Marine Headquarters, Hailan could n't help but froze on the spot when he watched the latest information from Marine's undercover agent .

In the photo, the five big and three big men of the Red Hair Pirates group are dressed in bright, sexy and enchanting women's clothing. There are also many people wearing wigs and are selling each other cute, acted coquettishly.

I could see that Hailan almost squirted out the tea from his mouth.

After understanding the cause of the incident, Hai Lan shook the head with a smile, "This Akagami, the mentality is really good, I guess Kaido will have to cry again."

The same. Strategies may not be equally effective. You have to think of different ways to deal with different people. Kaido is purely a Handan toddler, so it's boring to ask.

"It is estimated that in the near future, this matter can also become a legend..."

Putting the intelligence aside, Hailan no longer pays attention to these things that are not substantive to Marine Things that affect.

Hailan has now become the Marine Headquarter, although logically speaking, he should be busier than before, because Admiral needs to handle more military affairs. However, with his computing power, the files that others couldn’t finish processing for a few days can be processed by him in a few minutes. For the remaining things that are not of high importance, Hailan simply followed the precognition and handed it over to Ai. Yin took care of it, and as a result, his Marine Headquarter would not be as busy as he thought.

Hailan is relaxed, but since the new Marine Fleet Admiral Sakazuki took over this burden, there has been no time to relax.

"Damn it, why did Gorosei talk to me again?"

In the office, Akainu snarled loudly with a cigar in his mouth.

Many men like to use smoking to relieve their emotions when they have troubles. Akainu is no exception. Sakazuki, who has never touched tobacco before, also starts to pick up a cigar.

"Hey, Sakazuki, Fleet Admiral isn't it?"

At the door, Sengoku leaned out half of his body and joked with Akainu abruptly.

Regarding the respected Old Senior in Sengoku, Marine, Akainu is inconvenient to say anything more. Akainu, who is holding back his stomach, has to shout loudly, "You are not a decent retiree, don’t come here to give it to me. Make trouble!"

Although Sengoku in mind's ideal Fleet Admiral successor is not Sakazuki, since Sakazuki has become Marine Fleet Admiral, he will not confront Sakazuki. The work that should be coordinated must be coordinated. And since they can still joke with each other, it means that the relationship between them will not be bad.

After laughed heartily twice, Sengoku settled down and preached: "Sakazuki, we all know you. It's fine if you lose your temper to us, but in front of Gorosei, you must stop."

Akainu nodded: "Don't worry, I understand these principles."

After dealing with the more urgent military affairs, Akainu sighed, following the agents sent by the World Government We went to Mariejois together.

"Holy Land" Mariejois, in the meeting hall of Gorosei.

A Gorosei greeted: "Sakazuki, Marine’s recent work is going well?"

Akainu simply replied: "It's okay."

Being Akainu The cold attitude made a little uncomfortable, and Gorosei was no longer interested in being courteous with Akainu. They went straight to the point and said: "I asked you to come here to tell you something."

Akainu doesn't care about Gorosei either. What do you say: "What's the matter?"

"Due to the sudden disappearance of'Crocodile' Crocodile, only'Hawk Eyes' Dracule Mihawk is left in the Seventh Five Seas under Kings,'God Yaksha'Don Quixo・Doflamingo,'Tyrant' Bartholomew ・Bear,'empress'Boa ・Hancock,'Thundergod' Enel five people.

Given that the full staff members in the Seventh Five Seas under the King should be seven, So we decided to appoint the ace of the original BIG·MOMPirates, Charlotte·Katakuri as the sixth king under the Seventh Five Seas."


Akainu was surprised," Didn’t Katakuri have all been caught in Impel Down? If I remember correctly, there is no precedent for appointing a loser, right?"

Actually, Akainu doesn’t care about the undefeated losers. It was only Marine that caught Katakuri not very long, and Gorosei wanted to release Katakuri, which made him somewhat unacceptable.

Gorosei did not answer Akainu's question, but directly said: "There is no more suitable candidate than Katakuri. If you have one, we can refer to it."

"There is no need to expand the recruitment of any king under the Seventh Five Seas!"

Akainu cut the railway, "The world conscription Perfection is over. Marine is in an unprecedented period of strength. Now Marine is not afraid of any enemies, and does not need it at all. Recruit these criminals!"

In the face of Akainu's toughness, Gorosei is also strong.

"The Seventh Five Seas under Kings must make up seven people. This is the rule!"

"It seems that you don't have a suitable candidate. Then recruit Charlotte Katakuri! "

The establishment of the Seventh Five Seas System under Kings was originally not just to fight against Pirate, but it was also one of their roles to restrain Marine, but it was never explicitly stated.

Akainu argued for reason: "But Marine killed that many soldier in the Battle of Souls. Even Dalmesia and Stainless, Vice Admiral, both died. If you recruit Katakuri, you will not be afraid of the cold. Did you get the hearts of Marine soldiers?"

"But as far as we know, Katakuri doesn't have Marine Marine's blood in his hands. He has just entered the war and was captured alive by Hiruto Admiral."

"Has he never killed anyone before?"

"Can the previous things still be called things? Which Shichibukai has few lives in his hands?"

"Those insignificant ordinary people don't have to think about it, Sakazuki, you have to know how to make concessions for the overall situation!"

In fact, Gorosei recruited Shichibukai and simply never considered Marine’s feelings. I have never thought about the crimes of the Pirates, as long as they can benefit them.

In the original book "Whitebeard Jr." Weibull killed a ship of Marine elite trainees and cut off the Marine Chief Instructor Zephyr. He would rather force Zephyr out of Marine. Gorosei still stubbornly appointed Weibull For the new Shichibukai.

In fact, the value of a Weibull is far less than the respected Marine Chief Instructor. Is Gorosei really so stupid and so visionless? Of course not, they did this to disgust Marine, and pushing Zephyr out of Marine might be one of their goals.

In the war on the top, rescued "the most ferocious criminal in the world" Monkey · D · Dorag's son Monkey · D · Luffy's Trafalgar · Luo, because the secret live broadcast made Whitebeard die before his death Age of Pirates pushed to the top of The Clown Buggy, UU reading these two people all became the new Shichibukai, Gorosei did not care about their crimes at all, and never considered Marine's feelings.

Akainu angrily accused: "So the kind of people who only look at the pros and cons say you are like you?"

"Pay attention to your wording, Sakazuki!"


Gorosei was also angry. They had heard the words left by Red the Aloof, and they did not expect that Sakazuki would have such an attitude. Because of the O'Hara incident, they thought Sakazuki would be his nickname. Like Akainu, it should be an obedient dog, but today, this Meigo bit them.

"We called you here today, not to discuss with you, this is just a notice to you!"

"Recognize your identity, Sakazuki!"

"You can go now!"

A few Gorosei, you say a word to me, and never give Akainu a chance to speak.

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