The "source stone duel field" is a large-scale duel field further constructed by the craftsmen of Jianhao Island using the naturally generated "Poneglyph source stone".

Although no one in the world can destroy the Poneglyph source stone, everyone can destroy the ores around the Poneglyph source stone and remove the Poneglyph source stone to form a duel field shape.

Coming to the "source stone duel field", Hailan can simply say that this is the simplest and ugliest duel field in the world.

It is like a wall built by humans using stones in the tribal era.

This is the ugliest duel field, but it is also the strongest duel field in the world.

black blade ・Ye was held by Talco with one hand, and his cold face was unemotional: "Dracule Mihawk, draw your sword!"

The challenger wants Attack the challenger first. This is the rule of a duel.

Otherwise, if you come across someone with a strange personality and see that you have been reluctant to make a move, come up with a sentence: "Since you don't want to make a move, then I'm leaving." That scene can be the biggest joke in the world.

Of course, if the challenged likes to take the initiative to attack, no one will say much.

Hawk Eyes did not speak, his sharp eyes suddenly drenched, as if a cold glow flashed by.

The opponent is "Greatest Swordsman in the World", Hawk Eyes at first has no reservations.

The pitch black Busoshoku Haki directly covers the black blade ・Dark Moon. The Dark Moon, which originally belonged to the "black blade" series, has become stronger and sharper under the blessing of Busoshoku Haki.

Talco looked at Hawk Eyes as it turned into the purest sword towards him. He didn't dare to hold it big, the black blade ・Busoshoku Haki was overwhelmed in the blink of a night.


The sword hits the sword together,

makes a deafening metal crash, in the huge "source stone duel arena", on the whole island Spread far away.

"This is ... a big sword Howe source stone duel duel!"

"is an exciting duel, get up, and I went to the theater!"

On the island, there are many swordsman who have some knowledge on Way of Sword who were awakened in the middle of the night by the imposing manner of the two duel.

They dressed up with their swords, and flocked to the duel from all directions.


An invisible wave suddenly hit, stunned a swordsman halfway on the spot.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?"

"This seems to be Haoshoku's Haki!"

"And expert?!"

Hailan and Akagami promised Talco to expel the audience. Naturally, they would do what they said.

Good words and good words to persuade those people? nonexistent.

Just using the remote Haoshoku Haki is enough to keep these people out of the duel.

"He also awakened Haoshoku Haki?"

Akagami in mind was slightly surprised, but when he thought that the other party was Hailan, he was not too surprised.

In the field, the two great swordsmen met each other.

Off the court, Akagami and Hailan have been quietly competing against Haoshoku Haki, and the passersby are more stunned than anyone else.

Although Hailan’s Haoshoku Haki is not as proficient as Akagami, with the accurate perception of electromagnetic waves, it can also stun passersby outside.

This is a good opportunity for Hailan to exercise Haoshoku Haki's proficiency.

In the arena of the duel, "Hate" Talco actually seemed gradually excited.

Since becoming "Greatest Swordsman in the World", he hasn't had such a hearty feeling for a long time.

There is no shortage of powerhouse at the same level as him in this world, but it lacks a swordsman at the same level as him.

The thing that Jianzhu can't stand the most is that there is no opponent worthy of his full strength.

Although the Hawk Eyes man in front of him has not yet reached his realm, Talco is very convinced that he will reach his level sooner or later, and even surpass himself.

Only such younger generations are worthy of entrusting this world's strongest black blade, Ye.

"Come on, brat, show all your skills!"

Talco laughed heartily, jumped a step back, and distanced himself from Hawk Eyes: "Storm Sword Technique. Karma flashing shadow array!"

The sword intent of Talco of "Hurricane" was condensed into substance, and in a short time, a whirlwind of wind blew up in the duel, as if vortex wrapped Hawk Eyes. In the middle.

In the gusty vortex, there are hundreds of swordsman releasing sword aura at the same time. A few fallen leaves are caught in the gust of wind, and the next moment they become debris.

Hawk Eyes within both eyes fighting intent is thick, with black blade in hand ・Dark Moon flies up and down, not only blocking the dazzling whirlwind of killing people, but also releasing its own sword Intent, interferes with Talco's style.


As if the sound of a sandbag exploding, Talco's slasher whirlwind was successfully cracked by Hawk Eyes, leaving only the repeated breeze blowing the hair in front of Hailan's forehead.

