A farce was quickly revealed in Ayin’s frantic cover-up.

During the time when Hailan was away, Similu did not follow Ayin and Lilith to practice military force, because Similu knew very well that her physique was not suitable for military force.

This girl's emotional intelligence is not low. She knows what she can do with her own ability and knows her own position, so she has always studied the knowledge of navigation.

Such a girl is naturally impossible to dig into the roots stupidly. Feeling Ayin's flustered mood, she retreats wittily.

Seeing Hailan did not ask much, Ai Yin finally relaxed.

The girl who was as cold as a ghost when she was fighting with the executioner just now is enthusiastically like a little chirp chirp twitter twitter sparrow, talking non-stop beside Hailan, just It seems to be a little girl who has a good grade and is eager to be praised.

The villagers who saw this scene also sighed in relief. Ai Yin is right now. This is the Ai Yin they are familiar with. The cold appearance of Ai Yin just now really scared them. .

Listening to Ai Yin's description, Hai Lan was surprised: "This executioner was killed by you. I said why I didn't feel a stronger aura in these Pirates."


In fact, there is another way to escape Kenbunshoku Haki's capture, and that is to stop breathing...

Following Ai Yin to the "sealed" executioner, Hailan circled around. He sighed: "Your ability to regress fruit is really good, how far have you developed it now?"

Ai Yin was a little embarrassed by Hailan's question: "This... how do I describe this? ..."

Hailan thought about it, so he said: "Well, let me ask you to answer."


Hai Lan took a stone and put it in Ai Yin's hand, then took it in her hand and took it for two steps.

"Can you return the stone in my hand to your hand now?"


Ai Yin didn’t even think about it. She answered, and it seems that she must have tried it herself.

Hailan continued to ask: "Then can you restore a Senior to his youthful vigor?"

"Nor can this.


Ai Yin He added: "I can only regress the appearance of the old man back to his youth or even childhood, but the physical state and health of this person are irreversible.

There is also age that cannot be reversed. , If it’s a dying old man, even if I turn him into a baby, he will die of old age."

Hailan click the tongue: "This way..."

Ai Yin's eyes were a little dim: "Am I...too useless..."

"Not necessarily."

Hailan dropped the stone, "Fat The Ability User can cure diseases. You can't help but mean that you can't in the future. Let's develop and develop first."


Ai Yin nodded, not much to say .

"My lord, we must be very grateful for you to come and save us, but you should not fool us."

After Hailan stood on the buoyancy net, a villager cheered It took courage to ask a question.

"Fool you?"

"Your big net can carry so many people floating on the sea. This is indeed a miracle, but it can't move. What's the matter? use is it? " " right ah right ah ... " " adults you do not comfort us, and if it is no way, we simply do not leave the island wheat It’s not easy to leave the hometown. If you are killed by Pirate, kill it. It’s fate."

"Even if you die, let those goddamn Pirate look at our backbone." , Elders and folks, Miss Ai Yin is in the limelight all alone, can you be reconciled?"

" Not reconciled!"

"Fuck, fight with Pirate !"

Seeing the villagers fighting their backs and seeing death as home, Hailan didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

This is the buoyancy net without the power system, let alone they can't use it, and Marine can't use it.

"Why are you still catching a fish?"

Seeing Hailan's leisurely appearance, Ai Yin was also confused.

Hailan didn’t answer, he believed in himself: "Did you bring all the ropes I asked you to prepare?"

"Take it with you."

" I'm ready. One, two..."


Suddenly a cloud of spray burst on the sea, and a head that looks exactly like a lion came out of the sea. Came out.

Many villagers were taken aback: "Danger!"

Hailan took the rope in Ai Yin's hand, twisted a few circles, and steadily Set on the sea lion's head.

"Take it."

Putting the end of the rope back in Ai Yin's hand, Hailan jumped onto the sea lion's head.

Being trapped by humans and trampled on by humans, can this be tolerated?

In fact, it is not aimed at humans. It is also unbearable to change to other creatures to ride on top of the head.

The sea lion was about to get angry, but as Hai Lan glared at it, this powerful lion immediately came down.

Who said that Haoshoku Haki is useless except for the miscellaneous soldiers?

This is the skill that every animal trainer has yearn for something even in dreams.

Hailan made a gesture to Ai Yin. Ai Yin knew, and hurriedly tied several ropes to the key points of the buoyancy net with the villagers.

In this way, driven by the sea lion, Mama no longer has to worry about the power of the buoyancy net...

"Also... can it be used like this? " to see this scene of the villagers were all dumbfounded.

This adult can not only fight, but also fish, and train animals... I really don’t know how to describe it, anyway, it’s right to say "excellent".

The way of life has been opened, and the various emotions of the villagers quickly calmed down.

In many cases, crazy resistance is not because of anything else, but because there is no hope.

Hailan walked to Ai Yin's side: "With your ability, can you bring down this sea lion?"

It's not just Wheat Island, Hailan will pay back for a while. Going to Corn Island to find Lilith and other islands in the Crop Islands follow the same pattern, so he is impossible to stay here.

Ai Yin’s voice trembled a little, but he was confident: "Of course it’s okay."

Seeing Ai Yin trembling slightly in the coolness of the sea breeze, Hai Lan came Back to his senses, not everyone is a Logia Devil Fruit Ability User like himself.

"Are you cold?"

Ai Yin said firmly: "No."

"You said no? Why are you shivering if it's not cold? You wait Click."

Ai Yin didn't speak this time, and her heart was a little warm...Is he caring about himself?

In Ai Yin's gaze, Hai Lan took off her coat, played around for a while, and suddenly handed Ai Yin a square red object.

Ai Yin wondered: "What is this?"

"This is called a warm baby, and I bring it on my body to keep away the cold."

This is certainly not true The warm baby, UURead www.uukanshu.com is made by Hailan using the heat energy of Aurora.

Ai Yin just opened her mouth to say thank you, but when she reached her mouth, she quickly swallowed it because she saw Hailan conjure another pile from under her coat: "Come here. I have a share, one for each person. Don’t freeze out in such a cold day."

Great Grandpa: "Thank you young man..."

little girl : "Thank you Big Brother..."

youngster: "Thank you sir..."

Clever man: " My lord , this thing is easy to carry, and you are not afraid of the weather. Business opportunities."

Hailan: "hehe...not for sale, not for sale..."

Ai Yin: "..."

Ai Yin turned around , Looked towards the distant sea, the rain mixed with the sea breeze slapped her face, the "warm baby" in her arms is hot, but why can't her heart warm up...

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