"It's worthy of being called a blind man by the world. I really have a very unique insight."

Sengoku's attitude towards Issho has changed significantly. It can be seen that he is The answer is very satisfactory.

Seeing his answer touched Marine’s veteran Fleet Admiral, Issho continued to add: “I joined Marine to protect the good and punish the evil. This is the way of justice here.”


Sengoku continued to test and teach: "But good and evil are not so easy to distinguish."

"There are so many filths that people can't bear to see." I'm a nasty guy, because I didn't want to see the evil in the world, I chose to close these eyes."

Sengoku couldn't help but be surprised, thinking that this is a cruel person.

Issho seemed to be a little excited, "But I am not blind in the eyes and heart, good and evil, I can still tell the difference."

Sengoku relaxed and said: "Okay, very good. If someone like you joins Marine, Senior I can relax."

Sengoku has never wanted Sakazuki to become Marine’s Fleet Admiral, because in his opinion, Sakazuki is too extreme. In his eyes, only right and wrong, Sengoku worried that Sakazuki would lead Marine on an extreme road.

There used to be Kuzan restraining Sakazuki. His extremes can only be limited to his small team and cannot spread to the entire Marine army; now Kuzan is gone, Sengoku has always been worried about Marine's direction.

Although Hailan is not as extreme as Sakazuki, he insists on "using heavy codes in troubled times" and is considered a half "hardliner." Sengoku did not entangle with Hailan too much. He speculated that this might be possible. It has something to do with Hailan’s childhood experience, but as long as he has not developed into an extreme person like Sakazuki, Sengoku is already content.

Borsalino is purely a tool man. He has things to do and doesn’t care about anything. He follows the rule of the mean and can be treated as if this person does not exist.

Although Gion and Jiaji belong to the "moderate" Marine generals, their personal thoughts are relatively weak.

Now there is a "blind man" Issho, who should be able to check and balance the tough Sakazuki, neutralize Marine's thoughts, and prevent Marine from developing into an extreme army.

From now on, Gorosei's "world conscription" at this time, the result seems to be pretty good.

"The world conscription is not over yet. Youngster has to work harder. If you are not careful, maybe the Marine Headquarter will be taken away by others.


"Old Senior, please Rest assured, I am not afraid of any challengers."

"Come on, eat a piece of senbei."

"I am a layman, like to eat noodles, these small snacks..."


"Taste it, it's delicious."

"Uh...well...it's fragrant..."

Hailan found that in Sengoku After continuing to communicate with Issho in depth, he seemed to have become a superfluous person. The two of them almost hit it off at first sight, and there was a trend of moving towards the development of "wonderful friendship".

"I'll go..."

shook the head, Hai Lan gradually disappeared from the sight of the two.


Time continues to move forward, and the "world conscription" is also gradually coming to an end.

"Kizaru" Borsalino is Marine’s veteran Admiral and is not in the challenge.

Although "Day Tiger" Hailan can challenge, but with his reputation for defeating Red the Aloof alone, few people dared to challenge him except for the hot-headed youngster.

Most people chose to challenge Issho who broke through among thousands of players, but unfortunately, all the challengers were easily defeated by Issho with absolute strength.

As for Marine, there are no people who even tried. After all, even Momousagi and Tokikake failed. Who has the confidence to challenge this monster?

Marine Headquarter and Marine Vice Admiral are clearly only Level 1 behind in terms of military rank, but there is a huge gap in strength. In fact, this is very reasonable.

Analogous to a certain liver-bursting game, Marine Headquarter and Marine Vice Admiral are the difference between "two senses".

Switching to a 4V6 game can also be understood as the difference between whether there is a "big move".

Of course, this is not to say that Admiral and Vice Admiral are only one skill away, but that the Level 1 gap is a huge dividing line.

It is clearly visible Level 1, but it has become two realms.

As for Momousagi and Tokikake, they can contend with Marine Headquarter but they are a little worse. They can be compared to those relatively disadvantaged professions.

Sea Calendar At the end of January 1519, the "world conscription" officially ended. Gorosei recognized the identity of the new Marine Fleet Admiral and the two new Marine Headquarters. Everything about Marine was back on track.

New Marine Fleet Admiral: "Akainu" Sakazuki.

Marine Headquarter: "Kizaru" Borsalino, "Day Tiger" Hai Lan, "Blind Man" Issho.

Hailan has become the Marine Headquarter, and Wagner, who was the first to follow Hailan, with sufficient strength and military merit, has no reason to continue to stop at Marine Rear Admiral, and has officially become a Marine Vice Admiral .

At the same time, the "White Hunter" Smoker also became a Marine Vice Admiral. Together with Wagner, he replaced the Marine martyr Vice Admiral Dalmesia and Stainless.

Ai Yin's strength and military merits are not inferior to Wagner, but she is now only dealing with some daily affairs for Hailan. In terms of military rank, she is a Marine Rear Admiral.

Koala is still Marine Captain, because Koala is not a full member of Marine, he does not have his own subordinates, and does not listen to others. "Captain" is actually just a name.

Marine Vice Admiral "Zhiduoxing" Kong Ming has become a general staff like Crane, and now Marine's affairs are mainly in charge of Kong Ming. Although Crane is still in the post of Chief Staff Officer, Almost like Sengoku, it has retreated to the second line.

"Red Nose" Buggy stopped at Marine Rear Admiral. In fact, in terms of personal strength, Buggy is also hovering near Marine Commodore. He can become Rear Admiral by luck, technology, Vice Admiral There is no hope anymore, and Buggy doesn't want to be Vice Admiral at all. In his own words, he has to deal with those Great Pirates when Vice Admiral. How can I be happy to be Rear Admiral.

There is also Kuro... As he cooperates with Tesoro and Doflamingo to carve up Underworld, he has become a well-known figure in Underworld. The "Golden Emperor" listens to Haki and "Joker" as weird and mysterious, and feels "black" "Cat" is no longer able to describe that adult. In Underworld, Kuro is already called the "Godfather"...

Kuro is an excellent talent since he has mastered sufficient resources and broadened his horizons. , His strength can be described as "advanced by leaps and bounds", although it is not as good as the Golden Emperor and Joker, but the godfather is not difficult to abuse a Supernova now.

"It’s troublesome... When Marine Headquarter has to think of a nickname for yourself... Can you not choose it?"

The new Marine Headquarter, Issho, is now facing a headache Difficult problem.

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