The World Government, the Emperor Pirate of New World, and the inextricably black and white Underground World are all busy with the problems they need to face.

In this 1510 year of rising winds, scudding clouds, Marine Headquarters naturally did not have time to relax.

"'Marine Headquarters award ceremony', from now on, officially begin!"

The chairman on platform temporarily set up at Marine Headquarters, the "steel bone" is empty and magnificent. The declaration burst the passion of the entire Marine Headquarters.

The square of Marine Headquarters is already full of vast crowds.

At a glance, it is extremely spectacular. Marine Headquarters has not gathered so many officers in more than ten years.

Of course, the award ceremony of Marine Headquarters is naturally impossible and Reverie rushed at the same time. Because a large number of Marine officers will leave Marine Headquarters to protect the members of the participating countries during Reverie, the award ceremony was held in advance.

"First is the award ceremony of the school-level officers, please invite the following Sirs to come on stage to award the award, Hina Captain, Xiun Captain, T Penn Captain..."

Among the many hosts, there is a cute little girl with short orange-yellow hair, of course Koala.

The scene of Marine awarding ceremony is very grand, but Koala is not stage fright at all.

On the contrary, under the blessing of the fruit of music, Koala's words and Issho can ignite the passion of the audience and push the atmosphere of the ceremony to a climax.

"Whose child is the little girl?"

"If only I had such a cute younger sister..."

Some officers who did not know Koala discussed spiritedly in the audience.

Although she is the same group of elite training camp students as Hailan and is also a Devil Fruit Ability User, Hina's growth rate is indeed much worse than Hailan and the others due to the limitation of innate talent. Up to now So far, she is only a Captain of Marine Headquarters.

Hina is 22 years old this year, 22-year-old Headquarter Captain, which is already remarkable in the eyes of ordinary people, but compared with those "geniuses" and "monsters", Hina is a little weak.


It is their direct general-level officers who are responsible for honoring school-level officers.

After the salute, it is the honor of a general officer.

"The following Sirs are invited to come to the stage for awards, Smoker Commodore, Buggy Commodore, Commodore Shuzo..."

"Hateful, I am obviously not weaker than that Momonga, why? He’s already Vice Admiral, and I’m Commodore?"


"Which bastard hit me?"

Was punched Shuzo turned his head, and the original evil spirit immediately became a good baby: "Ze...Zephyr-sensei..."

"If you can be as calm as Momonga, you can also be Vice Admiral , Even if he is half calm, you can become Rear Admiral."


"Don't mess around, go on stage!"


"Commodore" is not a false title, but a real job.

Fleet Admiral (Commander)

Admiral (Governor, Admiral)

Vice Admiral, Rear Admiral, Commodore

Captain, Commander, Major

Captain, Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant

Warrant Officer

Sergeant, Sergeant, Corporal

First Class, Second Class

New recruit

chore officer

This is the rank division of Marine Headquarters.

The only characters with "quasi" are Commodore and warrant officer.

Vice Admiral, Rear Admiral, Commodore, this is the same echelon, Admiral is obviously higher echelon.

Warrant officers and below are all at the "soldier" level, Commodore and Warrant Officer are two dividing lines.

Because of Hailan’s stimulation and guidance, Smoker was also promoted to the position of "Commodore" this year. As for Buggy, although his strength is not as good as Smoker, he can’t stand up to other people’s military merits. The dead elephant, stupefied to make him become Commodore...

"The following Sirs are invited to come on stage to award honors, Bastille Rear Admiral, Wagner Rear Admiral, Keisha Rear Admiral, Stainless Rear Admiral.. ."

Since Commodore and Rear Admiral were both awarded by the headquarters Vice Admiral, the ranks of Buggy Commodore and Wagner Rear Admiral were awarded to them by Hailan.

" Work hard, study hard ..."

Hailan patted Wagner's shoulder, Wagner looked solemn and serious: "I will live up to the expectations of Sir Hailan!"


Koala's voice sounded, and Vice Admiral and Rear Admiral looked at each other and saluted.

"The following Sirs are invited to come to the stage to award honors,'Day Tiger' Hailan Vice Admiral,'Tokikake' plus Vice Admiral,'Momousagi' Gion Vice Admiral, Momonga Vice Admiral, Yamakaji Vice Admiral. .."

Among them, Hailan, Momonga and the others have already become Vice Admiral, but this ceremony is a rare grand event for Marine Headquarters in ten years, so they also need to be Awarded once.

