The sunset on that day finally dropped to the sea level, the blood-colored sea water gradually turned into undercurrent surging oil, and the dancing lightly and gracefully blood butterflies finally stopped their dance.

When the last human trafficker had his throat cut by the short blade, near the granary, there was only the crackling sound when the fire was burning.

"I can't see it, didn't expect that you really have had two lives."

Hai Lan jumped off the eaves.

He felt that this girl named Ai Yin probably had the strength less than Rear Admiral above Marine Headquarters Commodore-of course, this refers to ordinary generals.

"Of course."

Ain inserted two short blades into the scabbard, Issho proudly to Hailan.

Her proficient Blade Technique made her no blood stains on the blade when beheading the traffickers, and it directly eliminated the process of wiping the blade.

Looking at the killing just now, Ai Yin, who was so indifferent as the female assassin in the story, smiled as cheerful as a little girl next door, Hai Lan was also speechless.

The contrast is a bit too big.

In the original book, when Zephyr's student was killed and Zephyr went mad, as one of the two new recruits who survived by chance, Ayin has never laughed since then.

At this time, Ai Yin did not experience that nightmare. She was not even Marine, so relatively speaking, her personality was much more cheerful.

But this simply makes no difference to Hailan. He hasn't read the original work anyway, and I don't know who Ai Yin is.

"So why are you killing them?"

As mentioned earlier, Hailan didn’t turn on electromagnetic wave monitoring without a brain 24 hours a day, plus he All of his energy is in Akagami, Hawk Eyes, Red the Aloof and the others, so it is not very clear about the human trafficker family.

As soon as these people were mentioned, Ayin’s expression became more serious: "This is a human trafficker organization. The Lilith you rescued that I mentioned to you before was taken away by them as Slave sold it, so I am here to avenge Lilith and to eliminate these bad guys."

Hai Lan was nodded, and then shook the head.

Ai Yin was taken aback: "What are you doing again? Didn't I do the right thing?"

Hai Lan was silent for a moment and grinned Issho: "No, I just wanted to say, You have become a bad person now."

Ai Yin is even more confused: "Me? Bad person?"

Hai Lan pointed to the flames in the distance: "Look. See what you have protected, a good granary was blown up by you."

"But...but I didn't mean it."

"Then you Don’t tell me, go tell them."

" was discovered!"

In fact, as early as when the granary was on fire, someone had already ran away. Come here.

It's just that when they saw the scene of Ayin killing, they were so scared that they hid in the corner and did not dare to show up.

Hai Lan waved her hand, turned and walked away: "I'm leaving now, you can slowly clean up this mess by yourself."

" Wait for me."

Ayin was in a dilemma, gritted his teeth, and finally ran to the warehouse clerk.

"Hey, don't run!"

"Please, don't kill us!"

"I'm not here to kill you "

Ain was speechless, adjusted his emotions and asked, "Is that granary yours?"


"Well, since I burned all of your food, I will compensate you. Come on, how much is it?"

"You...are you sure you want to compensate us?"

"Of course, you see, I am rich!"

Ain took out a special pocket and motioned the Chamber of Commerce people to look inside.

There is not much cash in it, but there are so many treasures. These are all made by Ain from the traffickers.

The eyes of those people are straight.

"The difference... is almost 100 million."

"Do you want this expensive? Do you see enough of these gems?"

A group of people are happy to see They all narrowed into a seam: "Enough is enough,

there is one more. You can take that one and leave the rest to us."


Just as Ayin took out a gem and was about to hand over the pocket to the other party, a voice came in abruptly.

"I'll give you another chance to reorganize the language. How much does the food cost?"

Everyone followed the reputation and saw a smiling face with squinted eyes.

But it was such a smiling face that was as warm as a spring breeze, but it scared them into a cold sweat, as if standing in a polar ice field in the distant North Blue.

"I mean, this one gem is enough."

Speaking, someone snatched the gem from Ayin's hand and fled the place with his companion on the spot: "Hurry up."

"Why are these people like this..."

At this time, Ai Yin also understood that these people are planning to bully themselves for not knowing how to do it, and want to fool themselves what.

Hai Lan shook the head: "Did you really grow up in New World? Why can't you see such a small thing?"

Ai Yin whispered: "I just I haven't done such a big business..."

This is actually only one reason, and the other is that these treasures are so easy to get, and it doesn't feel like it is too big to spend.

If you save so much money by moving bricks, no one is willing to spend so much.

Ai Yin suddenly realized afterwards: "Huh? You are back?"


Hai Lan took the hand Help the amount, UU reading retribution.

Before the pseudonym of Stinky was just fun on a whim, but now I’m being screamed like this one by one...

The head hurts...

"Fuck, you..."



"On your lap Doesn’t your injury hurt?"

"It’s just a little scratch, it’s okay."


"Fuck, You..."

"I remember it!"

Ain was surprised: "What did you remember?"

Hai Lan turned and looked Towards Ai Yin, who was following me: "I felt that something was not right from the beginning, but now I finally came back to his senses. As for Ai Yin, you have avenged your grudges, and the money is back. You won’t get back. What are you doing with me?"

Ain has always wanted to talk about this, but I don’t know why he is always interrupted by Hailan. Now I finally have a chance to say it: "Fuck, can you go home with me?"


"That's it. Although Lilith has escaped back to her hometown, but these The slave career over the past few years has left too many shadows in her heart. She is now a bit stunned, and none of us can persuade her.

Originally, we were almost desperate, but when I was a few times When I heard the words "Iron-legged floater" in her dream, I made up my mind. Must help her find the iron-legged floater. You are the iron-legged floater, right?"

Hai Lan denied Sanlian on the spot: "No, I am not, don't talk nonsense."

Ai Yin paused for a moment, and soon chased him up, and handed the previous pocket to Hai Lan. : "If you are willing to go back with me, all the treasures in it can be given to you."

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