It turns out that as long as you are reasonable, there is no one who can't make sense in this world.


At least, the soul of the sky pupil is very cooperative.

Looking at Floating Clouds Mountain flying out of Floating Clouds Mountain and floating above the giant of light, Lu Xingzhou was nodded with satisfaction, and then he saw the former's whole body Huaguang flame dance, transforming into a seven-foot-light beam protruding out , Yaoyao pointed at the headless giant, and then ignoring the block, flew directly towards the opponent.

“en? ”

The headless giant looked at it, his chest eyes were tightly wrinkled, and then he shook his body, and while the joints were shaking, there were already two more giants in his shoulders. beast.

Beast name Nightmare.

Good cannibal dreams, swallowing souls, divine ability is exhibited, specifically targeting all kinds of invisible Divine Soul attacks, which can be swallowed. Obviously, the headless giant has also seen the soul-dangling sky pupil. If it were an ordinary magic tool, it might have been really blocked by him, but the soul-dangling sky pupil had a different kind of magic.

It was practiced by the Immortal Sect Sect Master only one false god cultivator in the past.

Although pupil power can only be accumulated once every thousand years, this extremely tasteless setting also exchanges extremely powerful functions for it. Under the Yin God realm,

almost No one can stop.

Even Lu Xingzhou, he took the blow of the soul-dangling sky pupil at the beginning, and there is no way to resolve it. If the headless giant has cultivated a false god and reincarnated as Loose Immortal at this moment, then maybe there is The way, but after all, it was still a step away, so it only weakened the power of the sky pupil.

I saw it passing away like a light flashed.


Almost at the same time, the whole body of the headless giant trembled suddenly, and then all the flesh on the burly body showed drastic changes. If you have to describe it,

is every inch of skin and flesh, in this brief moment, it seems to have its own life, and it has evolved a variety of divine beasts, all kinds of strange things, which seem to fly away from the body of a giant , But in the next second they were suppressed again and turned into the flesh and blood of giants again.

This is true,

At this time, the headless giant is still full of cracks to make up for it, like a broken ceramic, the original rising aura suddenly stagnated.


For a time, above the East Sea, the screams of the headless giant resounded across the sky. Such a sight not only made King Taiyu The expressions of joy were overwhelming, and in the void outside the world, Sage Sovereign Heaven Yin God and Gu Yunyan also moved slightly. However, at this moment, the bloody Hao Rizhong suddenly burst into laughter:

"Fellow Daoist Li, is this what you said is the winner?"

"Is it because I have been dealing with government affairs for a long time, and my mind is not clear? How about I ask the Imperial Dining Room to make a bowl of nourishing soup for you, so that you can raise it?"

"Don't be polite with me It’s."

The sarcasm between the words is not concealed at all.

On the other hand, Golden Haori didn't answer at all, and doing so caused Sage Sovereign Heaven Yin God, who had given birth to some hope, to sink again.

At the same time, the headless giant who has not really disintegrated looked towards the soul-dangling sky pupil, and the giant of light formed by the Lu Xingzhou plus Wanshen array. The mouth on the belly button opened again, and his chest and eyes stared at Lu Xingzhou: " are doing very well."


Lu Xingzhou But there is no interest in chatting with the other party, the soul of the soul is withered, but it obviously also played a role. At least it has stopped the headless giant from continuing to improve.

So what are you waiting for?

Chat and wait for him to slow down?

Get started!

The giant of light stepped forward. Inside the Floating Clouds Mountain, I saw the Zhizhen Hall and the Taiji Hall. The two halls glowed, and the last Jade Imperial Palace also suddenly moved slightly. Almost at the same time, the giant of light also raised his arms high, spread his five fingers, and let out a roar that penetrated the sky.

"The sword is coming!"

The spirit of the turmoil, Southern Barbarian responded immediately

In the depths of the Southern Barbarian Myriad Insects Valley, Xiao Yuyu watched silently Suddenly, Su Jin, who was already exhausted, said: "You should have seen all of you just now."

Although you can't see Wang Hong's calculations and Xu Hai's cultivation base with Su Jin's cultivation base. Game.

But Savage-Wilderness Boundary did not let Savage-Wilderness Boundary hit the Human Immortal Realm, King Taiyu helped, and the scene where he finally tried to refining the fetus of the beasts but was backlashed, all fell into the eyes of Su Jin , How to say it is also the master of the family, after a little thought, he has already figured out the plan of Mo Zhu.

It's just------

"...The king is defeated." Su Jin closed his eyes in pain.

The formation here borrowed the Southern Barbarian gold-iron veins and the power of countless Gold Devouring Beetles to trap Xiao Yuyu, which is now useless.

The nuclear explosion Divine Sword has lost thirty-three handles.

The formation is mostly broken.

