A week later, several Marine generals gathered in the Conference Hall led by Kong Ming.

"Hug... I'm sorry..."

"Why? Is there no information on the scum of Gaspard yet?"

"Ashamed, please forgive us Incompetence."

"This damn...whis..."


"Come on doctor!"

In the Conference Hall, Zephyr was suddenly out of breath and seemed to suffocate to death.


Last year, Zephyr had symptoms of asthma, but everyone did not expect that Zephyr's asthma would become severe enough so soon.

Dauberman Vice Admiral hates gnashing teeth: "This damn god, why is it so unfair?!"

Zephyr-sensei, whom he admired as a "hero", turned out to be With a terminal illness, the damn Gaspard is at large.

Terminal illness is not exactly the same as the terminal illness usually referred to on Earth.

In this World, diseases that cannot be cured are called terminal illnesses.

Hailan also has a headache. Old Master obviously looks healthy, so why did he suddenly encounter such a mess?

On Earth, there is no cure for asthma.

But this is not Earth, Hailan will not give up lightly.

At the strong request of Hailan, Shiluruk has suspended his own research and is working hard to tackle Zephyr's asthma.

Three years? Five years? ten years?

Hailan firmly believes that with the genius of Begapunk and the ghost of Siruluk, Zephyr will surely recover as before, just like Garp Old Master lively dragon and animated tiger.

"No... it's okay... no need to call a doctor... huh..."

After a few sips of asthma spray, Zephyr soon Recovered smoothly.

Gaspard was also a student taught by Zephyr.

When I thought that I had taught such a scum, Zephyr's blood surged, which triggered asthma.

"Gaspade used to be Marine Vice Admiral. He knows all kinds of ways to pursue Pirate, so his anti-reconnaissance ability must be very strong. We will not be able to catch his tail in the short term. It makes sense."

Kong Ming analyzed it.

In fact, he is also very puzzled.

Usually, it’s just that you can’t find Gaspard by means, but why can’t you find Gaspard’s trace even in Koala's "Birds and Fishes"?

Shouldn't, shouldn't...

"Birds and fishes" naturally refers to Koala's friends. The name comes from Hailan's evil taste.

This time, Gaspard really walked the lucky dog ​​excrement.

The seagull he killed at the time was one of Koala's little friends. Even Gaspard himself did not expect that his violence saved his life.

However, this can only save him for a while.


A soldier suddenly reported violently.

"Come in."

"The trail of Gaspard has been investigated by Hailan Vice Admiral!"

Dauberman slap the table and stand up: "Where is that bastard?"

"In...Calm Belt!"

Calm Belt, a Battleship is sailing slowly under the lead of two Sea Beasts.

This was originally Wagner Rear Admiral's troops.

At this time, all the Marines gathered on the deck, listening to their Sir's words.

"I ask you, as Marine, what is called Pirate?"


"What should I do with traitors?" " " kill! " " I ask you, what those who kill your comrades called? " " enemies! "

"What about when treating the enemy?"


"Very good!"

Hailan is brewing Feeling emotional, continue to shout: "So when we meet Gaspard and his soldiers, what should we do?"


"Kill! !"


The shouts of Marine soldiers resounded across the sky, with a surging imposing manner rippling in all directions of the Calm Belt.

In the deep sea, some Sea Kings were alarmed by this shout.

They stared curiously and wanted to swallow this little boat on the sea, but the little boat exuding the energy of the sea (Kairoseki of Battleship) unexpectedly broke out heaven-shaking, earth- at the same time. The imposing manner of shattering, for a while, the Sea Kings who didn't understand what it was were a little scared, they didn't dare to approach the Sea Territory.

Clark is among the excited soldier.

The last time he ran away was because he could not see the hope of winning. This time, he would be the first to rush to the battlefield, even if it was just to block a bullet for the comrades in the rear.

As excited as Clark, there is the "explosive fruit" Ability User Gerrard, who was originally recruited by Hailan from the kingdom on the East Blue Bridge and transferred to the deep sea prison Impel Down. "Shadow Fruit" Ability User Carlo was taught by Zephyr in the same year.

The special experience made Gerrard a radical soldier. He worked hard to become a Marine in order to fight Pirate, but some Marines took the initiative to degenerate and become Pirate. This is simply unforgivable!

"Why... why can they catch up with me so quickly?"

At the end of the Calm Belt, on the side of the Red Line continent, Gass caught up by Battleship Padd's eyes were filled with shock and despair.

"Where is the problem!"

Not every Marine knows the secret of Koala.

"Prepare to fire..."

Wagner was about to direct the attack, but Hailan stopped him.

"Wait a minute, it looks like someone is coming."


A deafening, thunderous roar came from the Red Line continent Upload it.

"Red Line continent...live... come alive!"

"pu tong!"

A huge silhouette from Red Line The continent jumped and fell into the shallow sea near the Red Line continent, shaking out a column of water rising into the sky, like a Flood Dragon flying into the sky.

Rock giant!

This is the super soul Homitz created by "Big Mom" ​​Charlotte Linlin injecting soul into the rock. It is specially used to transport the fleet across the Red Line continent.

"You...you are finally here... Katakuri-sama..."

Looking at the three tall silhouettes that appeared in front of me, Charlotte ・Katakuri, Charlotte · Tai Fook, Charlotte · Owen, Gaspard burst into tears.

He hurriedly got close: "How are you three big brothers..."

Dafu said in disgust: "Shut your stinky mouth, scum!"

Katakuri from start to finish didn't even glance at Jaspard, his eyes were always on the Marine Vice Admiral opposite.

"Don't come here without problems... Shanzi Mushroom ..."

Katakuri frowned: "It seems that you are right."

Hailan smiled and said: "Your appearance really surprised me.

I really can't understand how a tough guy like you can protect this kind of scum."

"You are wrong, Day Tiger!"

Katakuri's face is grim: "As soon as I guessed, the Marine leader I met in the first half of this time will most likely be you, so I only have to A purpose."

"What is the purpose?"

"Continue our last inconclusive battle!

As for this scum, UU reading www.uukanshu .com As long as your subordinates have the ability to catch him, my three brothers will certainly not stop them!

You can hear me clearly, Zhouhu, my purpose of coming here today is just for you!"


Gaspard's incredible eyes widened: "Big Uncle...?"

Charlotte ・Daifuku glanced at Gaspard with a cold face: "Close Fuck on your stinky mouth!"

Charlotte Irving also scolded in disgust: "With your kind of scum with no ability, how can you be worthy of our younger sister?"

"big brother...wu wu...Mama she...Mama she is confused...I...why should I marry this kind of trash...?"

The sad cry of the younger sister is like a whip dipped in salt water, once fiercely beaten in the atrium of the third brother.

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