The twelve Aurora Sword, formed by the condensation of a stream of high-energy charged particles, destroyed all the internal organs of the Golden Lion. If this is replaced by ordinary people, even if it is not completely dead, it is absolutely impossible to say a word. But the human vitality of this World is inherently stronger than that of Earth people, and Golden Lion is a man standing at the apex of the world. Feeling that his aura is exhausted, Golden Lion no longer fights, he just grinned Issho, and said with difficulty: "Brat, you did something that even the old bastard Sengoku and Garp did not do! Your worth remembering! Tell me what your name is!" "Hai Lan." When Golden Lion heard the name Hai Lan, he seemed to The ghostly red eyes also gradually lost their color. He said that he would rather die in battle than be defeated. But he also knew that it was just his own wishful thinking main Visualization Technique. Victory or defeat is never determined by human subjective will, it is just an objective fact. This era... It seems that you don’t really belong to yourself anymore... "And it's not just me who defeated you, it's'we'!" Hailan doesn't know if Golden Lion heard it. This sentence behind myself. Because when the golden Lion's eyes lose color, the surrounding world has begun to change like Heaven and Earth turning upside down like a doomsday collapse. Rumble... An earthquake-like roar came from all directions. Losing the fruit ability of Golden Lion, these floating islands began to fall downward one after another. The twelve Aurora Sword moved away from Golden Lion's body under the control of Hailan, forming an aurora shield, dragging and floating the falling Golden Lion. But the surrounding floating Skypiea islands have no one to save them. If there is a Pirate Ship that happened to pass by below, I can only pray for the favor of the lucky Goddess. The corpse of the Golden Lion, Hai Lan will naturally take it back to the Marine Headquarters and hand it over to Fleet Admiral Kong and Admiral Sengoku for processing. It is not a proof of credit for the "Flying Pirates Crusade" this time, Hailan doesn't care about this at all. Because the top executives in the headquarter are still upright gentleman after all, so they won't be bullshit on credit and subordinates. Losing the control of Koala, the overwhelming majority of Winged Dragons all flee in this turbulent environment. But fortunately, the Marine soldiers who came here all mastered Geppo, stepping on the air one by one, making the sound of "Boom" and "Boom", which is a unique scenery. Scientific researchers are naturally protected by Marine. But those Pirates who have not yet died can only do a scientific free fall motion. The local residents who originally lived on Skypiea Island don’t have to worry. They have wings on their arms, so they can fly. For these people, Hai Lan actually has no good impressions. If they don't have wings, they are ordinary people captured by Golden Lion. Since it is possible to fly, why not escape from the clutches of Golden Lion earlier? It doesn't matter if you dare not resist, even if you don't even have the courage to escape, it's no wonder that Golden Lion will be regarded as a slave. However, so the meaning of Marine's existence is here. Severely punish the villains, protect the weak, and fight for those who cannot fight. This is the "positive x" of Marine! "Hai Lan!" Riding Pikachu, Koala appeared next to Hai Lan in a blink of an eye. As early as the moment when the floating Skypiea Island fell, she knew that the overall situation of the battle had been set, and set off directly to Hailan. "Hai Lan, you did it!" Seeing the Golden Lion floating in the air by Hai Lan, Koala almost jumped up excitedly. Koala doesn't understand and doesn't care about the credit, influence, or reputation. She is just happy that Hailan defeated a Legendary by herself. Hailan to Koala Issho: "It was the two of us who did it together." This time Hailan was able to defeat Golden Lion, not by accident, but by necessity. First, precognition and Crocodile greeted Golden Lion. Although they did not cause any effective damage to Golden Lion, they did buy time for Hailan to use aurora to affect the environment of floating Skypiea. Aurora is a stream of high-energy charged particles that exists in the high-altitude atmosphere at an altitude of about 100,000 meters. The floating Skypiea, originally at an altitude of about 10,000 meters, shouldn't exist. But Logia Devil Fruit can affect the environment. When Hailan used aurora to cover the entire floating Skypiea, a high-energy charged electromagnetic field was generated here. Even if ordinary people fly around in the air, they may be exposed to a magnetic storm Lightning Flash, even more how Golden Lion has two iron swords stuck in his two legs. Later, Doflamingo's bird cage even restricted Golden Lion's movement. The combination of magnetic storms and flames, as well as Hailan's guerrilla tactics from time to time, greatly consumed Golden Lion's physical strength. After weakening the Golden Lion to a certain level, Hailan has the qualification to fight the Golden Lion. Even without Koala's encouragement, the young and strong Hailan can still defeat the old and sick Golden Lion by virtue of "overload", but it may pay a considerable price and eventually win by a small gap. The existence of Koala is equivalent to the icing on the cake, further increasing the odds of Hailan winning. This is how now Golden Lion died in battle, Hailan was only the final result of minor injuries. …… "Years..." The strongest man in the world, "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate, sits on the deck of the main ship of Whitebeard Pirates, "Moby Dick" like a whale On the huge sofa, while pouring the huge hip flask in his hand, he glanced at the "World Economic News" in the other hand. This is already a few days after Hailan defeated Golden Lion. As a former Legendary, Golden Lion was defeated by Marine. Whether it is Marine or World Government, they will inevitably take the opportunity to promote it. The world economic news agency will not miss this big news that can earn the world's attention. In just a few days, the relevant newspapers have been distributed to the whole world. On the cover of the newspaper, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com is a line of titles written in bold fonts, which is very eye-catching: Legendary ends, and Hero of the Marines was born in the Great Age of Pirates! Below the title, there are photos of two men. But these two are not the same scene, but are divided by diagonal lines. The man on the right has long golden hair and a vertical waist. He is wearing a tattered robe. Due to the distance, he is not quite clear, but it is not important, because the eye-catching thing is There are twelve translucent swords inserted in his body, looking extremely tragic. On the left side of the slash, there is a man's back. He holds a lightsaber in his hand and points forward. Behind him is surrounded by countless energy long swords. The positive x coat behind him is fluttering in the wind and looks majestic. dignified. It is Golden Lion and Hai Lan. These two photos were taken from two different scenes. The Golden Lion picture is taken from the scene where he was killed by Hai Lan at the end. Hailan's picture is taken from the moment he faced the lion head hiding the sky and covering the earth. One Piece World has the deepest hidden strength. Apart from the Pandaren, it is probably these war reporters. Such two photos combined together can bring unlimited reveries to readers. The word "Ligger Fight" is located in the middle diagonal line across the two photos. In the photos of Hailan and Golden Lion, their names are written in special fonts respectively. "Arctic Tiger", "Golden Lion". https: Genius remembers this site address in one second: .. Mobile version reading URL: m.

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