Jack's "drought" who turned into a mammoth not only erupted with a huge rumbling sound, but also "weng weng" shaking the earth. stand up.

Doflamingo's heart secretly calculated that he must not be able to catch this blow.

Similarly, in his opinion, Hailan must also be impossible to take this blow head-on.

But Doflamingo does not think that Hailan will be beaten to the ground by Jack with such a trick, because he knows best that Hailan's greatest advantage lies in speed.

"No, this madman is too dangerous. If this continues, we will be affected."

Doflamingo has not been affected, but his family is not as safe as him. NS.

Doflamingo lifted his finger, and one after another naked eye, the indistinct translucent thread flew up into the sky and hung the clouds in the sky.

"Follow me!"

Then Doflamingo woven a big net, as if to catch a fish and brought his family to the sky.

The fundamental reason why Doflamingo is called "Tian Yaksha" instead of "Yaksha" is because he can fly.

Of course he knows that Hailan can also fly, but he doesn't think that big elephant can also fly.

Bring your family into the air and you should be able to avoid the aftermath of the battle below.

"Wow...it's the first time I sit on Young Master's big net. It feels like sitting on the net bed during camping."

The pretending Baby-5 didn't feel scared at all because of the battle below. Instead, this simple little girl felt novel because of the current scene.

Doflamingo grinned Issho: "It’s good to be happy."

No matter what kind of mentality Doflamingo recruited a group of family members, use it or be sincere, but at least normally, Doflamingo I treat my family very tenderly.

"Young Master, wouldn't that guy just be shot to death?"

Compared to Baby-5, Buffalo pays more attention to the battle itself.

"It's not that simple. Anyone who dares to challenge monsters should never underestimate them."

Doflamingo pointed to the members of the "mammoth" Pirates. "Have you seen the group of trash over there? Pay more attention in the future. Don't mock others like the trash group, otherwise you don't even know how to die when the time comes."

Buffalo is nodded, "remember...remember..."


On the ground, "drought" Jack's eyes Glancing diagonally upwards, hearing only a roar of "hong", this mammoth swiped its back like a snake with its long nose.

Buffalo cried out in surprise: "He... how did he harm himself? Is he crazy?"

Doflamingo frowned, "Pica, tell him how to respond It's a matter."

Hailan's speed is too fast, in Buffalo's eyes, it is the same as disappearing.

Even Pica can barely capture the afterimage of Hailan.

For the entire Donquixote Family,

only Doflamingo can see the battle on the ground clearly.

"Sure enough, do you understand Kenbunshoku Haki?"

Hailan 's voice was heard on Jack's back.

When Jack threw his proboscis to Hailan before, Hailan flashed on Jack's back with the speed of "Skywalking".

He has the confidence to deceive Jack's visual perception, so since Jack can launch subsequent attacks so decisively, it means that he must master Kenbunshoku Haki.

A powerhouse like Jack that takes advantage of strength and blood volume, if you don’t understand Kenbunshoku Haki, it’s really easy to be played alive by fast enemies.

After all, for Jack, "fast speed" is not limited to Hailan or Kizaru. I am afraid that the overwhelming majority powerhouse has an advantage in speed when playing against Jack.

Jack's heart was also shocked when he heard the sound coming from his back.

He had just used the trunk attack to drive away the enemy behind him, why did he appear behind him again?

How fast is this guy?


Jack beat fiercely on his back again. The speed and strength of this time have improved compared to before. If you don’t take Regardless of any protective measures, the strong wind that this powerful impact rolled up even made Hailan unable to open his eyes.

Hailan, who has serene on her mouth, is actually deep in one's heart and does not underestimate Jack at all.

The three attacks of Jack just now not only carry unmatched power, but even every move is entwined with a thick Busoshoku Haki.

If a violent enemy of this power is attacked head-on, even with the dual protection of the electromagnetic force field and Busoshoku Haki, I am afraid Hailan will be injured.

Hailan's current main attack and defense methods are actually derived from the Devil Fruit ability. He is still in a growth stage for Haki's cultivation.

The advantage that Aurora Fruit brings him is not only speed, but also energy.

The control of electromagnetic waves expands his Kenbunshoku Haki's range of perception, and he can even hear sounds; the electromagnetic field increases his attack power and defensive power like Busoshoku Haki.

Devil Fruit and Ability User accomplish each other.

If it weren't for Whitebeard, "Gura Gura no Mi" would not necessarily be called the strongest Devil Fruit; also without Gura Gura no Mi, Whitebeard would not have the ability to destroy heaven and extinguishing earth.

Hailan stretched out his right arm and made a fist. The surrounding light quickly gathered together. Within a moment, a dazzling white Aurora Sword appeared in his hand.

Hailan opened up his electromagnetic force field to the maximum. The light blue halo covered Hailan's whole body, setting him off like a god descending from the sky. dignified.

The battle is changing rapidly. Facing a powerful player like Jack, Hailan is fully prepared from the very beginning.

"Is it the big sign of Beasts Pirates? I want to see if your sign is as big as the rumors!"

Small Scale Chopper felt the drought Jack After his fighting style, Hailan issued a formal challenge to Jack.

Jack relieved his mammoth state and changed back to his original appearance. Holding two Ethiopian scimitars in his hands, he looked directly at Hai Lan: "I want to see the so-called defeat. Can the Tiger of Golden Lion be able to withstand the attack of the elephant!"

Looking at Jack, who has changed back to his original state, Hai Lan sneered, "But you don’t look like an elephant at all now. "

Jack angrily roared: "Let’s stop talking nonsense and deal with your rookie, this state is enough!"

In fact, after a brief confrontation with Hailan just now," "Drought" Jack has already realized that if he continues to maintain the state of a mammoth, I am afraid he can only let Hailan attack him.

So he had to change back to a more flexible human form.

But on the lips, of course you can’t say that.


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