In Ai Yin’s confident smile, Hai Lan’s answer she got was: "Don't!"

Ai Yin was stunned: "This ...Isn’t it all necessary?

Aren’t you an adventurer?

Adventurers don’t steal or steal. They should be short of money, isn’t it? You’re still a Bounty Hunter, I’ve never heard of it."

"I don’t lack your money."


Not really Hailan pretended to be forced.

In this sea, there are too many gangsters, Pirate and Chamber of Commerce. If Hailan is short of money, they are all self-propelled ATM machines of Hailan.

Although Hailan has been saving money in the "castle body protection symbol", this thing is not particularly attractive to Hailan.

When he has time to run with Ain to appease Lilith, he can dig out several Treasure Maps.

Furthermore, Hai Lan is not a psychologist either.

Ayin said anxiously: "What do you want if you don't want money?"

"I don't want anything, Miss Ayin, I just need you to stay away from me now."


Ain suddenly felt a little wronged.

Looking at the silhouette who turned and left, Ai Yin finally did not catch up.

She suddenly wanted to understand.

I am chirp chirp twitter twitter next to others like a sparrow. Isn’t it a bit too annoying?

Ayin's eyes were gradually covered with a layer of mist, and a drop of dew slowly swirled on the ruby.

"Really, I'm really useless. If Lilith can recover, everyone in the village will be very happy."

"Miss Ai Yin, what did you just say? "


Ai Yin looked up, a squinted monster, ah no, it was Hailan with a smile on her face that appeared in front of her.

"You are back again..."

He can't help but come back.

Hailan is not short of money because there are human-type self-propelled ATM machines everywhere in the sea, but the "identification value" is different. In most cases, Pirates are fighting each other, and the accumulation of "identity value" is much more difficult.

Aiyin dizzyly opened a pair of big eyes: "I said...everyone in the village will be very happy..."

"Aiya, you said it earlier , Since Lilith is so important to everyone, it is my bounden duty to help her recover health and happiness!"

"Then you agreed?"

"Of course!"

"Thank you so much!"

The experience of mountain road twists around each new peak made Ayin laugh again. On Ruby In the end, the dewdrops did not fall, but were scattered. Under the shining of the silver moonlight, it was shining...


2nd day.

Without taking the ordinary passenger ship merchant ship, Hailan and Ai Yin hired a small clipper to go straight to the destination mentioned by Ai Yin-Wheat Island.

It is impossible to go out to sea on a small broken ship like Luffy in the anime, because in the face of the unfathomable weather of the sea, one or two people simply can’t do it, even more how Hailan and Ai Yin are both It is Devil Fruit Ability User.

Even if it is better than Hawk Eyes, but because of the weird weather of New World, I want to go back to the first half in a year.

In the cabin, Hailan and Ai Yin are discussing the situation of Wheat Island.

"You mean...Wheat Island belongs to Big Mom Pirates' site?"

"That's it."

Ain nodded, "Wheat The island is rich in various grain works. Above this sea, the grain itself is a high-level food material and the raw material for making flour, and flour is an indispensable raw material for making various cakes.

Especially when Big Mom is a very gluttonous monster, flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, growing in the soil... As long as it is edible, she will not let it go.

But don’t worry, because of its geographical location, it is far from the sites of Whitebeard Pirates and Beasts Pirates, and conflicts will hardly occur, so the Wheat Island is relatively safe.

Moreover, this is only a site under Big Mom, and it does not belong to Big Mom’s Totto Land, plus you are just an adventurer, so as long as you don’t actively provoke Big Mom, you will never be in danger. .

If you don’t think it’s safe yet, you can return to Jianhao Island and wait for me to bring Lilith here."

"Um, it’s okay, no problem. Big."

Hai Lan changed the subject and said: "I’m curious how do you know that flour will explode when it meets flames in the warehouse?"

Hai Lan doesn’t think this is Ai What Yin learned in the textbook.

Ain’s gaze is dimmed: "I grew up on Wheat Island, and similar accidents happened here, so..."

Hai Lan nodded: "I understand."

The journey at this time was relatively lucky. I didn't encounter the weird weather of New World on the road.

There were no surprises and no dangers along the way. A few days later, Hailan and Ai Yin quickly arrived at Wheat Island, which is quite far away from the Marine base.

"Thank God, Ai Yin finally came back safely."

"Who is the man next to her? He looks amazing..."

These words made Hailan very comfortable.

With the blessing of "heroic temperament", passers-by finally stopped saying that he looked ordinary...

"Ai Yin. UU Reading"


"I see that the crops in the fields are very strong and prosperous. Why do everyone look sad?"

Ai Yin gritted his teeth and explained: "Because these will be taken away by Kate soon, Kate is the spokesperson of Big Mom Pirates on Wheat Island." Wheat island.

Escape, where can you escape?

Weak are prey to the strong, not just Wheat Island, but the entire world.

At least here, there is no need to worry about the invasion of Pirate in the middle and lower layers, the safety of life is more secure than the residents on other islands.

"Lilith, who do you think is here?"


A person who looks about the same age as Ayin, but his complexion is The poor girl first glanced at Ai Yin, and then looked towards Hailan.

Rays of light suddenly appeared in her hollow eyes: "It's an iron-legged water drifter, am I dreaming?!"

Lilith ran directly to Hailan Next to him, she did not dare to touch Hailan, her hands were folded on her chest as if praying, her eyes flashed with rays of light like a child worshiping a hero, without a trace of impurities.

Perhaps this is the real effect of "heroic temperament".

Hai Lan is tall, even if Lilith is standing, he can touch Lilith's head: "I am not an iron-legged floater."

Lilith I was stunned: "Who are you then?"

Hailan Issho: "My full name is called "Cut Ears·Skunks."

"Cut...cut Ears? It’s scary..."

Hai Lan laughed: "Of course it was cutting the ears of the traffickers. Lilith is so cute. It’s too late for everyone to protect you.

Let me take you to go fishing."


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