"Have you heard? Tokikake Vice Admiral was defeated by an outsider who participated in the world conscription."

"Impossible? Tokikake Vice Admiral is so powerful, how could he be defeated? Will others be defeated?"

"This is true, do I dare to make up this kind of thing to lie to you?"

"I can defeat Tokikake Vice Admiral... What kind of monster is that?"

"I heard that he is a blind man."

"Blind man?"

"It is said that he is a blind man in New World The famous blind swordsman seems to call him the blind man, and he is also a Paramecia ・Gravity Fruit Ability User, and his strength is very terrifying."

"Gravity, incredible ability..."


Sengoku, wearing a floral shirt and big pants, has heard all the sounds behind him.

After he ceased to serve as Marine Fleet Admiral, Sengoku immediately became casually dressed.

"The extra plan was defeated..."

Sengoku said to himself, Sengoku felt that the thing he worried most had finally happened.

"Issho the blind man? I seem to have heard of this man. According to rumors, this blind man should be a very upright and righteous person."

After retreating to the second line , Sengoku's face showed a rare serious look.

"However, the rumors are only rumors after all, I have to try this Issho myself."

A certain decision was made in his heart, Sengoku put his hands in his trouser pockets and continued to move forward. go.


After the test between Issho and Tokikake was over, after a two-day break, Issho quickly urged Momousagi to start a new test with himself.

He is worried that the position of Marine Headquarter will change. It is safer to get the position of Marine Headquarter one day earlier.

On the uninhabited island, the fierce battle between Gion and Issho has reached a fierce stage. The style of the two great swordsmen is exhausted. The sword aura is full of sky and gravity is rampant. The first two days will be added to the battle. The uninhabited island that Issho destroyed has become more severely damaged.

"Gion is really amazing,

he can even beat Issho."

Tokikake held a toothpick in his mouth and put his hands in his trouser pockets, with a smile on his face. Said to Hai Lan beside him.

With his "Pathfinder" two days ago, with mental arithmetic and unintentional, even if Momousagi's strength is a little worse than Issho, she still shows a strength comparable to Issho.

On the contrary, because Issho basically did not understand Momousagi's fighting habits, after the start of the competition, Issho quickly fell into a disadvantage.

"This old gambler is very bad. If you say it is good, you can compete with me? I ended up running to participate in the world conscription."

Hai Lan slandered Issho in his heart, and then To Tokikake next to him: "But if you can't do it quickly, Gion sister is in danger."

Gion's advantage over Issho comes from the difference in information. It would be nice if he can quickly defeat Issho. , Otherwise, after a long time, Issho gets used to Gion's skills, and it will be very difficult for Gion to win again.

In addition to nodded, there is a hint of concern for Gion in his eyes: "Indeed, the strength of Issho is too terrifying."

Maybe Issho is also aware of this. The problem, in the duel, he didn't take a fast offensive like the previous battle overtime. Instead, he was always thinking of ways to roam, which seemed to be delaying time.

Gion soon became aware of Issho’s plan, and knew that his chances of winning a duel with Issho in an absolutely fair battle were very low. Gion’s entire body broke out again, and the already very aggressive offensive became It became more violent like a storm.

"Falling sword technique. Peach blossom burial!"

The famous sword Jin Pira flew up and down from Gion's hand. A seemingly beautiful peach blossom is a terrifying sword aura containing a fierce sword intent. With an awe-inspiring killing intent, the sky full of peach blossoms turned into a whirlwind and swept in the direction of Issho.

"It seems that I can only come up with real ones."

Feeling the killing intent shrouded in hiding the sky and covering the earth, Issho's eyes whitened, The stick knife was raised above the head and pointed to the sky, with a dense dark purple gravity continuously moved towards The point of the knife converged.

"Gravity Knife. Absolute Domain!"


The stick knife in Issho's hand fell abruptly towards the ground, condensing into a substantial moment of gravity Shrouded on the ground, as if the legendary giant slapped his palm toward the earth, a terrifying and desperate force pressed downwards. The earth couldn't bear it, and it sank in a large amount in an instant.

Unprepared, Gion's peach blossom whirlwind that swept toward Issho was instantly crushed by the gravity falling from the sky, and even she herself became impossible to move a single step because of the huge power from her body.

A big advantage of Gion is speed, and in this brief moment, Issho completely limits her speed.

"Really strong power......"

Gion's silver teeth clenched, every minute and every second, he was fighting against the gravity above.

Issho's stick and knife lit the ground, and step by step walked towards Gion, "It seems that I won it underneath."

Gion gritted his teeth and gave a word by word. Asked: "Don't you feel it at all?"

"No, this move is also effective for the next."

Suppress Hailan when he fought with Hailan. Issho’s style is different, Issho’s this move does not require his own continuous release ability, but directly creates a gravity domain. Simply put, "Gravity Knife Absolute Domain" is an off-hand control skill.

However, such a powerful skill certainly requires some price. The side effect is that Issho himself will also be suppressed by Absolute Domain, otherwise it appears out of thin air a powerful release control skill, Issho is almost invincible at the same level.

"...It's just that I can bear it underneath."


Gion gave a wry smile, and shook the head helplessly, "You I won."

Tone barely fell, she felt her body lighten, and Issho had already withdrawn her gravity.

Damn... Neither I nor Jia Ji could keep the position of Marine Headquarters, but they were still snatched away by outsiders.

After the competition, Hai Lan asked Issho: "You can get rid of your gravity, so are you awakened by the fruit of gravity?"

Issho did not directly answer Hai Lan: "I don't know when I am here."

Hailan laughed twice, "Anyway, this move is really amazing."

"Actually, this move is here." It was originally developed to deal with your excellency, but I have never forgotten the agreement with your excellency."

Hailan was intrigued when he heard it, "Why don't we both try?"

Issho laughed twice, "Forget it, if you lose, you will be ashamed."


Hailan felt Issho this He was provoking himself, but when he listened to Issho's words, he dispelled the idea.

"I don't want to be ashamed."

Since the development of "Gravity Knife. Absolute Domain", Issho is full of confidence, but when he heard that Hailan defeated Red the After Aloof, and also the Red Earl who ate the fruit of vampire, he never thought about fighting Hailan anymore.

"Come with me, someone wants to see you."

"Which one?"

"Marine's chief inspector, front A Marine Fleet Admiral."

The two found Sengoku together, and after a brief introduction to each other, Sengoku asked Issho the old-fashioned question: "Little children are right and wrong. Adults only look at the pros and cons- ―What do you think about this sentence?"

Sengoku did not let Hailan avoid him, because now he is the idler, and Hailan is Marine’s Admiral.

Since the previous Marine Fleet Admiral is in front of us, UU read www.uukanshu.com Issho for a while and carefully replied: "I think it is actually very complicated that something is right and wrong. There is simply no way to say which is right or wrong."

"Sengoku coldly snorted!"

Sengoku coldly snorted, by the way, Hailan gave Hailan a white look: "Smelly brat, don't fool Senior with idioms." ."

In front of Sengoku, Issho is indeed a "stinky brat", in fact, he is one year younger than Sakazuki.

"No, this is my true thoughts."

Issho's look is very serious. It can be seen that he really seriously considered the question of Marine's predecessor Fleet Admiral.

Sengoku tried to ask: "Well, what do you say?"

Issho seriously said: "You may be confused about right and wrong, but you must tell good. and evil!"

Hearing Issho's conclusion, Sengoku, who had originally looked bad, was started first, and soon became aware of Issho.

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