Doflamingo's complexion became ugly. The bird cage that made him proud was successfully cracked by Golden Lion. Although Golden Lion has a geographical advantage. But Doflamingo still feels very uncomfortable inside. He wants to slash the Golden Lion very much. Unfortunately, as the battlefield expands, the speed at which he bounces on the silk thread is completely unable to chase the high-speed flight of Shanghai Lan and Golden Lion. I can only watch Hailan and Golden Lion go on a one-on-one chase in the air. Hailan no longer uses the advantage of speed to fight guerrilla warfare with Golden Lion. Although guerrilla warfare can guarantee that oneself will not be harmed, it also cannot cause heavy damage to Golden Lion. If you want to truly defeat Golden Lion, you must fight him with a meet force with force battle. Golden Lion has experienced two defeats in the Battle of Ait Wall and Marine Headquarters, coupled with the torture of the Great Deep Sea Prison, his strength has already fallen from the Peak period. Especially the rudder above his head has a great influence on him. How can a man who aims at the world not understand Haoshoku Haki? But since the battle with Hailan, Golden Lion has never used Haoshoku Haki. It's not that he doesn't want to use it, but that he can't use it anymore. Haoshoku Haki is the most refined and pure psychic energy, and all psychic energy comes from the brain. The rudder on the head did not kill Golden Lion. This is already a miracle. How could he release Haoshoku Haki casually. Because of this rudder, Golden Lion has some signs of Alzheimer's. Sometimes he even thinks of the rain clouds in the sky as "afro-head" and the gorilla wearing the old hat as his own mother. Coupled with the previous five times of consumption, this makes Golden Lion's strength further weakened. Hailan is the opposite of Golden Lion. Logia Devil Fruit's natural advantages allow him to preserve most of his physical strength. The inspiration of Koala's music fruit makes him like a tiger that has grown wings. Hailan now has the capital for the final one-on-one battle with Golden Lion! "Don't think that you are the light to be great. If the light is invincible, then there will be no shadow in this world!" The Golden Lion, who broke the bird cage and regained his liberation, waved his hands and floated nearby. The mud on Skypiea Island surged into the sky like a flock of flying birds. "Even light, it can be swallowed!" The sky full of mud, sand and gravel formed a formidable majestic lion head, opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, biting Hailan . Behind Hailan, a handle of Aurora Sword consists of virtual and solid, ten, one hundred, hundreds... These one-time Aurora Swords composed purely of energy are arranged in a circle. Behind him, Hailan was just like the legendary Sword God, majestic. "go! " As Hailan holds an Aurora Sword in her hand and points forward, hundreds of Aurora Swords behind him are like meteor showers falling in the night sky, with an unstoppable Qi of Slaughter. , Flew towards the lion heads that moved towards Hai Lan's bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. bang! bang! Boom... The lion heads were shattered to pieces and turned into dust in the sky. Golden Lion saw that the last lion head successfully swallowed Hailan, but with a bright sword light, the lion head was divided into two from the middle, and the Hailan flying out of the dust stabbed Golden with a sword Lion's heart. Golden Lion did not evade, letting the Aurora Sword in Hailan's hand stabbed his skin. Behind the torn clothes, the strong and dark pectoral muscles of Golden Lion were exposed. Busoshoku Haki! Golden Lion grabbed Hailan's right hand, and at the same time, the other hand was claws, the pitch-black Busoshoku Haki covered it, and directly grabbed Hailan's head. "I want to blind your eyes!" Golden Lion's revenge mentality is extremely strong, even now, he has not forgotten Hai Lan's hatred that blinded him before. "Overload magnetic storm!" zi zi ... Hailan's body began to show a blue arc that can be distinguished by naked eye, and the high-intensity current spread instantly through Golden Lion's hand that caught Hailan. The whole body of the Golden Lion. Golden Lion's face became extremely distorted. On the one hand, it was caused by the paralysis of Hailan's electric current. On the other hand, due to the stimulation of Hailan, the pain caused by the rudder of his head became more tormented. Golden Lion feels that his brain is like an overheated balloon, about to burst. His face has also become red. This is not because Golden Lion also has a style to temporarily improve his own strength, but because of the high-intensity fighting, his brain has entered a state of hyperemia and hypoxia. "Death to Lao Tzu!" Enduring the numbness of the electric current and the torment of the brain, his eyes are bloodshot, and the golden Lion whose eyes are about to bulge out, squeezes a word from his teeth, right hand Continue to catch Hai Lan's eyes. Golden Lion firmly caught Hailan. Under Busoshoku Haki's control, Hailan couldn't use elemental transformation to escape at all. Seimei Kikan .Kami-e Bushin! Hailan gritted his teeth, his neck bends at a strange angle, as if it had been broken. Golden Lion shot extremely fast, Hai Lan just made a move, Golden Lion's hand has already caught Hai Lan. It's just that instead of catching blind Hailan's eyes, he grabbed Hailan's neck. "Die!!" Various pressures have not allowed Golden Lion to change his moves again, so he will directly strangle Hailan! A lion-like force came from her neck, and Hai Lan had already begun to feel suffocated. Even if it is a lion dying, he is still a lion, not a sheep. "In the past, Garp and Sengoku teamed up to defeat me. Now you are dead in my hands. It should feel very honorable!" Facing Golden Lion's desperate tactics of injury-for-injury, Hai Lan also No more worries. "Level 2...overload!" Hailan's own Aurora Fruit's own overload coupled with the encouragement of Koala Music Fruit, UU Reading com This makes the formidable power of the magnetic storm generated by Hailan to a higher level. This time, even Golden Lion has a recognizable naked eye arc. If this were replaced by ordinary people, it would have been dead for a long time. Hypoxia, hyperemia, and an electric shock made Golden Lion's eyes a trance. Om... Feeling the Golden Lion’s Busoshoku Haki suddenly weakened, Hailan’s right hand loosened, and Aurora Sword flew out instantly. One is divided into six, and six becomes twelve! These are twelve Aurora Swords created by Hailan to deal with Golden Lion and further subdivide the spectrum. It is completely different from the hundreds of formidable power swords before. In the air, there were twelve breaking winds. There is no dazzling sword light. Fast, accurate and stable. The twelve Aurora Sword stabs Golden Lion and Hailan in the middle at the fastest speed. It looks as if the two are perish together. But as the Golden Lion gradually lost his power, Hailan easily escaped through the Aurora Sword. Floating in midair with only a trace of will, Golden Lion has twelve Aurora Swords inserted in his body, reflecting the splendid aurora behind him, like a frozen picture scroll. "Huh..." Taking a deep breath, Hai Lan realized the beauty of the air again. "Death in your hands does not make me feel honored, defeating you, that is the true honor!"

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