? Sea Calendar 1510, this is a very important year.

In the Pirate world, the struggles of the "three emperors" Whitebeard, Kaido, and Big Mom in the New World intensified, and more and more newbies are emerging like a spring. It is the period of the expansion of the Pirate camp.

The World Government, Reverie, which is held every four years, will be held soon, plus this year is a "full year" that can only catch up every 20 years, World Government will decide on Reverie this time Many big things.

Red Line continent, "Holy Land" Mariejois, in the ancient city.

At the end of the castles of gold and jade in glorious splendor, splendorous and majestic, the sculpture has a throne.

The shape of this throne is very strange, it looks like a giant sword standing upside down on the ground.

This throne has a special name-"The Vacant Throne". If you want to translate it into something more compelling, you can also call it "Void Throne".

"Vacant Throne", as the name implies, this is a throne dedicated to being vacant here, and will never be seated on it.

It represents an oath to insist on "equal to each other" between kings and never grow a dictatorship. It represents the center of the world and a symbol of peace that no one can touch.

Just as the Peak of world power is held by "Gorosei" at the same time, it symbolizes that there is no unique and unmatched king in this world.

On the wide avenue in the palace facing the Void Throne, there is a luxurious bright red carpet.

In normal times, on both sides of the carpet will stand upright in two rows holding lance and wearing armor, guarding the soldier, protecting the sacred Void Throne.

But today, there is no one on either side of the red carpet.

Cross the red carpet, step on the steps, and you will see a platform full of swords.

These swords are like a fence blocking the way of everyone, symbolizing the meaning of "no access".

There is no step forward between the 2-Layer platform filled with swords and the three-layer platform like a city wall. It also shows that the "Void Throne" can be viewed from a distance and not playable.

Go straight along the three-story stairs, and you will come to the 4-Layer platform where the "Void Throne" is located.

On the ground in front of the throne, there are 20 have nothing common with each other weapons, blade, spear, sword, halberd battle axe hook and fork - this was created 800 years ago by the World Government The weapons used by those 20 kings.

If you stand here and look forward and downward, you will find that there are five old people standing on the red carpet without a soldier-Gorosei, the five old people standing at the apex of power in the world, the five The most noble being in Celestial Dragon.

But today, they are just like the students who are about to meet Sensei's being taught, trembling with fear, and they dare not breathe.

On the side of the Void Throne, there is actually a Dao Altar step, a continuous straight step, extending to another room-"between the flowers".

Among the flowers, a weird man wearing a black robe and a weird spiked crown is teasing a few butterflies in the flowers.

A black clothed person knelt behind the weirdo not far away and reminded in a low voice: "Master Yim, everyone is here."

The weird name Yim did not respond. , Dragging a long black cloak, slowly walked up the steps leading to the Void Throne among the flowers.

At the moment Eim appeared, Gorosei, who was standing at the apex of the world's highest power, bent over and bowed his head like five minions, moved towards the Void Throne and knelt down.

five looks delicate and charming old man in unison: "! Naim adults, Gorosei come to Meet"

"The vacant throne" or something...It's really ironic.

Eim slowly opened his eyes, and stared at Gorosei, who was kneeling at the First Layer in the distance, with a pair of eagle-like eyes.

In the long river called history, Eim has ordered countless "lights" to be extinguished.

Gaya Island’s "Shandora’s Light", West Blue’s "O’Hara’s Light"... Eim is the one who wipes out a country from the world at every turn, not Gorosei.

Eim threw two bounty orders to Gorosei, the sword was light flashed, one of which was cut off by a sword.

A magical force sent the bounty order to Gorosei-one of them is Straw Hat brat "Akagami" Shanks, and the other is the leader of Revolutionary Army Monkey ・D.・Dorag.

"We understand..."

Gorosei nodded gestured.

Yim didn't say a word from beginning to end, but Gorosei had already kept in his heart the commands Im wanted to express.


New World, the remnant party of Rocks Pirates in the past, and now the "Beasts" Kaido and "Big Mom" ​​Charlotte Linlin are enjoying a drink in the territory of Big Mom.

Kaido poured fine wine into his big mouth, and shouted, "Linlin, these pastries made by your chef are so terrible!"

Big Mom retorted while stuffing food in his mouth: "Nonsense! The dim sum made by my chef is definitely the best in the world!"

Kaido does not argue with Big Mom, he solemnly asked "It’s not impossible to help you attract Marine’s attention, but what benefits can I get after it’s done?"

Big Mom didn’t even look at Kaido and replied while eating: "I’m listening Say that the World Government is studying the technology of artificial Devil Fruit, and wait until it has caught those scientists, the scientists who study the giants of human beings belong to me, and the scientists who study the artificial Devil Fruit belong to you, how about it?"

Kaido laughed heartily "This really sounds like a good idea. I'm not afraid of fighting, but this plan will not go wrong?"

Big Mom glared at Kaido: "This is my idea, my How could the treasured son Katakuri’s detailed plan go wrong?"

Kaido: "Cheers!"

Big Mom: "Cheers!"


New World, in an underground black market.

Doflamingo's forehead is full of green veins: "Damn trash, you guys lost Gold-Gold Fruit?"

Gold-Gold Fruit, which is the original Sabaody Archipelago The leader "cheat" Smith's Devil Fruit, Doflamingo originally wanted to attract customers after getting this Devil Fruit, but unexpectedly was snatched away by a mysterious person.

How many Devil Fruits have you lost so far?

In Sabaody Archipelago that year, Hailan snatched a batch.

I was snatched by my younger brother in North Blue.

Later, the Shadow Shadow Fruit was also snatched by Hai Lan.

Now even Gold-Gold Fruit has been lost by his men.

Doflamingo is getting more and more angry.

"Master Jo...Joker, that guy is really amazing, we haven't reacted yet, we are already...ah!!!"

"Lost it is Lost, I don't want to listen to the explanation of the waste!"

Doflamingo's finger popped a "flash line" and pierced the head of that man.

"Hey! Who knows what that thief looks like?"

The men tremble and dare not say a word. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Doflamingo coldly Issho: "If you don't speak...you have to die!"

"Dai...Davidler knows... " finally, a men summoned the courage to answer the sentence.

"Which is Davidler?"

"Just...the one you killed..."


Doflamingo suddenly doubts life.

What an international joke...

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