After passing the Gorosei level, Hailan and Spandane left Sabaody Archipelago in the same Marine Battleship.

CP0 did not leave with them. CP0 will stay at Mariejois most of the time, and CP1~CP9 will stay at Judicial Island, the city that never sleeps.

When the CP0s stayed in Mariejois, Spandane couldn't control them, so he had to return to Judicial Island in the end.

On the way, on the Battleship, Spandane hummed a little song and took a shower in the bathroom.

When reporting to Gorosei before, he had a cold sweat. It was smelly and slimy at this time, so he naturally had to wash it off.

In addition to a few special battleships dedicated to battles, the marine battleship of the overwhelming majority has complete living facilities, kitchens, washrooms, etc., because Marines drift in the sea for ten days half a month when they are out. It is common even for a few months. If the needs of life are not met, work efficiency will inevitably be reduced.

On the deck, several chore officers are cleaning the deck diligently.

Unlike the purely wooden Pirate Ship, although the Marine Battleship is essentially a wooden ship, it will be covered with a layer of iron skin on many parts. At this time, sea water cannot be used to clean the deck, because sea water will corrode the iron skin. , Tin boats can only be washed with fresh water.

This is also very close to Judicial Island, and it can be recharged soon, otherwise even the Marine Battleship would be impossible to waste the precious fresh water resources on the sea.

" Huh ...comfortable..."

After taking a bath, Spandane walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe, and while wiping his head, he returned to his bedroom , Opened the door, and couldn't help being stunned.

" Brother Hailan , what did you run into my room for?"

Hailan glanced at the wet Spandane, the undried water column slowly slipped Down, down to the deck.

"Spandine, I'll take care of you for you. You will save money and avoid disasters. You will not forget it? My 50 million Beli, when are you going to send it to me?"

"Oh... it turned out to be for this."

Spandah calmly walked to the chair and sat down with Issho: "is it possible that Hailan Vice Admiral is still worried about my renege on a debt?"


I am not targeting you. Anyone with me is not allowed to take credit. I can allow you to pay on delivery, which is a big concession, do you understand?"

Spandane grinned and did not answer.

After a while, Hailan asked again: "It seems that you are planning to renege on a debt."

Spandane finally spoke: "yes and how?"

I'm relying on your account today, what can you do to me? is it possible that can kill me? Marine Vice Admiral murdered Cipher Pol's Sir, this is not a trivial thing that can be fooled casually.

After trying to understand all of this, Spandain threatened: "At worst, I will tell Gorosei the truth about this matter, and you will say that Vice Admiral threatens me to pay to avoid disasters. Tiger Vice Admiral accepts bribes, I think, you are not willing to take the matter to that point, are you?"

Hailan, who had already guessed the result, was not surprised by Spandane’s answer.

Although Spanda is cheated by this person, his villain style in the bones always affects his behavior. It is not easy to make him vomit blood and pay money. .

In this regard, Hailan has already figured out a countermeasure.

Hailan snort disdainfully to Spandane: "Spandane, I really didn't expect it, you dare to threaten me."

Spandane Dyne snorted, "What about threatening you? Can you really do anything to me? If you kill me, Gorosei will definitely deal with you!"

Spandane from the very beginning did not Plan to spend these fifty million Beli!

"Spandane, it seems that you really don't understand your current situation."

Just when Spandane opened his mouth to continue to fight Hailan , Hailan said nothing, took out the Aurora Sword "Demon Snake" in his hand and moved towards Spandane's forehead and slashed it.

Spandain didn't even have time to shrink his pupils, he seemed to see the future in his mind: he was split in half by Hai Lan on the spot!

I waited until the high-temperature roasting on the "monster" made Spandane's cheeks red, and he felt the hotness of Spandane before returning sobered up.

Under the precise control of Hailan's computing power, the demon snake stopped at an extreme position in front of Spandane, and did not strike Spandane.

Spandain's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, unable to make a sound.

It's not that he doesn't want to shout, or that he doesn't dare to make a sound, but that he can't make a sound at all.

Just like when a person with severe acrophobia is standing on a high place and looking down, their legs can't lift a bit of strength at all.

Hailan combined the bitter sword intent with the pressure of Haoshoku Haki on the sword edge, allowing Spandane to experience the feeling of walking in front of the Gates of Hell.

In the eyes of Spandane at this time, the red Aurora Sword is like a bloody monster from hell, which can swallow his soul at any time.

"Pu Tong..."

Spandane, who lost his strength, sank on the ground like mud.

His vision was in a trance, his mind buzzed constantly, the sound of wind and rain drills, the sound was not heard, but there was a person's voice, but it was very clear.

"Looking for the skin with the tiger, but you have to be conscious of being eaten by the tiger, but Spandane, do you have this awakening?"

The " monster" in Hailan's hands Slowly disappeared.

He opened the door, leaving Spandane with a soft voice: "I will wait for your final decision at Marine Headquarters."

If I really want to take it Taking Spandane’s life, Hailan had a hundred ways to kill him, and each of them would not be suspected on her own head.

However, after Hailan understood why Gorosei should use Spandane, and gradually learned about Spandane’s character and abilities, Hailan decided to keep his life.

Even a piece of toilet paper has its own value.

As long as he can be subdued and submissive, people like Spandane will be of great use in the future.

A long time has passed since Hailan left, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Spandane, who was almost scared to death, finally slowed up sobered up.

His bathrobe is soaked, this is not the remaining drops of water, but his sweat.

At this time, Spandane was drenched like a sauna.

His cheeks were burnt red, and the hair on his forehead was curled up by the heat of the demon snake, and there was even a smell of urine in the air.

"It will die... I will definitely die..."

Spandane, who turned around in front of Gates of Hell, has no confidence anymore .

He has no doubt now that if he dared to provoke this day tiger again, he would definitely devour himself alive, and would not leave a trace of bone scum.

"I...I have to take another bath..."

Spandane wanted to stand up with his desk and chair, but no matter how hard he struggles, But I can only fall to the ground again and again...

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