Because of the injury, Red the Aloof was unable to exert its full strength.

After a brief confrontation, feeling the powerful cutting power of "Raeche" and the high temperature of "Demon Snake", Red the Aloof had to retreat and distanced Hailan.

Red the Aloof feels really bad luck.

When I was in Sabaody Archipelago, it was because of the interference of this Marine that I was unable to spread the "Pirate terrifying" to the extreme. I didn't expect to be given this Marine to this "Jianhao Island" today. Entangled.

What are you kidding?

If it's Garp, then forget it.

Why would I be repeatedly disrupted by a young Marine?



He must be killed!

After Red the Aloof retreated, before he had time to win himself a chance to breathe, Hailan’s subsequent attacks had already come one after another.

From the very beginning, Hailan has already used all his strength in a normal state.

Aurora thunders!


In the sky, a thunder suddenly exploded.

This is a new skill developed by Hailan after reaching Level 10 in computing power and obtaining [Lightning Conversion].

First use the ability of Logia Devil Fruit to create a battlefield that is beneficial to you-the aurora in the sky.

Then use the stream of high-energy charged particles permeating the air to generate "lightning" and attack the enemy below.

In fact, Hailan had used this move to restrict Golden Lion's actions when he dealt with Golden Lion.

It's just that Hailan at that time could not do as one pleases control.

However, Golden Lion’s legs have two electrical conductors, "Dead Wood" and "Sakura Ten". Coupled with the Golden Lion flying around the sky, this makes Golden Lion suffer a lot.

In the night sky, under the moonlight, a flash of lightning suddenly fell from the sky and struck Red the Aloof.

If the wind is gusty, the momentum is like lightning... No, this is lightning at first.

It's a pity that Red the Aloof is a natural "Kenbunshoku Haki" expert. As early as the moment when lightning came out of the night sky, Red the Aloof already felt a terrifying danger hitting him.

The silhouette flickers, Red the Aloof has retreated into the Safety Sector after leaving a cloud of red fog in place.

The dazzling lightning struck the Poneglyph source stone, making a piercing and sharp sound, but it failed to cause any other influence on the Poneglyph source stone.

If this were replaced by ordinary stones, it would have been chopped into pieces.

Just avoiding Hailan's style, Red the Aloof felt that countless dangers were coming, so it jumped decisively, letting one after another lightning strike the ground.

But no matter how fast Red the Aloof dodges, this densely packed thunderbolt will fall on him sooner or later.

"Get up!"

Red the Aloof suddenly said unfathomable mystery.

Unbelievably, countless Poneglyph source stones rose from the ground and soon formed a barrier on top of Red the Aloof,

blocked all the falling thunder from the Aurora.

is a copy of Golden Lion!

Red the Aloof is not a fool, knowing that he has injuries and he has to go everywhere.

He has already buried a copy of the powerhouse in secret, ready to deal with all sudden occurrences.

Neither Hailan nor Akagami were able to perceive these clones in advance.

There is no Life Aura because of copying people!

At the same time, a black shadow flickered behind Hai Lan.

Hailan's scalp feels a little numb due to the danger he perceives instinctively.

Several brilliant sword aura slashed towards Hai Lan's back, Hai Lan hurriedly jumped and passed through the attack of sword aura in the gap.

But in the next second, a great swordsman with a black blade came to Hailan, and the black blade smashed down.

is the copy of Greatest Swordsman in the World "Bust" Talco.


black blade ・Ye collided with Lei Che, and made a crisp sound.

But immediately above black blade ・Ye there was a "pu" sound, black blade ・Ye scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Because the things made from "Mythical Type ・civet fruit" cannot withstand heavy blows.

Of course, Hailan wouldn't let this opportunity pass, and Lei Qi in his hand took advantage of the flow and directly chopped the copy of Talco into two pieces of leaves.

"so that's how it is ... as long as you dare to fight and fight, these cloners are not enough to be afraid of."

Hailan just thought of this strategy to deal with cloners. Behind him, the glare of golden and white has illuminated the night sky.

is "Kizaru" and "Day Tiger".

is "Yasakani no Magatama" and "Hundred Step Flying Sword".

Countless residents on "Jianhao Island" have long been awakened by the momentum on the "source stone duel field".

But no one dared to go there to watch the excitement this time.

It's not just because of the swordsman who have been lying on the floor before.

This kind of momentum coming from a distance reminds them that what is going on there is not a duel, but a fight.

Go and watch the powerhouse fight? I am afraid that even my own life will be lost.

"Are the two Devil Fruit Ability Users fighting? It's so dazzling..."

"It shouldn't be. I think they are attacking the same enemy.. ."

In the first family of Wei Wapol, which is the slave trafficker base on the island, the awakened traffickers gathered together to discuss.

In the bedroom of their boss "Vy Wapol Di", a woman with a naked body has fainted on the sofa.

While on the bed, a man fell into a pool of blood, and the artery in his neck had been severed.

Xiao Ai Yin put the quilt on the woman, and then dried the blood on the short blade.

Relying on the ability of "regressive fruits", UU Reading, who is not restricted by Kairosaki, like Ai Yin enters no one’s land, just touch it a few times, and the wall will be silent disappeared.

This is a successful and perfect dive.

But Ai Yin did not retreat afterwards. Instead, she did something incomprehensible.

She jumped to the roof, and suddenly moved towards the crowds of traffickers who gathered together shouted: "Idiot, your boss has been killed by me, come and chase me!"

"Isn't this the little girl? How could she appear on the roof?"

"What did she just say? The boss was killed by her? Impossible, right?"

"Goodbye, idiots!"

As soon as Xiao Ai Yin on the roof turned around, there was a deafening noise in the distance.

The scene was like Hou Yi shooting the sun.

An orange rays of light hit a light source in midair like an arrow from the string, and instantly exploded it. The original dazzling "source stone duel field" was much dimmed on the spot.

On the ground, Hailan's right hand still maintained the action of releasing the "super electromagnetic gun".

He rushed to Red the Aloof Issho, "I have discovered the weaknesses of you they have no effect on me."

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