How strong is Marine in the original book ?

Excluding Zephyr, whose strength has been greatly reduced due to asthma, the veteran alone has two Legendaries, Garp and Sengoku.

With the super strong Busoshoku Haki and a pair of Iron Fist, Garp has beaten the same body refinement expert Pirate King Gol D. Roger countless times to get bloody nose and swollen face; in exchange for the "big Buddha" form A Steel Muscles Iron Bones, Sengoku is also a strong man who can stand the shock of Whitebeard against Whitebeard. Although Whitebeard is the strongest man in the world, the strength of these two Legendaries cannot be ignored.

The mainstays are Akainu, Kizaru, Fujitora, Ryokugyu, four first-line powerhouses. Although Momousagi and Tokikake are a bit worse than them, they still win two-on-one. Based on this background, Gorosei will recruit The reason for this is very intriguing.

"Did we play the wrong card? Should we support Kuzan at first?"

After Akainu left, the atmosphere in the Gorosei conference hall was a bit subtle.

"Sakazuki, when he became Marine Fleet Admiral, he thought he was so powerful, and he dared to confront us."

"Since he is already Marine Fleet Admiral. , Then we don’t have any better solution, we can only take one step at a time."


Five hateful Old Guy ……

Leaving Mariejois, Akainu couldn't help but slander.

On top of him is the "steel bone" of the World Government commander-in-chief, and on top is Gorosei. Akainu is completely helpless for Gorosei's decision.

You can't serve Meigo directly, right? Then he, Marine Fleet Admiral, don't want to be.

"According to their excuse, in order to deal with Pirate, they recruited some kings of the Seventh Five Seas, so as long as Pirate is not in this world, there will be no kings of the Seventh Five Seas, right?"

Akainu clenched his fists, and gradually made a decision in his heart.


"What? Are you planning to move Marine Headquarters to the G1 branch?"

In the highest Conference Hall of Marine Headquarters, Akainu suddenly proposed It really surprised everyone present.

After telling the story of Mariejois to everyone, Marine generals came to understand.

"So, I plan to move the headquarters to New World and face the Great Pirates of New World to show our Marine determination. As long as Pirate can't overcome the storm again, I have reason to persuade Gorosei What do you think of the abolition of the Seventh Five Seas system under Kings?"

Seeing everyone looking at him, the veteran Marine Headquarter Kizaru was the first to speak: "Don't look at me, I have no objection. "

You really have no objection...You have no objection to anything...

That's what everyone thought.

Hailan then stated: "I support this decision. Moving the headquarters to the most dangerous New World can indeed show the world our determination to fight Pirate."

Everyone's Finally, his gaze looked towards the third Marine Headquarter.

Issho did not hesitate to say: "I also support this decision."

Issho is the Marine Headquarter admitted through world conscription. He can’t just follow Marine Fleet Admiral when he comes. Contrary to the tune, and this decision of Akainu coincides with his idea. He also wants to abolish Pirate, which has the legal right to plunder, and return to the world a clean sea.

Marine Fleet Admiral proposed that no one objected to the three Marine Headquarters, and the remaining Marine Vice Admiral and the staff naturally expressed their support, because even if they opposed it, it was meaningless.

Time continues to move forward.

After all the Marine soldiers enrolled in the enlistment of the world have been settled, the "ceremony" that should have been held a long time ago has finally arrived late.

Everything is the same as usual, and the "ceremony" went well.

The last time Marine eliminated Legendary Pirate "Flying Thief" and "Golden Lion" Shiki, this time eliminated Legendary and "Red the Aloof" Patrick Redfield who were reborn, and executed Emperor Pirate "BIG." MOM" Charlotte Linlin, eliminated BIG・MOMPirates.

Marine's record has been amazing every time. The people who had lost confidence in Marine because of the arrival of the Great Age of Pirates have gradually regained their trust in Marine.

Countless people are looking forward to it. Maybe when Marine replaces Marine Fleet Admiral next time, this sea will no longer be the world where Pirate can wreak havoc.

What is different from the past is that at the end of this time "ceremony", the newly appointed Marine Fleet Admiral "Akainu" Sakazuki once again stepped onto the high platform.

"Marine officers, today I want to announce a very important thing!"

The tough Akainu Fleet Admiral was originally like the strict head teacher in the school, even if it is Marine himself In people's eyes, he has a chilling aura.

As soon as his words were uttered, Marine Square, which had been buzzing with enthusiasm, immediately calmed down.

"I ask you, is the current Marine strong?"


Tens of thousands of Marine soldiers shouted in unison.

"Do you have the confidence to eliminate Pirate?"


The reporters of the major newspapers were dumbfounded, despite what Marine showed The imposing manner made them excited, but what is this new Marine Fleet Admiral doing?

"But some people don't think so!!"

Akainu glanced around the vast crowd below, "They think that the current Marine has no power to face Pirate at all!"


Akainu is not a fool. He doesn't publicly criticize Gorosei. His language is very tact. Gorosei insists on recruiting the King Seventh Five Seas as an excuse. Isn't it because Marine himself is unable to fight Pirate?

"So what should we do?"

The huge Marine Square is surprisingly quiet, and everyone is listening carefully to Marine Fleet Admiral's speech.

Akainu paused for a moment, "Of course it is to strike Pirate ruthlessly, destroy Pirate, use strength and use facts to prove the power of Marine!"

"Strike Pirate!!! Destroy Pirate!" !"

"Strike Pirate!!! Destroy Pirate!!!"

Akainu pressed his hand, signalling the angry soldiers to be quiet.

"If we want to fight Pirate, we can't hide in this Sea Territory called Paradise and play euthanasia. We should go to the most dangerous Sea Territory, Use strength to tell them that Marine is not to be underestimated. Justice still exists in this sea.

So I decided to swap Marine Headquarters with G1 branch, you all person, with me Together, go to the Sea Territory and face the most ferocious Pirate!"

This decision of Akainu was so surprising and abrupt, the Marines in the square couldn't help whispering.

Akainu did not stop it immediately.

A few minutes later, Akainu finally spoke again, "Tell me, do you have the courage, do you have the confidence to face the most dangerous Sea Territory with me! Do you have the determination to destroy Pirate? !"

After a few short breaths of calm, Marine Square burst into an earth-shattering shout: "Yes!!!"

"ka! !"

The flash flickered, and countless reporters recorded this historic moment one after another.

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