After some tossing, the villagers living in the crop islands, including the Wheat Island, Corn Island and other islands, were all transferred to the buoyancy net, and each buoyancy net was Driven by a Sea Beast or a big fish, under the command of Hailan, it drove neatly towards the Marine Station New World G1 branch.

The cool light rain gradually disappeared, the dark clouds in the sky slowly drifted away, and there was a grey dawn on the horizon in the early morning.

"Look, the sun is coming out!"

"The sun gradually rises, and the bright halo of the eastern sky symbolizes everyone's hope for a new life, ah, I want to praise Marine , Praise the sun..."

"Mohigan, you are reading poetry again."

"Mohigan, he was originally a writer, if it weren't for Mohigan, We don’t even know words yet."

Although the penetration rate of cultural education in Pirate King’s world is very low, there are some more educated people.

Pirates of spades, Ace’s deputy captain Mascud Deuss is a writer.

But this Mohican is not a native of the Crop Islands, but a storyteller who was tricked into being Pirate by Roger and later escaped incognito. Of course, no one knows about Mohican’s past. .

As the weather cleared up and the morning sun rose, the haze that had enveloped the villagers gradually disappeared, and the crowd was filled with laughter of escape from the dead.

But there are also some unharmonious voices.

"hmph! Who knows what his mind is, if he is really a good person, why didn't he take us out of the crop islands last time?"

"Hey, you are all here What nonsense are you talking about?"

"You have no conscience when you speak like this?"

Although the voice is very small, it still clearly fell into Hai Lan's ears.

Hailan laughed blankly. This is a human being. No matter how much he achieves, he will be spotted by others.

He is also not angry, after all, there is no one in this world who is liked by everyone. How much slander a person can bear, and how much praise he can bear.

Although I don’t care about the opinions of these people, Hailan is not a good person who can be slandered casually.

Stand up and declare, after all, in the eyes of many people, silence is tantamount to acquiescence.

Hailan stood up: "I seem to have heard someone say that I deliberately didn't take you out of here last time, didn't you?"

Everyone's eyes were attracted by Hailan. They all looked over, but some people glanced elsewhere, and didn't dare to look directly at Hai Lan.

"So do you think these buoyancy nets fell from the sky? Even now, these buoyancy nets are not officially equipped even for our Marine, but you have already stood on it. You still want to What are you asking for?

Yes, you might say that even if there was no buoyancy net back then, you can send a few Battleships to pick up people.

Some people really don’t understand. I still don’t understand?

This is the site of Big Mom Pirates, can Battleship come here casually? Once Marine carries out a large-scale mobilization, it will evolve into an all-out war at any time.

Of course, we Marine are not afraid of Pirate, but do some people think that they are lucky enough to survive the total war? Bullets and shells don’t have eyes!"

Maybe it’s because Hailan’s identity is Marine, Instead of Pirate, this gives some people a great sense of security.

Even after Hailan’s explanation, there are still people whispering: "hmph! Sophistry!"

"Shut up! You still It’s endless!"

"I don’t know what you mean by that, I only know that Master Hailan saved our village, so that we can finally no longer have to live in Big Mom Pirates. I’m under pressure."

"Yes! My father is a vulgar person, but he has a saying that I think makes sense, that is, whoever you eat, you should turn to whom."

"Um...Master Hailan didn't give us food, right?"

"...I...I don't understand, what I mean!"

Although there were some discordant voices, they were soon overwhelmed by more voices. It can be seen that more villagers still support Hailan and Marine.

The refugees on the chatted about it, and Hai Lan stopped talking.

This is when he should remain silent, he has said everything that should be said, and the rest of the discussion is left to the people themselves.

Rather than just shut up at first, let some people discredit themselves, and bring more neutral people with doubts in their minds to the opposite side of themselves.

Sitting next to Hailan, Ai Yin made a joke: "I thought you would throw those people into the sea to feed the fish when you get angry."

Hailan also smiled: "I'm a Marine, do you think of me as Pirate?"


Ai Yin looked towards the distance, there is a voice A hint of inexplicable taste.

"What's wrong with Marine?"

Hailan suddenly asked: "Before the situation was too urgent, so I didn't ask you. Similu said you hate Marine. What is it? What's the matter?"

Ai Yin rubbed the warm baby in her hands, her eyes were a little erratic: "I don't have one, don't listen to her nonsense..."

"Hid Sir, this It’s not like a Marine should look like..."


Ai Yin stared wide-eyed looked towards Hai Lan: "So you are You promised me to join Marine?"

"I did consider it before, but now, depending on your performance, it seems that you are not qualified..."

Ai Yin blushed "Then let me say it!"

"The last time I heard Big Mom sing..."

When Hailan heard Ai Yin mentioned the G5 branch, he probably understood After knowing what was going on, sure enough, what Ai Yin said later was pretty close to what he guessed.

"The G5 branch is quite special, they... forget it, I told you that you won’t understand it for a while, so let’s wait for you to join Marine and learn more about it later.

Sooner or later, I will go to G5 to teach Marine about those problems, but it’s not the time yet."

As a Marine Vice Admiral, Hailan already has the commander of a large Marine branch base. qualifications.

But wanting to kill the rogue Marine of the G5 branch is simple, but it is even more difficult to take them well.

Hailan is waiting. He needs to wait until people like Wagner, Buggy, and Gerrard grow up a bit, and then take them to the G5 branch.

Otherwise, he alone can lead the soldiers without worrying about death.

Hailan looked at the rising morning sun, with piercing eyes: "The destination we are sailing now is Marine's New World G1 branch, which is overseeed by Marine Headquarter'Akainu' Sakazuki in New World. The largest and most official Marine base in the World.

When you get there, you will all understand, what is a real soldier and what is a real Marine!"

"No need."


Hailan turned around and saw Ai Yin chuckling and shaking his head at him: "Since you are Marine, then this is right for me That’s enough."

First set a small goal, such as 1 second. Remember: Shukeju

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