When Sengoku and the others walked outside, Marine Square was already a vast crowd. Countless Marine soldiers surrounded the returning person in the middle. Their Marine Headquarter, "Day Tiger" Hai Lan.

"Mr. Hailan, you are really very good!"

"I knew that Admiral would not be killed by Pirate of trifling!"

"Mr. Hailan, Sakazuki Fleet Admiral, he has... he has..."

"Everyone gives a hand, Fleet Admiral and Admiral are here..."

The congested crowd quickly gave way to a path. Sengoku and Issho walked in the forefront, and Vice Admiral such as Gion and Jiaji followed closely from behind.


Sengoku took a step forward and slapped Hailan's arms hard. It seems that only this kind of real touch can make him believe that all this is no longer It is an illusory dream.

"You brat...finally came back!"

The turbid eyes of the weather-beaten Fleet Admiral are covered with a layer of mist, precognition resigns, Akainu sacrifices, see one's child die before oneself, Sengoku's life is almost spent in winds and waves.

Hai Lan's face was apologetic, and Issho pursed his lips: "I made you worried."

"Smelly brat, it's fine if you can come back, and you can see that you are safe. Things, my worries are valuable!" Hailan was nodded, he took a step forward and looked around at the people around him, familiar and unfamiliar, they are all heroic Marine, they are all worried about their comrades in arms.

"Marine Headquarter...I will return to my place today!"

Hai Lan’s body stood upright, his right arm raised, and a respect to the crowd around him The standard military salute is like a strong pine.

"shua! !"

Countless voices sounded at the same time, Marine officers and soldiers responded in unison, shouting straight into the sky, imposing manner: "Welcome Hailan Admiral Come back!!"


The return of Hailan made the Marines find the backbone again, and the chaotic Marine Headquarters finally returned to order gradually.

In the office of Marine Fleet Admiral, agents Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Marine Headquarter Borsalino, Hai Lan, Issho, "General Staff" Crane, Kong Ming, Vice Admiral Jiaji, and Gion gathered together.

"Things have reached this step, the old man will just say it."

Sengoku straight to the point, it seems that even the normally sad and decadent face Excited a lot, "For the World Government... to be precise, Celestial Dragon, what do you think? Are you going to continue to obey Celestial Dragon or choose to resist? Let’s talk about it all."

" I come back here, hoping to unite everyone to overthrow the greatest evil in the world, that is, those decadent Celestial Dragons."

No matter what others think, Hailan is the first to express his attitude.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, but no one speaks for a while.

"Never speak? Then what do you mean?"

Sengoku glanced at the people who were pregnant with ghosts, then leaned back, "Well, let me ask, you answer .

Agree to continue to follow Celestial Dragon’s raise of hands."

No one answered.

"In other words, I want to fight against Celestial Dragon, right?"

"Sengoku, in fact, it's not that everyone doesn't want to fight against Celestial Dragon, but everyone has worries in their hearts."

The Chief Staff Crane finally spoke, "As you know, the background of Celestial Dragon is beyond our imagination. They have ruled the world for 800 years. We alone can really overthrow it. Are they?"

"The Crane Staff's words are reasonable."

Kong Ming shook the feather fan, and the others were slightly nodded.

Hai Lan shook the head and suddenly laughed: "Celestial Dragon is not invincible."

"How to say?"

"Everyone here You all know Gorosei, right?"

Seeing everyone nodded, Hailan continued: "Now there are only three old stars left, two and a half are possible."


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, the five old people standing on the peak of world power have nearly half the casualties?

"How did they die?"

"Sakazuki Fleet Admiral killed one,

Ai Yin Rear Admiral killed one, I chopped another one. "

"Ayin Rear Admiral?"

Everyone is skeptical. They believe that Sakazuki and Hailan are capable. Ayn Rear Admiral is a bit joking, right?

"She was blown to death with Devil Fruit."

"so that's how it is..."

Everyone suddenly came to Satori and took advantage of the second It is not impossible that a Devil Fruit will explode and die.

Hai Lan described her experience of going to Mariejois. Everyone heard it trembling in fear, and the mood was like a roller coaster.

Gion pretty face was excited: "Fleet Admiral, have you heard that? Even Gorosei has nothing to do with Hailan, plus us, there may not be no hope of crusade against Celestial Dragon. "

Sengoku heave a long sigh, shook the head. Everyone was puzzled. Why did things get to this step, Fleet Admiral, he still sighed?

Sengoku looked towards Hailan, saying meaningfully: "Hailan, since you have fought with Gorosei, presumably you also know that person exists, right?"

Hailan bluntly said: "Are you talking about Yim?"

Everyone was suspicious: "Who is Yim?"

"A terrifying existence on Admiral. UU Read www.uukanshu.com"

"Above Admiral?"

"Gorosei is not his opponent alone."

"Mariejois There is such a terrifying person in the depths of him? No wonder, no wonder!"

Even Kong Ming, who has always been calm and calm, can't help but look worried.

Sengoku is full of gloom: "So, Hailan, are you really sure to deal with that monster?"

"I'm not sure."

"This ......"

Hai Lan laughed, "But there are some things that need someone to do. Sakazuki Fleet Admiral dared to go to Mariejois alone. What is there to be afraid of in my generation? Between me and Im. Sooner or later, there will be a battle. Either he will die or I will die."

"Fleet Admiral, let's make the decision. Celestial Dragon has been tyrannically abused power for 800 years. Should they continue to be at ease? I am willing to support the decision of Dayhu Admiral!"

Gion was the first to express support.

Issho then made a statement: "To live and die for righteousness, the old man had misunderstood Mr. Sakazuki, so now he decided to carry Mr. Sakazuki's ideals. For justice, the old man is willing to cooperate with him. The day tigers coexist and die!"

"I...I am the same..."

The third is the addition. His Goddess and friends have spoken, and he can say What?

Although the others did not speak clearly, Sengoku has already understood their thoughts.

Sengoku stood up and said, "Sorry, even if you all say that, I can't make a decision."

"Fleet Admiral?"

Everyone I don't understand, Mr. Sengoku shouldn't be such a stubborn person.

Sengoku looked around, his final gaze was fixed on Hailan, and his voice was firm and solemn: "Justice in the new era, let our new Fleet Admiral execute it!"


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