The exploded sword light didn't attack the headless giant, it didn't even glance at the other side at all, just blindly spreading in the boundary river.

In just an instant, Wang Hong reacted.

I saw his pupils, which had always been calm, suddenly contracted, but soon after they dilated, and the corners of his eyes twitched violently, they quickly recovered their calm:

"The beast is still fighting."

At the same time, in the boundary river, the sword light is also expanding, frantically cutting all around the boundary river, and constantly repelling the Savage-Wilderness Boundary that was already bordering the Zhenghuang Heavenly Relic. Gradually, the already inseparable connection between the two parties has faded again.

This is the real idea of ​​Lu Xingzhou.

The headless giant, the divine beast moth's resurrection is the result of Wang Hong’s thousands of years of layout. It is like a full-filled dam. It took only such a time to break the dyke. The general trend of the resulting It is irreversible like a flood, and it cannot be stopped by the cultivator under the Yin God realm.

But as the saying goes good:

Da Yu controls the water,

Blocking is worse than sparse.

It is true that only time is needed for a headless giant to be promoted to a false god. It cannot be stopped, but a false god. Although better than Embryo Nourishing Realm, it is not as good as Yin God, such a cultivator Ashen Mystery Boundary Four. Would Heavenly Sovereigns care? Its horror does not lie in the cultivation base of its false gods.

It lies in-----

It is dispatched from Passion Boundary Heaven this time, and it is in full compliance with the rules of the forces competing with Sage Sovereign Heaven. The powerhouse spawned.

This is the trump card prepared by forces such as Equivalent to Passion Boundary Heaven and Four Heavenly Sovereigns.

The original plan of Four Heavenly Sovereigns is the effective cultivator moth.

The trump card of Passion Boundary Heaven is that it has fallen into eternal silence. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to reincarnate, restore the false god Monster Race Great Saint, and divine beast moth.

This is reasonable.

At the same time, because of this, Four Heavenly Sovereigns has no way to find a reason to stop this game, because strictly speaking, this is a bad move on his side and let a false god cultivator enter. Now that Zhenghuang Tianyijie is their miscalculation, so they can only no choice but to suffer in silence having unspeakable bitter suffering.


If the false god cultivator was driven out of the realm of Zhenghuang Tianyi, it would be different. The chess piece leaves the board and is academically called abandoned game piece.

There is a good saying:

Luozi has no regrets.

Since it came out, Four Heavenly Sovereigns is naturally impossible to sit back and watch you again. In this way, it becomes the Savage-Wilderness Boundary. Inside, who wins and who loses obviously at a glance, then what if the divine beast has become a false god?

"Never let him succeed!"

"Stop him!"

Wang Hong's eyes were sharp, and he directly slammed his own voice into the Jiehe with divine will. The words are extremely sharp, and they are faintly mixed with threats.

And after hearing this sound, the headless giant also took action:


In all fairness, according to The idea of ​​divine beast was that it didn't want to care about the boundaries at all, but it signed a master-servant agreement with Wang Hong for reincarnation, and it is now also involuntarily. Had to temporarily give up returning to the Savage-Wilderness Boundary, but scattered the divine will and fixed the East Sea boundary river.

Hongyin spread, only the headless giant's chest changed, and finally a lion head was transformed into a lion head, and then opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and issued an angry roar:


This is the divine ability of divine beast "Dinglu". Once this sound is passed, it is used to stabilize the boundary river torn by the sword light. . Thanks to this, the sword that Lu Xingzhou cut into the Boundary River was finally stabilized, and there was no further spread, but there was no sign of elimination.

"Sure was successful."

"Good job!"

"A little thing."

Among the giants of light, the three of Lu Xingzhou smiled simultaneously.

The idea of ​​tearing the boundary river is Lu Xingzhou's idea, and he is also the main power blessing, but it is Xiao Yuyu who provides the sword qi, and how to make the sword qi turbulent boundary river is the result of Yu Xianke's deduction. The very simple strategy of relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers is to bring back the depressed situation.

It's just------

"It's just a tactic to slow down."

Beyond Heavens, there is a flash of light in Wang Hong's eyes, which seems to be deducing. : "The contingency is fairly timely, but the sword light will always dissipate and it will not last long."

"One day?"

"Ten days?"

"One year?"

Wang Hong’s voice was indifferent and calm. Although he was still confident, he was a little bit more chilly: "The divine beast borer is Monster Race Great Saint, even if it is reincarnated and reincarnated as a fake After the god Loose Immortal, with its bloodline, it also has a very long lifespan, which can not drag a few natives..."

Before the voice fell, there was a sound from the sky:


It was the golden Hao Rizhong, Yang God of Sage Sovereign Heaven spoke. As soon as this remark came out, Wang Hong, who had been clear and logical in his analysis, immediately closed it. Mouth.

He was muted.


At this moment, the frequency of Wang Hong's eye twitches suddenly turned several times, but as he said, the so-called Will of Heaven has been difficult to ask since ancient times, it's nothing more than a gap in the cultivation base. So for him, that Sage Sovereign is his Will of Heaven, so he can only suppress his emotions.

Almost at the same time, Wang Hong's ears also quietly sounded from the blood red Haori direction, the voice of the Yang God Supreme belonging to the Daye Mocha:

"Wang Hong , Are you sure there will be no variables?"

"...Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

Wang Hong's expression remained unchanged, and he responded in his heart: "This game Unbreakable, it’s already unstoppable. I understand the spirit of these indigenous put up a desperate struggle."

"But in my opinion."

"This kind of resistance is undoubtedly inviting humiliation to oneself !"

"hong long!"

In a flash, I only heard the turbulence of the Jiehe River, but I saw Lu Xingzhou manipulating the giant of light while standing steadily on the East Sea On the bank of the Jiehe River, while looking at the headless giant who was holding the sword light not far away, he reached out and beckoned and threw a ball of light into the Jiehe River.

After the rays of light dispersed, it was a small mountain.

I saw it standing in the boundary river, rooted on the Xuanhe sword light that traverses the boundary river, and the sword qi of the hundred li or so centered on it was given.

“hong long! ”

“hong long! ”

“hong long! ”

A rumbling sound penetrates the boundary river, I saw that the giant of light has shrunk countless times at this moment, revealing the true appearance of Floating Clouds Mountain. The main peak of floating clouds is towering and motionless, but besides the main peak, there are thousands of floating islands. At this moment, it is one. after another fell into the hands of the giant of light,

then he was thrown into the river.

Each floating island falls into the boundary river and takes root in the sword light, and then a piece of sword qi is fixed and connected, like a magnificent Great Wall!

Finally, the main peak of floating clouds crashed into the boundary river together with the giant of light, and steadily suppressed in the center of sword light, and completely blocked the sword qi! In this way, unless one day the Floating Clouds Mountain peaks shatter and the main peak collapses, this brilliant sword light will never disappear!

"This battle is not over yet."

In a trance, I just listened to Lu Xingzhou’s clear laughter coming from Floating Clouds Mountain, spreading to the world, spreading the river, It even came to the Xuhai, and the momentum was brilliant:

"Wang Hong, do you dare to bet your life with me!"

"If you dare, let this divine beast borer let go, I bet that Yujingguan tried my best and was all buried here. There is no way to tear the boundary river and drive the Savage-Wilderness Boundary out. If you dare not, let this divine beast borer come over and wait for me to continue the battle! See who is the real Will of Heaven!"

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