The current Whitebeard is exactly 60 years old. His strength is in the Peak period, and he truly deserves the title of "the strongest man in the world". But Whitebeard faintly noticed that there seemed to be a little problem with his body. Although this problem does not affect his performance at all, it is like going for a run without wearing socks, it will always give him a sense of awkwardness. It may be due to the side effects of Gura Gura no Mi, or it may be due to Whitebeard drinking too much... But Whitebeard doesn’t think so. In his opinion, it’s just because no one can escape. , The knife named Suiyue. In terms of age, Roger is younger than himself, and Golden Lion is older than himself. Whitebeard knows very well that whether it is Golden Lion or himself, sooner or later, it will be replaced by newbie and withdraw from the stage of this era. When he was young, he also stepped on those old Pirate's corpses step by step. But he didn't expect that this day would come so fast, and the Golden Lion, who was the most influential among the three, would have fallen like this. Unlike Roger, who is also an enemy and friend of himself, Whitebeard doesn't like Golden Lion at all. This is just a kind of sadness of if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves. In the face of time, his Whitebeard will have such a day sooner or later. "Daddy, what's the matter with you? Are you sick?" Seeing Whitebeard was a little surprised, a dark brawny asked stupidly, looking very simple and honest. "Teach, don't talk nonsense, how dad got sick!" Another brawny, "Diamond" Jozu scolded Teach. Teach Issho honestly: "Hey...I just look at the old man's look that is not right, I am a little worried about him..." A type with pineapple hair, looks like he hasn't slept yet. The awake brother took the newspaper from Whitebeard's hands. The slash of the newspaper runs across the page from right to left, so it looks like the Golden Lion is underneath, with the Arctic Tiger sitting on the ground. The pineapple head raised his eyelids: "I think the old man is just mad at the number one of the'Northern Tiger' Hero of the Marines." Whitebeard laughed heartily: "Hero of the Marines? Okay. Big breath! Is he better than Garp?" The members of Whitebeard Pirates all laughed. As Pirates of the cream of the crop, they naturally know what kind of talent is worthy of "Hero of the Marines" "This word. Even if they defeated the Golden Lion, the Arctic Tiger is still not qualified, because even the Golden Lion, their Whitebeard Pirates have long stopped taking seriously. …… "Hero of the Marines" cannot be blamed on Hailan, this is all made by "Big News" Morgans himself. In the original book, Luffy and his gang only fled Big Mom's territory in embarrassment, and they were all called the "Fifth Emperor" by him. All the arguments of "The Vinsmok family acknowledged allegiance on the spot" came out. Just like overwhelming majority journalists, Morgans’ news is based on how outrageous the news is. But it is understandable. After all, if you don’t brag, readers will not be attracted to you and then buy your newspaper. As for Hailan's title of "Arctic Tiger", this is what Marine Headquarters has awarded him. Because of the greatest achievement in the Golden Lion crusade, Hailan’s military rank has jumped from the original “Commodore” to the headquarters “Vice Admiral”. 20 years old, Vice Admiral, the youngest headquarters in Marine history! Although envious and jealous, the soldiers did not feel unfair. Golden Lion, that was the Legendary that once required Admiral Sengoku and Vice Admiral Garp to join forces against each other. Even though Golden Lion is not as good as it was then, Legendary is still Legendary. A dead skinny camel is also bigger than a horse. Who dares to say that he can defeat a weakened Legendary? Because Hailan’s opponent is "Golden Lion", a lion, so in order to show that Hailan Vice Admiral has the strength to compete with Golden Lion, his title first decided to have a "tiger". Although tigers and lions are just "younger brother"-level beasts in this World, tigers and lions are also mutated. They can still defeat those mutant beasts, otherwise Golden Lion would not use "lion" as his nickname. NS. The North Pole of the "Arctic Tiger" represents the ability of Hailan's "Aurora" fruit. Originally because it was just white, everyone initially suggested to call him "White Tiger" or "Silver Tiger", but Hailan disagreed with it all life and death, and did not say why. Later, everyone was helpless and changed it to "Arctic". Tiger". Although "Arctic Tiger" and "Kizaru", "precognition" and "Akainu" do not sound neat enough, the language of this World is not Chinese, NorthTiger, BlueBird, YelloMonkey, RedDog... In fact, everyone is the same... As for why it is an Arctic tiger and not an Antarctic tiger... He must have a pole, right? So just like that, Hailan's official nickname at the headquarters was designated as "Arctic Tiger". The reason why the newspaper did not publish his specific appearance is mainly for the military's confidential work. Admiral and Vice Admiral of Marine Headquarters, few people outside know who they are. Hailan doesn't mind this at all. His System recognizes people but does not recognize names. Even if there is no name, as long as the person can be associated with that person, System can gain recognition. Unfortunately, there are many people watching the excitement, but few people really know how to be grateful. Even though the "Golden Lion" Shiki who eliminated Megatron world, Hailan only gained more than 30,000 recognition points, which is a few thousand short of the next first stage of 50,000. But the problem is not big. The "identity value" affects the calculation power. Now Hailan's calculation power has reached Lv9, and the corresponding "perception" is only Lv7. The top priority now is to improve "perception" first. …… "Didn't expect Hailan Sir to be promoted from Commodore to Vice Admiral all at once. I am really envious..." "Then you go and beat Whitebeard, maybe directly Become Admiral." "haha...Stop kidding..." Zephyr the past few days especially likes walking. Whenever I hear someone talk about Hai Lan, he feels particularly comfortable inside. Since the dismissal of Admiral, UU reading Zephyr has a brand new dream: he wants to cultivate heroes. Hailan is a model of his "hero" in mind. If it weren't for Akainu's temperament is too aggressive, Akainu should have been the hero of Zephyr in mind. Although Zephyr is a "don't kill Admiral", he has never asked his students to "don't kill". What is Saint Daddy? That is to retaliate with virtue. What is a saint bitch? That is not only to repay grievances with virtue, but also to ask others to repay grievances with virtue. Zephyr obviously will not use his own standards to demand others. Whether it is the precognition with a calm personality, or the Akainu who never keeps his hands on Pirate... it is his pride. …… "No, Hailan Vice Admiral, you can't enter here casually..." "I am now the Vice Admiral of the headquarters, and I am still Hero of the Marines, the future Marine Headquarter ...You dare to stop me? Be careful when I become Admiral and I will wear shoes for you!!!" Calm Belt, at the entrance of the World Government Research Base, Hai Lan was yelling at the guards. "This..." The guard was really scared. It is said that the new official has three fires, the first fire of the Arctic Tiger Vice Admiral... Isn’t it burning people? "This, this, this...this is more stipulated above..." "Then you go report it, I won't stop you, but you'd better not stop me either." "Huh???" Hailan pushed away the dumbfounded guards and swaggered into the World Government Research Department.

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