There was a faint blue light glowing on her body, which made Hailan seem to be a whole circle older.

But when he stood up from that six or seven meters like Little Giant Jack Coby, he still looked so small.

But it was this small enemy that made Jack's heart extremely heavy.

If the previous Hailan seemed to Jack to be just a dexterous little house sparrow, which caused him a headache, Hailan, who was wrapped in the blue halo at this time, brought him completely different a feeling of.

Don’t look at Jack as a reckless man with his brain full of muscles, but years of fighting and fighting have cultivated his unusually sensitive combat intuition. This is what every Martial Artist has after having a rich enough experience. A kind of ability that will be acquired naturally.

The feeling that Hailan now brings to Jack is...dangerous!

This kind of danger is neither the sharpness of the great swordsman, nor the terrifying coercion of killing people like scything flax. The strange thing is that Jack always faintly feels that it is a kind of Similar to myself... violent?

Why does this little demon give me a violent feeling?

Where is the problem?

In the battle state, Jack is still very calm. He not only judges the opponent's ability, but also adopts different tactics according to the situation.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a poison qi bomb now. Of course, it is not suitable to use a poison qi bomb in heads-up.

"Go to hell!!"

Jack, who didn't understand this kind of unreasonable feeling, didn't think much anymore, and opened his two stubby legs, "Drought" Jack slaughtered Hailan not far away like a mad cow running wild.

zi zi ...

Hailan’s body was shining with lightning,

actually there was a naked eye discernible arc, and these arcs moved towards uncontrollably It spread out in all directions, hitting pieces of gravel and vegetation on the ground.

"Drought", the dangerous violent imposing manner that Jack just felt on Hai Lan's body comes from these arcs.

Thunder, wind, water, fire, earth... Among these elements in nature, the most violent and chaotic is lightning.

The arcs that erupted from Hailan's body were not deliberately caused by him. All this is because lightning is his derived ability and not the original ability, so the lightning just spills around uncontrollably.

But in the eyes of others, Hailan is like Thundergod.

"This...what's going on?"

Even Doflamingo has no idea what happened to White Sea Arashi.

He knows that Hailan is an "Aurora Fruit" Ability User, and he can't understand why Hailan can control lightning.

Could it be... the legendary body can eat multiple Devil Fruit?

Doflamingo, who used to be Celestial Dragon, had heard of these rumors when he was in Mariejois. At that time, he didn't take seriously.

Now that Hailan is in charge of both "light" and "electricity" abilities, Doflamingo suddenly thought of the "alien" rumors.

no no must be other reasons. It doesn’t make sense to eat two Logia Devil Fruits...

Doflamingo thought for a moment , I always feel that this conjecture is impossible.

Could it be...this is Logia's awakening effect?

Doflamingo has drifted further away on the road of cranky...

Since Hailan last time chased Crocodile in West Blue and complained that he secretly transformed himself like an Ultraman, then he I thought of a brand new development direction-since Tiga Ultraman can have 3 types of normal, power, and speed, why not develop these 3 types by yourself?

The so-called "Tian Xing Step" previously belonged to Hailan's "speed type" state.

The current "Furious Mode" is Hailan's "power type" state.

Relying on "Skywalking", Hailan can play with "Drought" Jack as much as possible, but against such a meaty and hard player like Jack, Hailan who enters the "Skywalking" state can't Inflicting effective damage to it, I am afraid that even three days and three nights will not hurt the opponent.

Supplemented by "overload" may damage Jack, but the "overload" is too heavy on the body, there is no problem within 5 minutes, and it will damage your own health from 5 minutes.

Kill "Drought" Jack in 5 minutes? I'm afraid it's not realistic.

If you hurt yourself for more than 5 minutes, I'm afraid Doflamingo will pick up people's heads-his own heads.

Doflamingo is not his friend.

If you take Koala with you and add a buff to yourself, you are not afraid of the "drought" Jack, but now you say that these are meaningless.

So "Furious Mode" has become Hailan's best choice now.

Unlike "overload", Hailan who is wrapped in lightning and enters "violent mode" will not be injured as long as he has physical strength.

Because "overload" is a full attribute improvement, and "violent mode" only enhances Hailan's power, but sacrifices the advantage of speed, which is suitable for fighting against the "drought" Jack such tank-type player.

The violent imposing manner that Hai Lan exudes has a very strong stimulus to Jack, which makes him even more unhappy.

The Ethiopian Coby Yamachete in his hand slashed towards Hailan's head with a howling wind breaking sound. Seeing that Hailan was not evasive, Jack's strength increased by three points.

meet force with force?

Than power?

Except for the boss of Kaido, Jack has never been afraid of anyone in the drought.

"Ding! !"

The Ethiopian scimitar that was enough to set off the top of the head of Hailan was blocked by Aurora Sword in the hands of Hailan on the spot.

It's a pity that although he has entered the "violent mode", Hailan's power is still a bit worse than Jack.

In the battle of power, Hailan was cut back by Jack, and the ground under his feet was drawn by his feet into a deep gully.

Affected by lightning, Hailan, who has entered the "violent mode", is also more combative than usual, but this does not mean that he has lost his IQ at the same time.

The reason why he chose to meet with the drought Jack meet force with force is not to compete with Jack in strength, but...

The white Aurora Sword is naughty The blue lightning is beating...

Feeling a burst of danger, Jack brows slightly wrinkle.

A violent lightning force followed his Ethiopian scimitar and climbed directly onto his arm, and the feeling of numbness instantly spread throughout his body.

But how can the big sign of Beasts Pirates be smashed so easily: "brat, you think you can hurt me with this little trick? You..."

Jack's pupils suddenly shrank to the extreme when he heard a crisp sound of "Zheng".

The feeling of numbness just now made the Busoshoku Haki blessed on the Ethiopian scimitar dropped to freezing point for a moment, but it was just this short moment, which made him proud and strange in shape. The weapon was cut off on the spot as he watched!

Aurora Sword itself possesses extremely strong cutting power, and with the violent lightning power, Hailan abolished Jack's weapon with one blow.

This is the reason why Hailan chose and Jack meet force with force-it is better to break one of the five fingers!


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