"You want to stand up against me..."

Looking at Katakuri's "sincere" gaze, Hai Lan said with a smile: "...ok!"


"Vice Admiral?!"

Wagner was not convinced: "Beware that Pirate will play crafty plots and machinations."

"Don't worry, I have my own arrangements in my heart. , Even if they really have any trap, I can deal with it unless Charlotte Linlin personally shows up here."

Hailan turned around and looked towards the Marines on the Battleship: "Soldiers, I stay here. To help you stop Big Mom Pirates, Gaspard and the traitors, I will leave it to you to chase down. Remember, none of them can be let go!"

" Never let go!"

Marine soldiers shouted in unison, and as Hailan faced Katakuri again, Gerrard was the first to rush out.

Clark hesitated, then rushed out.

Feeling the confident look of Vice Admiral, Wagner gritted his teeth and moved towards the front with a big hand wave: "Soldiers, let's go!"

After experiencing too many things, Wagner looked as if he was not as brave as he used to be.

But what he is afraid of is not the rebels, but the trap of Big Mom Pirates. It is maturity and reason that hinder his pace. After all, he does not have the electromagnetic induction of Hailan, so he will naturally worry more. , Maybe this is the price of growth.

Marine traitors immediately panicked.

In anxious, Gaspard had an idea: "Little ones, let's run to Big Mom Pirates. I don't believe they will never take action."

Listen At the words of Gaspard, Charlotte Katakuri's eyes finally glanced at the man who made his younger sister sad and weeping. He squeezed a word from between his teeth: "...get out!"

Accompanied by Katakuri's deep voice, a majestic imposing manner burst out from Katakuri's body instantly, just like a volcano in the depths of the sea suddenly erupted, and the impacted sea water suddenly rippled away.

Aggressive, overwhelming, this Haoshoku Haki seems to have been condensed into substance, shooting in the direction of the escape of Gaspard and his rebels.

Like this kind of clown,

Katakuri is tired of it, and he will never allow this group of trash to approach his fleet.


One traitor after another rolled his eyes and foamed at the mouth, as if the back of the head had been hit by a heavy hammer, and fell to the ground.

The traitors and Gaspard farther away only felt the sound of "weng" in their minds like thunder. When they looked up again, their eyes looking towards Katakuri were full of fear.

Haoshoku’s Haki...

Gaspard, who had been promised by Big Mom, would no longer dare to hold act high and mighty due to the words of a superior, he Now there is no doubt that if he dares to disturb Katakuri again, that devilish Pirate will definitely kill himself.

Katakuri's Haoshoku Haki remained undiminished. After crossing the rebels, he swept towards the Marine troops chasing behind the rebels.

The saying that the enemy of the enemy is a friend is simply a joke, and only when you need to seek common interests at the same time will you become a friend.

Now it is a three-way battle, two by one as the enemy.

"Katakuri, is this your opening performance?"

Hailan from the Marine camp grinned Issho.

He made a "drawing sword" movement, leaning forward with his upper body, his legs bent slightly, and his waist down and staggered steps. Then, a blue Aurora Sword was transformed into his hands.

Ittoryu. Break the army and rise the dragon!


The sharp blade cut the air, and the sword intent burst out with a crisp sound of sword unsheathing.

Silver's sword aura suddenly ejected from the "Rayche", easily cutting off the solid rock peculiar to the Red Line continent, ploughing a deep gully on the ground, as if on a track The moving train was normal and crashed into the stormy Haoshoku Haki in Katakuri.


"This is impossible!"

Charlotte Irving could not help but yell, because in his perception, Katakuri big Brother's Haoshoku Haki was actually divided into two by this sword aura.

From the perspective of ordinary people, Hailan’s sword seems to be distorting the space. Between lightning flashes and thunder rolls, even the world is shocked.

"How could Haoshoku Haki be chopped by sword aura?"

Owen browses tightly frowns.

Tai Fook is also a little confused.

Only Katakuri smelled something different in the duel between Haki and sword aura: "so that's how it is...this is more interesting..."

This is not a sword aura that cut Haoshoku Haki away. This is purely a collision of Haoshoku Haki.

The lightning flashes and thunder rolls are not all shocked by the world, but a unique phenomenon when Haoshoku Haki collides.

That young Marine, it turns out that he is also a Haoshoku Haki controller!


A faint voice came into Owen's ears, it was the sound left by Katakuri's ultra-high-speed movement. As soon as he turned around, Katakuri had disappeared in Taifu And Irving's side.


Hailan raised his hand, and Rachel held the Trident stabbed by Katakuri.

"ka ka ...ka ka ..."

is the sound of a sharp blade rubbing against a sharp blade.

"ding ding dong dong ..."

While trying to dismantle, Katakuri wondered: "Why hide your abilities? Is it really so interesting to pretend to be the weak? is it possible that you really enjoy the feeling of playing the pig to eat the tiger?"

The tiger roars, bites Katakuri and smashes Hailan’s wrist: "Don’t treat all politeness as weakness, and don’t All concealment is used as a disguise, what I want to do, can you Pirate understand?"

"Haoshoku's Haki" is not a proof of the king's qualifications at all, it is increasingly on the ocean distort the truth

Green Pepper, Luffy, Big Mom...is there such a king?

"Haoshoku's Haki", it represents a kind of rebellious do as one pleases, and it represents a kind of Mount Tai collapsed before the face doesn't change Do not be surprised.

So when a person is completely convinced by another person from the inside out, his Haoshoku Haki will gradually dissipate because he has no arrogance.

Gorosei will not allow such people to exist in Marine, and Celestial Dragon will not allow it. Hailan has to consider not only himself, but also the entire Marine that he wants to change.

Katakuri’s arm bitten by the tiger softens, and the sticky substance glues the mouth of the Aurora Tiger together: "But there will be Haoshoku Haki awakened in Marine, which really makes me feel It’s an accident."

"I'm still curious about every day you are oppressed by Big Mom, why would you be a Haoshoku Haki awakened!"

A large amount of aurora supplemented into the tiger's body , UU reading www.uukanshu. com The tiger's fangs fell off instantly and re-growth, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and swallowed Katakuri's head.

Hailan would never say that he is the first, because there are still many people in this world who are above him.

But he never admits that he is second, because he never thinks he is inferior to anyone, even if many seniors on the road of life now need him to look up, but he has the confidence to overstep the block Mountain after mountain in front of him.

Hailan grinned and said, "Haoshoku's Haki is never about a person's desire to be king!"

Katakuri was also excited, he covered Busoshoku Haki's The fist turned into a black lion: "Just believing in yourself is enough!"


A billowing wave of air that rubble easily rolls away.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

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