"Haven’t you figured out your nickname yet?"

When Hailan approached Issho, the new Marine Headquarter was sitting in the courtyard of Marine’s new villa, eating noodles in the open air. .

Issho sucked his noodles "chippingly", and said: "Thinking about names...it's the most troublesome."

Hailan said with a smile: "Then I will help Think about it."

Issho was relieved when he heard that someone wanted to help him: "This is the best way."

Ruzi Niu."

Issho lifted his head suddenly, and when he heard this, he felt a shock. He even forgot to suck the noodles hanging on his mouth: "A good sentence, "Hengmei is cold." For thousands of husbands, bow your head and be willing to be a bully', what a bravery! If there are more such great people in the world, how can you get the Pirates to wreak havoc.

Dare to ask Hailan your excellency, this Who said it?"

Hai Lan blurted out: "Lu Xun."

"Lu Xun? I have never heard of this name before."

"A Legendary character who lives in the legend."

Issho sighed: "Ai, it seems that this gentleman is already not in."

Hailan looked towards Issho," So how about your name Ziniu? I think this sentence is very appropriate to describe your spirit."


Issho's mouth, even soup with noodles Squirted out together.

"cough cough...cough..."

I can't even speak.

"Doesn’t sound good? Then I’ll change it..."

Hailan thought for a moment, "Then call you a vine cow, vine can represent purple, and purple happens to be with you The color of the gravity wave corresponds to."

Issho wiped his mouth, and declined: "Forget it, I can't bear such a heavy weight..."

"That It seems that you don’t like cows anymore."

Hailan looking thoughtful: "What animal do you like?"

Issho's face has a smirk: "In fact, I compare it below. I like tigers.

Can your excellency let the tigers go? I think Fujitora should be good."

"Actually, I don’t have any comments, just..."

Hailan smiled and shook the head, "It's called the day tiger. The sea has already called out the tiger. Let you give the tiger to you. This makes it look like I'm already dead."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend, but Just kidding."

"It's okay."

After tidying up the noodles and soup on the table, Issho decided to say: "No, I don't want to, just call the blind man. After all, I have become accustomed to this name."

Hailan said, "Everyone has animals in their nicknames. You have to be called the blind man. This is not harmonious."

Issho Retorted: "Obviously you are inharmonious first."

"How do you say this?"

"Steel bones, Iron Fist, Black Arm, Big Buddha, these Old Seniors don’t Didn’t you bring any animals? Why do you have to bring the name of animals when you get to the back?"

Issho argued, "Who made this head? Didn’t he think that animals would be the same?" Is there a day after being called?"

Hailan was speechless: "It seems to make sense..."

"So, let's call it the blind man!"



New World, a piece of Sea Territory.

"Send Oden Uncle's daughter to Furry Duchy, and I'm relieved."

The only one left of "Akagami" Shanks of the Three Great Overlords is finally relaxed.

"Boss, Kaido sent someone to give you a gift!"

"Kaido sent it?"

When I heard the source of the gift, The Red Hair Pirates group was taken aback.

Yasopp, the sniper of the Red Hair Pirates regiment, smiled: "We wounded his allies and robbed his red Poneglyph. He gave us gifts? This Kaido's head was not given by Marine. Are you stupid?"

Lucky, who is as fat as a ball and looks like a big watermelon with a long green dress. With a piece of barbecue in his mouth, laughed heartily and said: "It's not impossible. !"

Deputy Captain Ben Beckman cautiously speculated: "Isn’t it a plague bomb, right?"

The plague bomb was developed by Beasts Pirates’ "Plague" Quinn. A terrifying weapon that is corrosive and extremely contagious, and can even infect a living person into a zombie.

Shanks calmly walked forward: "Open it and see, you all back."


Red Hair Pirates The group's companions are a little worried.

Beckman said lightly: "Don't worry, this thing can't hurt Shanks."

Haki is another "ideal" power besides Devil Fruit.

Busoshoku Haki can change the attributes of a substance, resist the heat and coldness of magma, and even make metals no longer attracted by magnets.

Using Busoshoku Haki to protect the whole body, Shanks can temporarily resist the erosion of venom or plague. With his speed, plague bombs can be thrown out in a flash, so even if it’s a plague bomb, No threat to Shanks.

However, the false powerhouse can rely on Busoshoku Haki to temporarily resist biological bacteria, while the true powerhouse can rely on the big (zhu) shout (jue) and burst (guang) species (huan). (This paragraph is crossed out)

Cautiously opened the gift sent by Kaido, everyone in the Red Hair Pirates group held their breath, while Shanks was stunned.

Gradually, people who found no danger gathered around.

"A woman's dress?"

"What is Kaido doing?"

"Don't talk!"

Beckman snorted.

Others may not realize it yet, but he understands instantly.

Kaido is mocking Shanks.

Since Kaido returned to the country of peace, he has been clamoring for revenge against the Red Hair Pirates group, but the Red Hair Pirates group has been avoiding fights, not tossing with this undead animal.

Being forced into helplessness, Kaido remembered the style that Marine had dealt with at that time, following the same method, so he sent Shanks such a piece of clothing.


Seeing Akagami's silent back, Beckman was a little worried.

"Too insulting, we..."


When the rest of the Red Hair Pirates team also realized Kaido Shanks suddenly burst out laughing.

"I like this dress very much."

After speaking, he immediately changed into the women's clothing sent by Kaido.

The entire Red Hair Pirates group was shocked by seeing the two long-haired legs of their boss stretched out from under a fancy skirt.

Shanks made a cute expression to his companions: "Am I pretty?"


Red Hair Pirates group They all smiled, and soon couldn’t hold back: "hahahahahaha..."

"Boss is so interesting!"

"I have never seen such enchanting Boss!"

Shanks never cared about being insulted by others, he would only pay Issho, and even take the opportunity to make his friends happy. Of course, before Shanks took the initiative, the Red Hair Pirates group was No one will laugh.

Because Shanks laughed, they laughed with him; Shanks was angry, and they ran away together.

The boss of the only clothing store on the island was shocked today.

Because she saw a group of five big and three big men broke into her clothing store to buy clothes together, the most important thing is that they actually bought women's clothes! !

The Red Hair Pirates group is a very cohesive Pirates. Their captain chose to wear the women's clothing sent by Kaido for the sake of getting everyone Issho and avoiding casualties in the war. The boss played a clown there alone, vying to change into women's clothing, but there are a few women's clothing in a Pirates dominated by men, so today the clothing store on the island is making a lot of money.

When something is done by only one person, everyone will think that person is ridiculous; but when something is done by many people, everyone will think that it may be an event, or A custom.

"Today, we are celebrating the Women's Wear Festival!"

All the men in the Red Hair Pirates group put on women's clothes, maid outfits, sailor suits, gothic skirts, and kimonos , Cheongsam, everything you have, transformed into the most dazzling scenery on the island.

"What? Is there a video coming back?"

In Wonokuni, Kaido's face was surprised.

The placement of the impact on Den Den Mushi, Kaido could not help but eyes shrank: On the screen is a dazzling scenery-before red Poneglyph, a group of big men in women's clothing acted coquettishly and shouted in unison: " Thanks to Captain Kaido for the gift!"

"That's my Poneglyph..."

With dazzling eyes, the strongest creature in the world fainted on the spot.

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