? A few days later.

Marineford, Marine Headquarters, residential area.

"Huh? Granny Crane, how come Garp grandfather is not here these days?"

At the staff of Crane’s house, there was a small basket of sugar in his arms and his head tilted. Asked the staff of Crane, and by the way, he didn't forget to stuff a small grape into his mouth.

Crane staff officer closed his eyes and said lightly, "Isn't it just right for him to come here? That old naughty boy doesn't have a good line all day long hehe haha, but he just came to our house just to be clean."

The old naughty boy is a title Hailan often calls Garp in private.

Garp doesn't hit the girl, so Koala and Sugar passed it on and then passed it. Now many Marines call Garp the old naughty boy in private.

The typical patriarchal patriarch ...


Sugar complied did not ask any more, she was just a little curious, I don't care much anyway.

"Sister Crane, sugar, come and taste the braised sea lion I made!"

Accompanied by a woman’s voice, Gion was carrying a dish in Crane Walked out of the kitchen at home.

Gion saw that sugar was eating grapes bite after bite, she smiled and persuaded: "Sugar, eat less grapes, be careful to eat your stomach!"

"Okay !"

The granulated sugar cleverly put the small basket on the coffee table, and took a few grapes and stuffed it into his mouth...

Put the dishes on the table, Gion gossip suddenly said: "Miss crane, Mr. Garp the past few days why not come between you is not ah trouble, right??" so many years, crane has long been accustomed to the gossip of others "Isn’t it nice if he doesn’t come? He used to be messy when eating. Where can the past few days be so clean?"

"Crane staff, I recently caught a few fish from North The fish that Blue swims over here are here for you to taste."

At this moment, he brought a few fishes and appeared at the door of Crane's house: "Oh, Gion, little elder sister, you Are you there? What a coincidence..."

Gion: "hehe..."

At Marine Headquarters,

new recruits like Drake or Wagner Officers below the general rank are required to live in dormitories. Depending on their ranks, they will be provided with dormitories of different sizes.

Only after reaching the level of Rear Admiral and above, can they be assigned to an independent house.

After all, this is an island-based world, and land is still in short supply.

At Zephyr's home.

"pu hahahaha...what a coincidence, you are going to have dinner when I just came here?"

Pushing open the door, Garp broke into the living room of Zephyr's house.

Zephyr glanced at Garp contemptuously, what a fart, you shameless Old Guy clearly pinched a spot.

Now I don’t go to Crane’s Cengfan, this is my house.

Looking at the flatbread rolls on the dining table, Garp unceremoniously grabbed a portion and put it in his mouth: "Um... it smells good! The old man just happened to be thirsty, Koala You help me serve a bowl of millet porridge."

Koala blinked, but did not say much: "Okay." As I said earlier, because this is an island In the Lord’s world, land resources are relatively scarce, but seafood is abundant, so “noodles” has become a more precious resource than “meats”. Individual Celestial Dragons don’t even know how food is produced.

Garp usually eats a lot of big fish and meat. At this time, eating these home-cooked meals made by Koala and Hailan learns to make it different. This is the reason why Garp has not gone to Crane’s for dinner these days. .

Garp bit down half of the flatbread roll onions in one bite, and it was delicious: "Koala, you are really good, I didn't know you would make these foods before."

Chopper and Pikachu were irritated by the smell of green onions, so Pikachu took Chopper to catch fish.

Don't think that Chopper is a fawn, but since he ate Human-Human Fruit, he has eaten meat very fragrantly. Of course, he doesn't know how to eat venison.

Koala served Garp with millet porridge while replied: "I learned from Hailan."

"Who did Hailan learn from?"

Hailan's craftsmanship were all learned by cooking before crossed over, of course he can't say that.

"He said he learned from the local villagers on New World Wheat Island, which is an island that mainly produces crops... Hailan is back!"

" ? " Zephyr will Kenbunshoku Haki Garp and exploration out, and she felt a breath.

"Hailan, you are back!"

The excited Koala jumped into Hailan's arms, and Hailan hugged the little girl around and released it soon Come down.

Hailan touched Koala's little head, said with a smile: "Why doesn't it grow tall..."


The little girl pursed her mouth in anger, Hailan squeezed Koala's little face along the way, laughed, and teased the little girl.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Hailan always feels that Koala grows a bit slower than most peers’ height....

Fortunately, height has nothing to do with strength. , Otherwise you have to ask Begapunk Academician for help.

"Father... Uncle Garp, are you there too?"

Hailan greeted the two elders and walked into the room.

Zephyr worriedly said: "This action failed... Gorosei didn't trouble you?"

Hailan didn't care at all, happily replied: "No, Gorosei not only He didn't criticize me, and praised me."

"Praise you?"

Zephyr was puzzled.

Hailan did not directly explain: "When the time comes, you will know."

"Hailan, my smelly brat Luffy is getting more and more irregular. He always I'm trying to be some bullshit Pirate, even Rosinante can't persuade him. I wonder if it's not a problem to beat him all the time. You always have a lot of ideas. Why don't you bother you to take a trip to East Blue?"

Garp stretched out his hand and touched the scallion on the flatbread, was slapped back by Zephyr "Pa" and glared at him: You have eaten several portions, so you can’t give Hailan too. Keep a copy? !

Hailan thought for a moment and replied: "I don't have any problem...but I have to ask Admiral Sengoku for leave?"

Garp laughed, "It's easy!

Some time ago, there was a duel between Pirate called'Akagami' Shanks and Greatest Swordsman in the World'Hawk Eyes'Dracule Mihawk, right? Then the Red Hair Pirates group disappeared in the New World!"

Hailan was startled slightly: "Disappeared?"

This is something he hasn't paid attention to.

Garp mysterious and secretive said: "I have investigated a piece of news. It is said that the Red Hair Pirates group has gone to East Blue, so I will tell Sengoku that you are going to chase the Red Hair Pirates group. East Blue’s..."

"Isn’t this you fooling around?"

Garp's eyes widened: "This is true!"

Zephyr nodded: "It is indeed true. Staff Kong Ming has confirmed this information."

"I can rest assured..."

"Hailan Vice Is Admiral at home?"

A man's voice suddenly sounded outside the door. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

A few people walked out, and they all showed displeasure--Spandam!

Behind Spandam in a suit were several bodyguards who also wore suits. There were three leather suitcases in their hands.

Hailan smiled: "It's you who really didn't expect to come. What about your dad?"

"My dad is sick and can't come for the time being."

Spandam was disfigured by Franky in the previous "Fishman Tom Incident" and now wears an iron mask.

He took a deep breath and said to Hailan: "My dad said, in order to repay Hailan Vice Admiral's life-saving grace, he especially sent some small cares, which is not a respect."

Zephyr frowned: "What's in the box?"

Spandam was a little unwilling to say: "This is 300 million Beli, and a box contains 100 million. Do you want to order? A little bit?"

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