"Damn...Is that Marine already so strong?"

Seeing this scene from a distance, Doflamingo was gnashing teeth with anger.

The previous Hailan was at the same level as himself. At most, it was taking advantage of Devil Fruit's speed advantage to change tricks to take advantage of him. Unless the two sides fight endlessly, it will be difficult for him and himself to win. burden.

But now facing the same enemy "drought" Jack, he wasted a lot of time and energy without harming him. Why did Hailan cut it off in less than a few minutes? One of his weapons?

Is the gap between yourself and that Marine already this big?

Hateful... If one's Devil Fruit awakening ability can be mastered more proficiently...

Doflamingo has already developed a deep jealousy of Hailan.

In fact, all this is only to blame on his own brain to make up too much...

In fact, the reason why Hailan was able to cut off Jack’s weapon of the drought with thunder, this It belongs to the rolling of routines.

If Jack at first was spared no effort in the drought, Hailan would not take advantage of him so easily.

"Wow...Is it so powerful?"

Looking at Young Master's envy, jealousy and hatred expression, Baby-5's small face also floated thickly. The color of worship.

However, Doflamingo is now focused attention completely staring at the battlefield below. He has no extra energy to pay attention to the reaction of a little girl.

"Life and Death Battle, you still dare to retain your strength. It seems that you really hate your slow death, "Drought" Jack!"

Hailan lost his way. Jack with a weapon made no secret of the mockery in his tone.

Fighting is not a game. There is no need to deliberately reserve strength for the effect of the program. You come and go, and you move one by one. You will play the cards one after the other.

There is only one purpose of the battle, and that is to kill the opponent.

No matter what style you use, as long as you can kill the opponent in the fastest time is the best strategy.

As a Zoan Devil Fruit Ability User, Jack "Drought" actually uses his weakest normal form to deal with Hailan.

So it should be said that the "drought" Jack is unaware of the nature of the battle or is he underestimating Hailan?

If it is the latter reason, he has now tasted the evil consequences of arrogance.

"Today you must die..."

As if only a few words, Jack repeated his previous remarks again.

"Drought" Jack's eyes were full of haze, he put the only Ethiopian scimitar into the ivory-like scabbard like a treasure, and threw it to The men in the distance.

"hong long!"

The huge steel sickle threw a roar on the ground like a meteorite falling from the sky.

The smoke and dust dispersed, Jack's men hurriedly lifted their weapons, and transported Jack's weapons with a more enthusiastic attitude than waiting for his own father.

"Too...too terrifying...a weapon that can destroy Lord Jack... I am afraid that only Lord Kaido can do it..."

Jack's men None of the arrogant attitude that Jack had when he played against Doflamingo was gone.

They were already getting nervous.

Marine Vice Admiral The rumor that the "Day Tiger" killed the flying thief Golden Lion was like a mountain that made them breathless. At this time, they saw Jack's weapon being cut by Hailan. They were Pirate. , I have become extremely scared of this Marine.

Sipshead gritted his teeth and judged: "Master Jack will definitely suffer..."

He knows his boss Jack very well.

If the boss’s weapon breaking was just an accident, the boss’s character would have already tore up that Marine.

But the current boss just stood in place and confronted the Marine, which shows that the boss now has no way of easily defeating the enemy.

What should I do?

Go up and help?

It's impossible, they can't participate in this level of battle.

Why don't you ask Doflamingo for help?

It is also not realistic, after all, the boss has forced this potential ally to a neutral camp.

Give Master Kaido a call?

Forget it, Master Jack will definitely tear himself up when he knows about it.

So Sipshead finally found out that he couldn't do anything? ? ! !

The other men suddenly saw Sipshead making a strange action: "Hipshead Master, what are you doing?"

Hipshead He closed his eyes and replied: "Pray...Pray for Master Jack to win...otherwise we might all die..."

He suddenly felt that being by Master Jack’s side is almost like It's dangerous to be around Kaido-sama...

Perhaps because he felt the change of Hailan's state at this time, Jack once again transformed into a "mammoth" form.

The huge elephant chirping made Baby-5, Buffalo and the others in midair so painful that they covered their ears.

"Come on, big monster, let's have a good fight!!!"

The Hailan fighting intent of the "Furious Mode" is soaring.

Just like playing a game and encountering a player whose boss was originally going to slowly kill the boss, he suddenly heard the high-pitched and passionate background music, and rushed to the boss without saying anything.

Hailan is in such a state now. The "violent mode" not only enhances his strength and destructive power, but even the calm blood seems to burn.

Extremely light flashed, Hailan who was standing in front of Jack disappeared instantly.


After a clear sound, the disappeared Hai Lan appeared beside Jack.

Although the speed of Hailan in "Furious Mode" has been greatly reduced, UU Reading www. uukanshu. com But that's only relative to him.

As for Jack, his eyes still cannot keep up with the speed of Shanghai Lan.

Relying on Kenbunshoku Haki's perception and extraordinary fighting instinct, Jack barely stopped Hailanxun's lightning-like thunderbolt.

With the lesson of the previous weapon being cut off, this time Jack can't dare to be big.

The huge ivory that stopped Hailan Aurora Sword at this time has become a pure black that is completely opposite to the original.

The black ivory shines with faint rays of light, as if it has been smeared with a thick layer of ink.

If Hailan is in a normal state, he will definitely use the advantage of speed to flash in the other direction and cut to Jack again, but Hailan in "Furious Mode" is like a crazy tiger at this time. Has bitten the prey, it is bound to tear the prey to pieces.

Where the ivory and Aurora Sword meet, there is a sore sound of rubbing.

"Not good!"

Jack, who felt that something was not good, stopped competing with Hailan, but slammed to the side, using his powerful strength and size to force him. Retired Hailan.

Because just now, Jack's instinct told him that if he continues to fight like this, his ivory...may break!


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