The reason why there is no problem up to now is that Xiao Yuyu saw that the situation has not deteriorated before, so he deliberately stopped the offensive in his hand, and did not kill the gold, he wanted to He got the billions of gold and iron gas he gathered from the Gold Devouring Beetle body by virtue of his divine ability.

Of course, as soon as the energy of gold and iron is removed, more than ninety-nine percent of the Gold Devouring Beetle here will die suddenly. However, Xiao Yuyu didn't care, and it happened to kill Southern Barbarian.

But if you want to borrow the energy of gold and iron, the hurdles that you can't get around with gold.

So Xiao Yuyu gave him a chance.

"........." After closing his eyes for a while, Su Jin opened his eyes again, spit out one mouthful of impure air deeply, and then said: "Take it and use it."


Xiao Yuyu hearing this nodded, then the sword pointed, and the formation that had trapped him for a long time shattered in response, and all the ambitions of gold and iron rushed up in the blink of an eye He met the star-flow waterfall that fell from the sky, then turned around, and under the control of Xiao Yuyu, he flew towards the East Sea direction!

While watching the silhouette of Xiao Yuyu leaving, Su Jin just tidied up his clothes in silence, then got up and faced the East Sea and bowed deeply.

The last ray of life is lost.

“zheng! ”

In the next moment, Myriad Insects Valley Gold Devouring Beetle is all dead, and the infinite gold and iron gas and Life-Taking Sword are aligned. Make a magnificent sword light that cuts the sea and the land, across the Central Plains and straight into the East Sea. Finally, it was held in the hand by the giant of light, and almost at the same time, the rays of light of Jade Imperial Palace were released.

At this moment, looking at the magnificent sword light in the hands of the giant of light, the headless giant suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart.


I saw the brilliance flowing in the eyes of the headless giant's chest, and then without any hesitation, he turned around and stepped back in. In the boundary river.

"hong long long!"

As soon as he entered the Boundary River, the Savage-Wilderness Boundary on the other side of the Boundary River suddenly felt like he was welcoming the headless giant. The collision trend that had been stalled, was actually moving again at this moment, and the Jiehe River was squeezed into violent turbulence, giving birth to countless dark cracks.

"Can't let him go back!"

"..." King Taiyu's voice came, but Lu Xingzhou remained unmoved.

Of course he knows.

The opponent is still one step away from becoming a false god, and the head of the moth is on my side, and the opponent can't see it back, so he immediately changed the method: It should be noted that the Savage-Wilderness Boundary itself is the divine beast moth. If the original body is sacrificed to its body, can it make up for its original shortcomings?

This is also the reason why the leader of the Great Ye Mochao ridiculed the bloody Haori outside the world.

From the moment when Savage-Wilderness Boundary and Zhenghuang Tianyi bordered, there was a way of retreat for the beasts, and everything was irreversible as early as that time.


"I stimulate the pantheon array blessing."

"I will calculate the calculation."

"I'm here to transport sword qi."

Zhizhen Hall, Taiji Hall, Jade Imperial Palace, among the three halls, Lu Xingzhou, You Xianke, Xiao Yuyu, the faces of the three remain unchanged, the three of them are at this moment The spirit is connected, and the natural tacit understanding, Xiao Yuyu uses Life-Taking Sword to refining Myriad Insects Valley billions of gold and iron, while You Xianke is responsible for the deduction.

The two teamed up to mobilize sword qi.

Finally, Lu Xingzhou, with the highest cultivation base, will use his own divine ability and the Pantheon Array to bless the sword qi that has been transported for the final level of refinement.

This is a three-person blow.

It is a blow to restore the general trend.


Without hesitation, the three simultaneously issued angry roar, then sword light let go, the giant of light collapsed, and countless gods fell on the sword light, making That sword light is like a living person, giving birth to countless acupuncture points, learning the Breathing Technique, and its sword power is constantly rising.

However, in this scene, Sage Sovereign Heaven Yin God and Gu Yunyan are showing a bit of unbearableness in the virtual sea, and Wang Hong is even more laughed with confidence.

As Yin God, they can see it naturally.

This sword, formidable power is not enough!

It may be able to cut a headless giant, or even severely wound it, but not enough to kill it! And as long as it can't be killed, the headless giant can be integrated into the Savage-Wilderness Boundary, and it may take some time to cultivate, but its general trend of becoming a false god will still not change, nothing more than Final Struggle that's all.

"Will of Heaven to Divine Province."

"mantis trying to stop a chariot, overestimate one's capabilities."


I saw that the sword light fell into the boundary river in this way, but did not cut to the headless giant, but exploded in the boundary river. Then, Savage- which was already bordering the Zhenghuang Heavenly Remains. Wilderness Boundary, there was a sudden turbulence, and then it was forcibly driven out by the sword light!


The brilliant sword light was reflected in Wang Hong's shocked eyes.

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