But Hawk Eyes is not intact. The clothes on his body have left dozens of tears. If it weren't for the Busoshoku Haki body, these are the wounds on his body.

Seeing that the other party cracked his own style, Talco was not angry and rejoiced, raising his hand again to be a brand new style.

"Storm Sword Technique. Westward spring breeze cut!"


A bright sword aura slashed towards Hawk Eyes. lightning.

So fast!

Hawk Eyes eyes shrank, rubbing the edge of sword aura dangerously and avoiding Talco's attack.

If he only had to take a step back, half of his shoulder would be cut off by Tarkozigan.

But before he had time to fight back, Talco's sword aura turned back after flying some distance.


The black blade collided with the sword aura, and the Hawk Eyes that blocked the sword aura was pushed all the way to Talco by the sword aura.

It was too late to dodge, Hawk Eyes chose to fight for his life, with the help of sword aura's impetus to accelerate, he lifted the knife to Talco.

The collision of black blade and black blade produced dazzling sparks under the night and in the moonlight.

In an instant, the two have fought for dozens of rounds.

"Cough...youngster, good job..."

Talco was stabbed in the waist by Hawk Eyes.


Hawk Eyes was cut in the shoulder by Talco.

Is this "Greatest Swordsman in the World"? It seems to be only this...

A trace of doubt arose in Hawk Eyes' heart.

"Come on, this is the last fight!"


"Storm Sword Technique. Ye Fengshen flash cut!"

"Black blade. Flash!"

The silhouettes of the two flashed by, and they switched positions in a flash.

At this moment, it seems that time has a short pause for a second.

"I... lost."

With a crisp sound, Hawk Eyes spit out a mouthful of blood, and the black blade in his hand ・The dark moon also broke Two cuts.

"No, I lost!"

Talco turned around, grinning Issho.

His shirt burst open in an instant, and along with the broken bandage, a large amount of blood spattered.

Seeing this scene, Hawk Eyes' sharp eyes couldn't help but flicker.

Because there are not only cuts from Talco's chest and abdomen, but also old wounds.

Who hurt "Greatest Swordsman in the World"?

Is it...

Talco opened his arms as if to embrace Hawk Eyes: "Come on, kill me."


"The injury on the back is the shame of swordsman."

Hawk Eyes couldn't help but froze, this sentence touched him a lot.

But it’s not what he wanted to ask, "Why do you have to fight me with the injury?"

"Entrust black blade ・Ye to you, it’s better than some Human hands are too strong. From today, you are the Greatest Swordsman in the World!"

Hawk Eyes cannot accept such a result: "This kind of world first, don’t worry!"

Talco roared: "Do you have the heart to let the black blade ・Ye fall into the hands of those who have bad intentions? Although you have never played against me in perfect condition, but as long as you keep this in the future The name, doesn’t it still worthy of the “Greatest Swordsman in the World” status?

As long as you consider yourself a pure swordsman, you are obligated to protect this world’s strongest Black blade, don’t you have the confidence to hold the title of'Greatest Swordsman in the World'?"

Before Hawk Eyes answered, Talco threw Black Blade Night to Hawk Eyes directly.

"Come on, use this strongest black blade in the world, and use your strongest style to kill Greatest Swordsman in the World!"

Hawk Eyes is still hesitating Undecided.

A vampire-like silhouette, bathed in moonlight, fell on the top of a corner of the open-air duel.

"Talco, didn't expect that you would choose this way to end your life. It's really unexpected."

"Red the Aloof", I tried Patrick Redfield, who was competing for "Greatest Swordsman in the World", broke into the battlefield abruptly.

He looked towards Hawk Eyes, UU reading "youngster, now I give you two choices, either be killed by me and give up the position of Greatest Swordsman in the World, or just Go to the Marine base to make a big fuss and put on the identity of Pirate."

Red the Aloof doesn't care about the identity of "Greatest Swordsman in the World". Just like Golden Lion, he just wants to spread Pirate’s identity. Terrifying, but not exactly the same as Golden Lion, because he is not interested in dominating the world, so he said this.

Talco grinned, his teeth were already blood dyed red: "Ryder, based on your current state, it is true that you may not be able to beat the two companions of this younger generation. " All of a sudden, the sky aurora hundred resonance sword, piercing that a bloody bat in the moonlight.

(These days continue to explode, my mind is confused, plus today is a busy Monday, apply for a break, tomorrow will continue to 5 more!)


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