Lilith did not doubt the authenticity of the "iron-legged floater" in front of her, because her instinct told her that even if the scumbag was not bathed in holy light , But the feeling it gave her was exactly the same as that of the "iron-legged float on the water" adult.

Looking at the silhouette of Hailan and Lilith walking towards the beach, some villagers smiled with satisfaction, and some cried with excitement.

"Very good, Lilith is finally saved."

"Ayin, you not only helped Lilith get revenge, you even found the iron-legged water drifter, but you The great hero in our village."

"Don't... Auntie, you must don't say this... I can't be a hero..."


"Heroes do not lie in objective conditions, but in people's subjective identification. Since the aunt says you are a hero, don't be humble."

"It seems that there is some truth...wait! Why are you poking Shuajun again?

Ai Yin was taken aback by Hai Lan behind him.

"Uh...I forgot to bring fishing rods and other fishing tools. "

Hai Lan got used to "Jiang Taigong fishing", but this move couldn't be taught to Lilith, so she walked halfway and rushed back.

Not far away, look. In this scene, Lilith laughed happily.

For many years, this is the first time Lilith smiled.


A few days later.

"The posture is wrong, so lower your body. "

"Yes! "

"How soft? Push harder! "

"Yes! "

Hai Lan is not a mental mentor, and she has no clue as to how to rejuvenate Lilith.

So apart from taking Lilith to go fishing to relax, she thought about it. Open it, and collect Lilith as her own dísciple, and start teaching her the cultivation sword technique.

Maybe it was a mistake. Fishing and sword technique are both effective for the recovery of Lilith’s mental health. Wonderful effect.

Lilith's complexion has obviously improved.

"Take a break. "

"Yes, Sensei. "

"I'm leaving in two days, Lilith..."

"Don't worry Sensei, Way of Sword has allowed me to find a living goal again. I won't be as decadent as before! "

"That's good. "

In the evening, the villagers gathered at Lilith’s house.

"My lord, you know the situation on our island. There is nothing you can tell. But since you helped Lilith, we can’t help but give you back.

The fine wines in these jars will be given to you as a reward. "

For fear of Hailan's misunderstanding, Ai Yin hurriedly explained: "This is not their own wine, but Big Mom'rewarded' it to the village. Why don't you bother to use grain to make wine." "

Hai Lan nodded: "I understand! "

"'s not good..."

Just then, a villager rushed in in a panic, covered in mud, battered and exhausted .

Ain hurriedly asked: "Calm down, what happened? "

On Wheat Island, apart from the village chief, Ai Yin is the most authoritative person in the village.

"We must not be in order to Master Iron-legged Water Drifting See off?

Food is scarce on the island, so everyone was going to fish by the sea, but didn't expect to meet Mrs. Kate's men.

They took Similu, not only killed her father, old John, but also killed the villagers who were fishing. I happened to go to the distance to pee and escaped. "

"This is impossible! "

The village chief turned blushing as if he had heard something incredible.

"Although Big Mom Pirates is very cruel, the asylum they gave is true. Existing, as long as they didn't actively provoke them, how could they kill the residents of the island casually?

Furthermore, Lord Kate is not a womanizer either. What did he do with Sago? "

" Village Chief, don't worry, this is what I saw with my own eyes. I don't know why Lord Kate took Sago. "

"There is nothing impossible.


Hai Lan suddenly said: "You are indeed sheltered by Big Mom Pirates, but just as Whitebeard does not necessarily know all of his sons, Pirates under Big Mom do not necessarily follow Big Mom’s Order.

Furthermore, what can you do if you kill the villagers? Can you still sue to Big Mom? "

Ai Yin disagrees with Hailan's point of view: "The matter is definitely not as simple as it seems. Everyone can be sure that Kate is not close to female sex." "

"Why? "

"Because he...he..."

"You mean. "

Ain gritted his teeth: "Because he is gay!" He only likes strong muscular guys..."


A gust of breeze blew the leaves on the ground, Hailan was a little confused.



Hai Lan adjusted his emotions, "It doesn't matter, you will know what is going on after killing it. You are here waiting for me. "

Ai Yin stopped in front of Hai Lan: "No! "

"Don't worry, it won't hurt the villagers. "

More villagers stopped at the opposite of Hailan: "We are not afraid of hurting ourselves, we are worried about hurting you, sir, you should go. This is New World. Dead people are commonplace." , You don’t have to worry about us, that’s Big Mom Pirates. "

Looking at those sincere eyes, Hailan not only was not persuaded by them, but he felt a fire gradually burning in his chest. UU reading www.uukā

zi zi ...

The blue light shining beside Hailan scared the villagers back a long distance.

He did not use Haoshoku Haki , Because his purpose is not to stun the villagers, but to let them see their own strength.

"It's just a trifling Big Mom Pirates, what's to be afraid of? "

Hai Lan picked up a bottle of fine wine that was originally intended to be used for a banquet.

"Senior, the heroic spirit who died in battle! "

In the surprised eyes of the villagers, Hailan pours the drink into his mouth.

"Respect the charcoal creature! "

After shouting, Hailan took a few big mouthfuls.


Lilith felt like she was in Hailan. Driven by him, it seems to have become enthusiastic.

"The conscience of the Human World in the middle! "

"My lord..."

There is no need to talk about any major principles. With just a few actions, the villagers have already felt that they can't stop Hailan.

Many years ago, while on Drum Island, the idiot Prince Wapol wanted to take the opportunity to drink Hailan wine. Hailan thought of these three excuses and poured out most of the wine.

But today is different. Seeing the sincere eyes of the villagers, a fire burned in Hailan's heart.

"Fuck! "

Shout out the last word, Hailan poured the last bit of drink into her mouth.


Hearing Hailan’s cry and seeing Hailan pouring the wine into her mouth again, Ai Yin’s hands covered her mouth, and her eyes were soaked with tears.

"Fuck it! ! "


The wine jar with Big Mom's Q-version head portrait was thrown on the ground by Hai Lan and was smashed to pieces.

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