Thanks to their performance over the years, Jiaji and Gion finally achieved their own titles-Tokikake and Momousagi.

The award for the Vice Admiral is directly the highest Sir "steel bone". The number of Vice Admiral is not much. In addition, they are the backbone of Marine. The "steel bone" is naturally important. Give enough attention.

When the Vice Admiral salutes and leaves, the next highlight directly burst the audience.

"Next, three Admirals from'Kizaru' Borsalino,'Akainu' Sakazuki, and'precognition' Kuzan will come to the stage to award honors!"

It is not Koala or other hosts who are speaking, It was directly replaced by Sengoku.

The three Marine Headquarters slowly walked to the podium wearing military uniforms and suit shirts tailored for them.

Twelve years have passed since the opening of "Great Age of Pirates". After twelve years of hard work, Marine Headquarters has finally been able to change blood.

Garp has repeatedly refused to be promoted to Admiral. Zephyr dismissed Admiral because his family was killed. For more than ten years, Marine Headquarters can only rely on Fleet Admiral Kong and Sengoku the Buddha, Marine Headquarters, to support them. .

Finally, the grown-up Kizaru, Akainu, and precognition will formally take over as the "Marine Headquarter". The three new "World Government highest battle strength" have brought unprecedented self-confidence to Marine officers and soldiers.

When "Steel Bone" Sora awarded Marine Three Great Admirals, Sengoku also stepped onto the stage to accept Sora's award.

After the end, Sengoku did not leave directly like the previous few games. Sengoku walked to the forefront of the podium and shouted: "From today, I, Sengoku, and the three Marine Headquarters, Borsalino, Sakazuki, and Kuzan. , Will lead everyone to revive Marine's military power...Marine will win, justice will win!"

"Marine will win, justice will win!"

Marine Headquarters The shouts rushed in all directions like waves, and the albatross on the sea in the distance were too frightened to approach the island.

The sound in her ears is deafening, Hai Lan is looking thoughtful in her heart: "Where should my current strength be?

Whitebeard Pirates’s four Captain Thatch, five Captain Flower Sword, Drought Jack of Beasts Pirates, Snack, one of Big Mom Pirates' four Commanders, these I can definitely beat them.

I definitely can't beat the three Admiral and Pirate three emperors.

One Captain'Phoenix'Marco of Whitebeard Pirates, three Captain'Diamonds' Jozu, the inflammation and plague of Beasts Pirates, and the other three Commander Katakuri, Smoothie and Cracker of Big Mom Pirates, as well as Gion senior and Gion senior. It’s hard to say.

But I don’t have to be afraid of them, let alone them, even the Three Emperors of Pirate can’t kill me."

"Hailan Vice Admiral?"



"Fleet Admiral Sengoku is calling you to come on stage."

"On stage?"

Hailan walks again confusedly Going on stage, he found that not just himself, but Jiaji and Gion were also here.

What are you doing?

Hailan missed Sengoku's speech during her thinking, and now she is a little confused.

Sengoku's eyes signaled him to be more serious, and continued: "Hirano Vice Admiral Hailan, Tokikake Vice Admiral Plus, Momousagi Vice Admiral Gion, these three Vice Admiral will be candidates for the next Marine Headquarter. This is what you usually call Admiral alternates.

Let us give a warm applause!"

After the applause, Sengoku continued: "If anyone thinks he already has If you have enough strength, you can challenge the three Admiral Candidates at any time. You don't need military merit, as long as you have enough strength, do you understand it?"

To encourage Marine's martial arts, Sengoku said.

Since Admiral's alternate is only a nomination, it is a symbol of honor, an affirmation of strength, not a real job, and is different from other military ranks, so military merit is not required.

"Hailan, do you have something to say?"

Seeing that Hailan seems to have something to say, Sengoku handed the microphone to Hailan: "My colleagues, I run fast. You can’t beat me, I..."

"You are fooling around!"

Sengoku hurriedly snatched the microphone back: "Ah... Hailan Vice Admiral means , If you don’t have confidence in your speed, don’t waste your energy to challenge him!"

The Hero of the Marines in the audience laughed: "pu hahaha...this is really like him The style of the Marine Chief Instructor ..."

Marine Chief Instructor stood there. Zephyr, a tough soldier who bleeds and sheds tears, had some wet eyes, quietly tilted his head, and whispered to himself: "Where is this windy? The sand."

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