Hailan’s goal tonight is Red the Aloof.

Hailan has never forgotten the chaos caused by Red the Aloof at Sabaody Archipelago and the harm it caused to herself.

Yu Gong, as a Marine, it is his duty to arrest Pirate like Red the Aloof, who stirs the wind and rain on the sea.

Yu Shi, Red the Aloof is the only enemy that has made Hailan embarrassed for so many years, how could Hailan easily let him go.

Under the bright moonlight, one after another splendid aurora is generated instantly, just like a raging fire suddenly ignited under the night, and the entire "source stone duel arena" was illuminated in a blink of an eye.

Accompanied by the "weng weng" sword cry, hundreds of Aurora Swords, like densely packed barrages, attacked Red the Aloof standing at the top of the open-air duel.

Hailan’s "Hundred Step Flying Sword" is different from Talco's "Storm Sword Technique".

Talco's Sword Intent is a sword intent realized by a great swordsman, just like the sword intent of "Flower Sword" Vista realized as a cherry blossom.

Hailan’s "Hundred Step Flying Sword" is a solid long sword that is condensed by energy. It cannot be cracked and can only be parried by brace oneself.

"It turned out to be you!"

Red the Aloof held the bat cane in his hand, and red the rays of light began to appear on his body.

"It seems that the lesson that day was not enough for you."

In the hands of Red the Aloof, the bat cane flies up and down like a sharp long sword, cutting out One after another Demon Red's sword aura resists Flying Sword attacking from all directions.

"I have already investigated clearly. You are the most proud Heaven's Chosen Child of the Marine younger generation. If so, then I should frustrate your so-called Heaven's Chosen Child's spirit and let you see See the real Pirate terrifying!

Scarlet Blade!"

A huge red sword aura breakthrough layer upon layer Flying Sword, like a round of demon red crescent moon from in the sky Falling, slashed towards Hai Lan on the ground.


scarlet sword aura left a deep gully on the ground, extremely powerful, and the earth was torn apart by an earthquake.

But Hailan has long since disappeared.

With the "Aurora Fruit" speed bonus, unless it is a style that covers a large area and all aspects, any long-range style is also impossible to attack him.

"Hey, Hailan, this guy is very powerful, you are not his opponent, don't want to provoke him!"

Akagami on the ground kindly reminded Hailan One sentence.

Akagami Shanks, who once served as a trainee sailor at Roger Pirates, has seen the terrifying of Red the Aloof many years ago.

It's just that his reminder is pale and weak, Hailan's mind will never be changed at will, he has already flashed in front of Red the Aloof.

The Aurora Sword "Raeche" entwined with an electric arc has appeared in his hand and slashed towards Red the Aloof's neck.


The collision between the sword and the walking stick, accompanied by the crisp sound of the golden and iron clinking, produces an impact like a gang wind blowing Hailanhe Red the Aloof's hair was blowing in all directions.

"We have to stop him!"

At this time, Akagami is still thinking about how to stop Hailan's reckless action.

That's a man who even Whitebeard was worthy of in a head-to-head fight... And Hailan has become impossible, right?

Although Akagami is a Pirate, Red the Aloof is also a Pirate, but in Akagami's in mind, the person he wants to help is Hailan, who is in the opposite camp as Marine.

What Akagami cares about is never the so-called camp.

Compared to the cruel and bloodthirsty Red the Aloof, he feels that Hailan's character and behavior are more temperamental to him.

Akagami Shanks is a man who only fights for people who identify with.

"Shanks, don't be busy, you can't stop the fight between the two of them."

Just when Akagami was scratching his head in a hurry, Ben Beckman was calm. The voice rang faintly in his ears.

Thinking of his resourceful deputy captain, Akagami hurriedly said: "Beckman, you are the smartest, you can help think of a way."

Beckman smiled slightly to Akagami : "Shanks, you don't understand what happened when you put it on others?"

Akagami was taken aback: "What?"

Beckman continued to explain: "You When you challenged Mihawk and the Pirates earlier, have you ever been afraid of the strong strength of the other party?

You have never backed down. Of course, Hailan will not back down. Don’t forget. He is also the owner of Haoshoku Haki."

Akagami did not refute.

Be reminded by Beckman, he soon wanted to understand everything.

How can a Haoshoku Haki owner be easily changed by others?

Seeing that Akagami is no longer entangled, Beckman added: "The most important thing is that Hailan will not necessarily lose to Redfield."

"How to say?"

Akagami was taken aback.

If Hailan can already challenge Red the Aloof, then he is in danger...

As a Haoshoku Haki owner, Akagami’s fear is of course not for the weak. The fear of powerhouse is actually closer to a kind of make a fuss about nothing...

Beckman Issho: "Greatest Swordsman in the World'Heat Wind' Talco suffered such a serious injury, as his Opponent, how can Red the Aloof be safe and sound?

Look, who will get this battle? All this is an unknown mystery."


After Red the Aloof used the bat cane to ward off Hailan's attack, he made one hand flexed into claws, and the dark Busoshoku Haki covered it and grabbed Hailan's eyes.

In the previous battle with Talco, UU read www.uukanshu.com because it was competing for the title "Greatest Swordsman in the World". Out of the dignity of the powerhouse, Red the Aloof only used sword technique.

However, in the battle at this time, Red the Aloof no longer needs to have reservations, and the tricks are very ruthless and lethal.

Eyes are the weakest organ of the human body and the weakest point that is most likely to be taken away from battle strength. Although Red the Aloof this move is very ruthless, it cannot be called insidious, because in life and death battle , All moves are made to take away the opponent's name.

When the two life and death rivals are fighting, they still use the style of playing a game, only attacking the other's chest and abdomen and other specific parts. That is just a fantasy scenario that only appears in comics.

In a real fight, no one is such a gentleman, because a gentleman means destruction.

Hailan is heart shivered with cold. Although the Red the Aloof in front of him has been injured, as one of the highest powerhouses in the world, he still has a speed comparable to his own.

The scarlet Aurora Sword appeared from Hailan’s other hand. Hailan’s lifting red "monster" parryed Red the Aloof's deadly claw.

The Aurora Sword, which covers Busoshoku Haki's palm and crimson, made a sour rubbing sound during the match.

Red the Aloof frowned and stepped back.

He felt a "hot" sensation on his hands.


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