There is a kind of cold called Mother that thinks you are cold, and another kind of idle called Boss, which thinks you are idle. This Saturday, the working hours are longer than Monday to Friday, and I haven’t gotten off work yet. , Cry...

Writing novels really doesn’t make money. Now I insist on it with a lot of energy, so when there is not enough time, novels can only make concessions for real work. I hope everyone can understand Bar.

The author is the same as the anchor. 1% of the big guys harvest 99% of the cakes, and 99% of them rush to grab the remaining 1%.

I would advise friends who want to write novels to be cautious when entering the industry and writing novels is dead end.

Oh, by the way, this is not a Court Eunuch declaration. It’s just a day off. Don’t be afraid.|??ω??`)


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