? East Blue, Goa Kingdom, Colbo Mountain.

"Mr. carat, a few days ago I heard that you had arrived Foosha Village, how come Korpo Hill today to find us ah?" still a "Kela Song" that's outfit Rosinante squeezed Sabo's face: "Little demon, I know more than the three of you here. There are also my friends in Footha Village."

Goa Kingdom, known as the best of East Blue beautiful country.

In fact, this is because the nobles of this country expelled all the "unbeautiful" things-garbage, poor people... etc., all to the super large garbage named "Gray Terminal" In the field, this is an "isolated society."

Foosha Village is a border town on this large island. It is very far away from Goa Kingdom. Coupled with Goa Kingdom's "isolation policy", the two sides have almost no intersection.

If it wasn't for Rosinante who took Luo and Luffy to Goa Kingdom and bumped into Sabo and Ace who ate the King’s meal, it would be a year later for Luffy to be thrown by Garp to the "Mountain Bandit" Dadan of Mount Corbo. The family then got acquainted with Sabo and Ace.

Rosinante still maintains the "Crazon" crow coat dress, in order to play the role of the adventurer "Dark Crow".

He doesn’t use the name "Clarsson" anymore, but Luo still calls him "Mr. Carat" as always, so Luffy and Sabo have also learned to call him Mr. Carat, and the withdrawn and irritable Ace is Call him "Smelly Crow", just like Garp "Smelly Old Man".

"Mr. Carat, last time you said the story of the New World Dressrosa, the country of love and passion, the fairyland of love and passion, the story of Dressrosa is not finished yet. Keep talking!"

When it comes to Dressrosa , A trace of sadness flashed across Rosinante's face.

His big brother, Doflamingo eventually became the king there and took the country.

But as soon as he saw Sabo's enthusiastic eyes full of expectation, Rosinante grinned Issho, and continued to tell the adventure story of "Dark Crow".

This is Rosinante's nature. He likes little children very much. "Krasson"'s boredom with little children is just a disguise.

Seeing this scene, Luo suddenly said: "Hey, Sabo, let's fight!"

"No way, I can't beat you."

"Are you afraid?"

Sabo didn't even turn his head,

waved his hand and said, "Yeah, yeah."

Luo frowned, Ace is Suddenly he jumped out: "Sabo, you are too spineless."

Sabo has already heard the adventure story so obsessed...not even aware of Ace's words...

The furious Ace turned his anger towards Luo: "I'll fight you! Who is afraid of whom !"

Luo also just wanted to beat who, "Come then!"

Luffy also joined in the fun: "There is still me!"

Luo disgusted: "Bepo, you go and teach that stinky brat!"

Several children are in a group , Only Rosinante and Sabo look more serious here.

From Tiannan to Haibei, the topic has changed unconsciously.

Sabo sighed: "Those World Government participating countries are really pitiful, and they have to pay heavenly gold. How is this different from the protection fees charged by Pirates?"

"Not the same ."

"Which is different?"

"The quantity is different."

"The quantity?"

Rosinante explained patiently Said: "Tianshangjin is actually a kind of tax, and taxation and protection fee are the same thing in name: you pay me, and I protect your safety.

Taxation and protection fee are the largest The difference is that the amount of taxation is very small, and Marine will truly protect civilians.

Pirate’s protection fee is different. Not only is the amount requested is huge, but Pirate is originally a cunning villain. I basically won’t protect you if I take your money.

This is the difference between tax and protection fee, and also the difference between Marine and Pirate. Sabo, do you understand?"

Sabo just slowly nodded and didn't speak.

Rosinante felt that as long as he was given enough time, he might not be able to train Sabo into Marine. It was just that Ace and Luffy could be difficult.

As the sun sets, we will go back to our homes.

"pu hahaha...Is there still no way to convince Luffy that brat? Rosinante, you don’t need to apologize, it doesn’t matter, Hailan is going to East Blue in a few days, he must be able to clean up Luffy’s. Little bastard!"

After dinner, Rosinante called Garp from Marine Headquarters.

Looking at the stars in the sky, Rosinante muttered to himself: "Hai Lan... we haven't seen each other for a long time, right?"


This Spandahin is thinking about how to plot against Hailan, but he has overlooked one thing: all his behaviors now are equivalent to that he has acquiesced to a fact-Bartholomew · Xiong It is indeed his responsibility to run away.

It doesn't matter whether this wheelchair is four thousand or five thousand, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that he simply shouldn't buy it!

In order to completely clear the relationship with this pot, Hailan directly resorted to a "serial trick".

As the officials of the World Government and the Chief-In-Charge of the Kingdom of Sorbet negotiated good terms, after the Kingdom of Sorbet officially joined the World Government, Hailan and Spandane also returned gradually." Holy Land "Mariejois.

"Let’s go, Hailan Vice Admiral, what the hell is going on? Why can’t you arrest Bartholomew Bear with CP0’s assistance?"

Pan ancient city, Gorosei Hailan and Spandane were standing opposite Gorosei reporting the situation in the conference hall of.

Spandane dared not say a word, for fear of saying something wrong.

Hailan Yizheng said: "This time is because I made a mistake in my judgment. I didn't calculate Bartholomew · Bear's battle method. This led to Pirate using his Devil Fruit ability to successfully escape the battlefield in the battle. ."

"Oh? Earlier, you said that you had a match with that Pirate, and the strength of the two sides were equal. Why now with the help of CP0s, you can't take him? There really is no other way. Why? Spandane, do you have any other opinions?"

Hearing Gorosei’s words, Spandane’s cold sweat broke out, even his legs were already shaking. Non-stop.

Hailan took the initiative to explain: "I didn't expect that Pirate's meatball fruit could not only bounce others, but also himself. During the battle, he first knocked me back and waited for me to come back. After that, he has disappeared, and I should have joined forces with Borsalino Vice Admiral.

Now it’s meaningless to say that this is a mistake in my strategy. There is no need to blame others!"

"Okay, you all go down first."

After Hailan and Spandane left, several Gorosei talked casually.

"This is different from what CP0 reported. CP0 said that it was to protect Spandain that Bartholomew Bear seized the opportunity to escape... The two of them are in what the hell is happening?"

"It's really similar to Sakazuki, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has a strong sense of responsibility!"

"I didn't target him because Spandam caused troubles Spandam's father, the mind is also good. " " Marine and Cipher Pol able to shake hands and this is a good thing, this time not because the disposition Si Panda, selling them a favor now. "

Gorosei is well aware of Marine and Cipher Pol's open strife and veiled struggle. As leaders of both sides, they naturally hope to see less conflicts between the two sides.

On the road, Spandain, who wiped his cold sweat, sighed and gave Hailan a thumbs up: "brother, great!"

Hailan There was a warm smile like a spring breeze: "hehe...it should be, it should be."

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