
New World, the palace of Dressrosa, Oka Shichibukai "天 Yaksha" Donquixote Doflamingo is smiling happily.

Marine Vice Admiral defected, took away the steamship that World Government was about to acquire, fell into Pirate, and massacred civilians. This is really...so interesting!

This is the most happy information Doflamingo has heard in recent years.

Although the Government will certainly not disclose this taint, Doflamingo's intelligence network has long allowed him to obtain this information immediately.

Because of the loss of sugar, Doflamingo, who has no way to turn citizens into toys, has focused on national governance in recent years.

There is no shortcut, so I can only rely on my own ability to govern the country.

Although the loss of the "toy slave" and the lack of a large amount of labor have made Dressrosa much poorer than the original, but under Doflamingo's governance, Dressrosa's "national happiness index" is very high, if You walk down the street to investigate and ask the last sentence "Are you happy?" Most likely you will get an affirmative answer.

Now Dressrosa even has the reputation of "New World's Paradise".

Of course, all of this is not made out of thin air.

The oppression of "Little Human Race" and the business dealings on the black market have enabled Doflamingo to have enough funds to build this country.

"Doffy, I really don’t understand. Even if I don’t want to be a Marine, I don’t have to be Pirate. Is that Gaspard a fool?"

The top officials of the Donquixote Family gathered together, and Vergo raised a doubt.

They have been Pirate for a long time, and naturally they know the pros and cons of being Pirate.

Doflamingo grinned Issho: "It's not because Roger's words before his death successfully deceived too many fools.

Gol D. Roger, a family of D, the natural enemy of God Oh, that’s ridiculous.

God is above this World, ruling, plundering, oppressing, and being spurned by the world as the vampire of the world, but what kind of thing is their D clan?

For the so-called freedom,

dreams, do as one pleases, act wilfully, fuel the flames and fuel Pirate’s arrogance. For ordinary people, they are just the same vampire!

The same They are all sucking blood on civilians, but they can still regard the D symbol as a kind of glory!

It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous!"

Doflamingo smiled wanton. The four top cadres of Vergo could only laugh, and dared not say a word.

Because they know very well that Doflamingo's true identity is Celestial Dragon.

Back then, the Donquixote family was retaliated by civilians for giving up the identity of Celestial Dragon. At a critical moment, Doflamingo awakened Haoshoku Haki. Only then did Vergo, Pica, Diamante, and Trebol decide to follow Doflamingo and present the fruit of the line. To him.

"Celestial Dragon origin", "Haoshoku's owner", neither of these two items is enough to make these four people heartbroken, only when they appear on the same person at the same time, these four people Doflamingo showed his loyalty.

There are some things Doffy can say, but they can’t comment casually.

"Is God justice? Or is the natural enemy of God justice? No, only the winner is the true justice!

As for those Marines who carry justice behind their backs, They are just dogs raised by Celestial Dragon, um, my dog..."


The defected Gaspard spread out his coat of justice, I used a black paintbrush to draw a big X on the Marine logo and the word "positive x", and then put them on again.

He thinks the Marine coat is still very stylish.

That cross sign even more embodies his desire to have power over Marine.

"Report Vice Admiral...no, report the boss, Big Mom Pirates responded to us."


"They agreed Your suggestion for marriage is that someone will come to meet us soon."

Gaspard relaxed: "I see, go get ready."

Although now He has fallen into a Pirate, but Gaspard used to be a Vice Admiral of Marine Headquarters after all, and he has much more information than ordinary Pirate.

Gaspard has a very clear understanding of his own strength. Although he used to be a Vice Admiral, his strength can only be regarded as the downstream in the Vice Admiral echelon. Some outstanding Rear Admiral are not. opponent.

Now that you have committed such a big thing, Marine Headquarters will certainly not let it go easily. If you want to survive, you must go to a Great Pirate.

After thinking about it, Gaspard thinks Big Mom Pirates is the most suitable.

With the pursuit of power as the goal, Gaspard is impossible to shout father to Whitebeard. Kaido of the Beasts is a lunatic, and he will go to the day of his death with his own strength. Only those who like marriage bondage Charlotte Linlin is the most suitable blueprint for planning the future.

A large amount of information from Marine Headquarters, steamship, plus I am a special Paramecia ・soft candy Ability User, and Charlotte Linlin has no resistance to sweets. These three advantages are set in one body, Gaspard is not afraid that Charlotte Linlin will be unmoved.

Gaspard, who got the affirmative reply, was happy. Seeing a seagull standing on the sail rope, Gaspard made a jelly bean and walked over. He wanted to feed the bird but didn’t know. Why, the seagull flapped its wings and turned and flew into the distance.


The jelly beans that entangled Busoshoku Haki as bullets instantly hit the flying seagulls.

Gaspard felt that he was in a bad mood again: "Damn beast, do you even want to resist me?"


"I'm not going!"

The Big Mom Pirates base camp, "Totto Land" Totland, Charlotte Cracker, one of the four Commanders, rejected the arrangement made by the big brother Perospero.

"Cracker, what are you kidding about, and you didn’t give you injections, what are you afraid of?"

Don’t look at Charlotte ・Cracker battle strength is very strong, but in normal times, he Brat who is particularly afraid of pain, especially afraid of injections.

Are you afraid of embarrassing injections?

Not ashamed!

After all, even Super Saiyans are afraid of the magical skill of "injecting".

"I won't go! I won't go!"

Cracker stepped on the stool and squatted down. UU reads www. uukanshu.com murmured like a little monkey: "Natural tiger and Akainu in Marine restrained my Devil Fruit ability, I won't go to the first half of my death!"


Perospero is speechless. It turns out that this uneasy younger brother minds this matter.

"Why... Dafuku, Owen, you two will accompany Katakuri to pick up the Gaspard."

Charlotte· Daifuku said with disdain: "It's just such a waste dregs. , Need our three brothers to pick it up together?"

"We are picking up information, a steamship, a soft candy reality! Are you going?"

"go go go , I can't say that I can't go!"

Dafu stroked his mustache, and walked out with a look of boredom.

.. m.

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