Celestial Dragon, such a good opportunity, how? May quit!"

Some Marines who had originally started to retire, or were infected by the emotions of their comrades, or "sorry", most of them were firmly in place, with only negligible extremes. A small part of them finally bowed their heads and exited Marine with heavy and difficult steps.

"You who chose to stay...are all heroes!"

Hai Lan glanced around the Marine soldiers with firm faces below, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, he said. Raised his right hand, at this moment, only the military salute can express my respect for them.

"shua! !"

The neat palms were raised, and even the air was sighed. The countless "coats of justice" swayed with the wind, and looked like turbulence at first glance. Surging waves.

Hai Lan's eyes flickered, and he said his final declaration: "The long night is coming, I will watch from now on, and I will rest until I die.

I will not marry a wife, No Fiefdom, no children.

I will not wear a crown, and will not compete for honor.

I will do my duty and live and die in the dark.

I am in the dark The sword of God, the guard on the Great Wall.

I am fighting the cold flame, awakening the horn of the sleeper, and guarding the shield of justice.

I dedicate my life and glory to justice. , Tonight, every night, until dawn!"

Hai Lan’s final declaration made the Marines enthusiastic, and even the veterans such as Garp and Sengoku seemed to feel the energy of their youth.

Wagner, who first followed Hailan and has now become Marine Vice Admiral, stood up for the first time. He was born in the obscure East Blue. It was Hailan Sir who promoted him and let him step by step. Justice, and today, Marine is about to implement the most difficult justice in the world.

Wagner shouted loudly, spontaneously, from the heart: "Vice Admiral Wagner is willing to follow Fleet Admiral forever, share honor and disgrace, regard death as home, justice will win!"

With the leading effect of Wagner, more and more Marine soldiers shouted in unison: "We share honor and disgrace, treat death as home, justice will prevail!!" The sky.


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