The light rain is still pattering on the ground.

Hailan in the sky accelerated his flight speed, turned into a stream of light, and rushed straight to the direction of Wheat Island.

"This is really a busy mistake. I just wanted to intercept the Big Mom Pirates fleet, but I forgot that Charlotte Family has a spokesperson in this crop island. I hope it's too late to go back now. " along the direction the sound came, only a short while of time Hoi appeared in wheat shore of the island.

On the sea, black crowds stood on the buoyant net and looked at the Pirates not far away. Some of them, seasick refugees who had never been out to the sea, were looking down at the sea and putting their stomachs in their stomachs. The food is regurgitated and fed to the fish in the water...

...well, it’s actually seasickness.

Another group of people are the Pirates under the executioners. They should have been aggressive at this time, and they seem to be more depressed than the refugees.

In the middle of the two waves of people, standing quietly is Ai Yin holding a short blade in one hand.

It was early in the morning, the sun had not yet awakened, and the rainy weather even concealed the face of the half moon in the sky, and the visibility on the island was extremely low.

But Ai Yin standing there is as eye-catching as a crane in a flock of chickens, not because of her appearance, not because of her height, but the kind of daunting she reveals The cold breath like a ghost.

A big hand that seemed to be born in the shadow suddenly appeared behind Ai Yin, lightly patted her shoulder.

Ai Yin was shocked.

In a flash, Ai Yin turned around and shot the knife, but this in one go style was easily grabbed by the wrist by the person behind him.

Ai Yin felt anxious and was about to make another cut, but the familiar voice rang in her ears.

"Don't make trouble, it's me."

"Are you back?!"

Recognizing the voice master, Ai Yin immediately gave up resistance, originally cold There was also a happy smile on his little face.

It's just that Ai Yin is a little curious, why didn't he notice Hailan's appearance at all? I have clearly awakened the ability called "Kenbunshoku Haki".

Well, it should be my own cultivation still not perfect.

Hailan let go of Ai Yin's hand and asked, "These should be Pirate under Big Mom?"

"It's them."

Hailan took a step forward: "Then leave it to me."

Ai Yin hesitated, and finally said: "Are you going to kill them?"

"Of course."

"But their boss is dead, there is no need to kill these Pirates?"

Hai Lan was a little surprised: "You What does it mean?"

Ai Yin's previous impression of Hailan has never been a Holy Mother character who "repays grievances with virtue", but what is she saying today?

Hai Lan, who didn’t quite understand it, said with a hint of doubt: "They are all Pirate. Even if you want to forgive them, only those who have been hurt by Pirate are qualified to forgive them. We are not qualified to go. Forgive these criminals for others."

"I didn't mean that."

Ai Yin gently shook the head, and she looked towards Hailan, her tone seemed to be worried: "You are just an adventurer, there is no need to do this level. An adventurer should be a free and untired existence, and should not be burdened with such a heavy burden."

"hahahaha ... " Ayn heard of this remark, Hoi suddenly loud laugh, smile Ayn unfathomable mystery, smiling Pirate had some hair is true.

"Let's run..."

Pirates have already begun to retire.

After all, the boss "executioner" has already died on the spot, and these current subordinates are still fighting for their lives.

A group of Pirates retreated quietly, and Hailan did not stop him. In front of his Level 10 computing power and Level 9 perception, as long as Hailan took the initiative to lock, these Pirates would have nothing to hide.

Hailan stretched out her right hand to Ai Yin: "Miss Ai Yin, hello."


Ai Yin startedled, and then hurriedly wiped her hands on her clothes, showing a smile, stretched out her little hand and held Hailan together: "Hello..."

" Actually, I’m not an “iron-legged floating on the water” cutting ears. My real identity is Vice Admiral of Marine Headquarters, Hailan the “Day Tiger”."

Hailan’s disguised identity was originally It wasn't used to deceive Ai Yin. It was just a coincidence that I met Ai Yin as an iron-legged floater, and later there was no need to expose it, so I kept hiding it.

Now if you continue to pretend, there is no longer any sense.


Hearing this sentence, Ai Yin mouth opened wide in surprise, not even the word "Huh?" .

"So destroy Pirate...this is my duty."

Hailan said, pulling his hand out of the stiff wood-like Ayin's hand, and then raised it. Overhead.

A ball of colorful energy light flew into the sky from his hand, illuminating the terrifying gloomy rainy night as bright as day.

Ai Yin looked up, ignored the rain that hit her face, and muttered to herself: "Under the aurora, turning the night into day..."

This is the sea back then. After Lan defeated Golden Lion, "Big News" Morgans made a promotional statement for Marine Vice Admiral "Day Tiger".

Charlotte Katakuri on the broken ship on the sea in the distance also saw the energy ball rising from a distance like a small sun under the night.

He knew that the most likely to be Hailan's ability, but he could do nothing about what Hailan wanted to do at this time.

Flying Sword one hundred steps!

An energy long sword with a handle transformed from the aurora lassed out of the energy group called "Aurora Core". Each Flying Sword can easily take away a Pirate’s life. This colorful and gorgeous streamer, staged on Wheat Island is a feast of killing.

Ayin has a kind of "hero complex" since she was a child. She admires and follows Zephyr not only because Zephyr is her Sensei, Zephyr's life, from second to maturity, from maturity to collapse, his body The painting is full of the color of tragic heroes.

Ai Yin, who has been following the "Day Tiger" news, easily recognizes these abilities of Hailan. If others want to pretend to be the Day Tiger in front of Ai Yin, it is almost impossible.

After a short period of sluggishness, the surprised expression on Ai Yin's face was quickly replaced by a surprised and happy smile.

It turns out that the person I like and the person I admire until now...are the same person?

This is really very good.

The core of the aurora dissipated, and Pirate, which was locked by Hailan, lost its vitality without exception.

He turned his head, UU read www.uukanshu. com saw Ai Yin’s brilliant smiling face: "Hai...Hailan! After everyone is settled, let me join Marine too!"

Hailan hasn’t reacted yet. A girl came out of the crowd returning to the coast. Hearing what Ai Yin said, the girl asked with a puzzled face: "Join Marine? Sister Ai Yin, didn't you say that you hate Marine the most?"

Hailan recognized the girl’s identity: "Similu?"

Similu, the girl that Hailan rescued on Wheat Island, the girl originally planned to be given to by "Bull Bull" Kate An old pervert girl that Charlotte Family met in Underworld.

Hailan is a little confused: "What hates Marine the most?"

"How can I say that, Similu, don't talk nonsense!"

Ai Yin jumped out and pinched Sago's soft face.

Her cheeks are a little hot, but in this extremely low visibility night, no one can see Ayin's hot cheeks.

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