Lu Xingzhou's laughter echoed everywhere, even if he was in the virtual sea, he could hear clearly, but after listening to it, Wang Hong's expression gradually became gloomy.

In all fairness,

Lu Xingzhou’s approach really exceeded his expectations. First, he used sword light to tear the boundary river, attracting the divine beast moth to block it, and then set the entire Floating Clouds. The Mountain was moved to the boundary river, and the Pantheon array plus the Life-Taking Sword array, forcibly stabilized the sword light that will dissipate soon.

As Lu Xingzhou said,

The current situation is that if Wang Hong believes that Lu Xingzhou is impossible to tear the boundary river and let the Savage-Wilderness Boundary return to the virtual sea, then You can let the divine beast borer let go.

But is he confident?

The answer is obvious:


So he dare not gamble, especially now that the Yang Gods of the Great Ye Mochao are watching here. If he loses the bet because of the so-called arrogance and self-esteem at this time, he will definitely not be pleased after he goes back. , So even if the possibility is only one in a billion, he will never gamble.

even more how -----


Wang Hong’s voice was indifferent and calm. Then Lu Xingzhou broke down Floating Clouds Mountain and built the sword qi Great Wall:

"I don't need to bet against you at all."

"What about the trifling strategy? It’s just a time gap. How long can your sword qi Great Wall last? mayfly shaking a tree, mantis trying to stop a chariot that's all!"

To this Lu Xingzhou’s response was only a laugh: "This is Is your Will of Heaven?"

"You are in a hurry!"


In Gu Yunyan and Sage Under the gaze of Sovereign Heaven Yin God, Wang Hong just sneered, but it was completely different from the original plan of planning strategies, and his family knew his family affairs, and what was hidden under the sneer was indeed faint. The restlessness and tension.

There is no other reason:

"The general trend... is actually another general trend." Wang Hong thought secretly in the heart, While silently sensing his own state with divine will.

Like Lu Xingzhou, he is also a cultivator for "Will of Heaven".

It's just different from Lu Xingzhou, Wang Hongxiu's is based on Will of Heaven.

At this moment, Wang Hong even gave birth to an uncontrollable killing intent. Those who cultivate Will of Heaven, all believe that they are the only orthodoxy. Looking at Ashen Mystery Boundary, this way is divided into There are two types of sentimental and ruthless. If Wang Hong walks as Heartless Dao, then Lu Xingzhou walks as a sentimental way.

Ashen Mystery Boundary is well known throughout the world, anyone who repairs Will of Heaven,

Youqing Dao and Heartless Dao,

absolutely irreconcilable!

".....The moth candle." Thinking of this, Wang Hong turned his mind and immediately fell in the mind of the headless giant: "Don't leave your hand, immediately break the sword light."

divine beast borer hearing this, the face that grows on the chest and abdomen shows obvious resistance:

"You are too strong to be difficult."

"You must know that I have not succeeded in Loose Immortal now, I have more than my heart but I am not enough..."

"I will give you another Emperor Disseminating-Serum."

"I'll do it!"

The divine beast screamed on the spot, and then the headless giant stepped forward and turned back with an unstoppable momentum and moved towards Lu Xingzhou. .

Almost at the same time, above the sword light Great Wall, the silhouette of Lu Xingzhou gradually raised like the sun.

"Good come!"

I saw Lu Xingzhou push the Taoist temple above his head, and immediately there was a clear light reflecting the Chejie River, turbulent and empty, and then I heard a thunder explosion from the dark. Immediately afterwards, from the east, west and north of Lu Xingzhou, there were three silhouettes pushing away from the Jiehe River, with a round light above their heads, and they walked over with magnificent weather.

The first silhouette is a green youth, dressed in white clothed, holding a green gold treasure wheel in his hand, the revolving room seems to be able to engulf the universe and myriad forms.

2nd silhouette is a brave youth, dressed in azure robe, holding a gold Jade Ruyi in his hand, on which three petals are condensed like water, sun, moon, and stars complement each other.

The 3rd silhouette is an old man with a crane hair, dressed in a black shirt, holding an ancient scroll of colored glaze in his hand, with overlapping names on it, which coincides with the number of Heavenly Star and Earthly Fiend.

"hong long long!"

Three silhouettes stand on top of Lu Xingzhou's head and on the left and right sides respectively. At first glance, the breath of the body is exactly similar to Lu Xingzhou himself. Without the slightest fancy, forcibly hit the headless giant and blocked it, and at the same time made the divine beast turn pale with fright.

"How is it possible!? What kind of Avatar technique is this?"

The eyes of the divine beast borer were wide open, and two brilliant rays of light suddenly shot out from his chest, which made Divine Bird's According to the divine ability of the world, I wanted to see through the real body of the three silhouettes, but the result was nothing.

Looking ahead, the feedback is only "all is true".

But how is it possible?

While divine beast was frightened, Lu Xingzhou's voice came quietly: "Fate is own, scorpion, do you really want to work hard?"

"You have just reincarnated, and you haven't really cultivated into Loose Immortal, and you have cultivated a false god."

"Just fight to my death."

"Don't you feel a loss."

"Wang Hong is a member of the Great Ye Mochao. After this battle is successful, he can benefit from the Da Ye Mochao, but what about you? You are the Great Saint of Myriad Monsters Nation. Is it Myriad Monsters Nation? Will you be rewarded too? If I were you, I would definitely be worldly-wise and play safe. Taking a step back is the righteous path."

"It's still said that after so many years of death, I was beaten by Long Jun. Got to cover head and sneaked away like a rat. Haven't let you learn the truth? You don't have a second chance."



Lu Xingzhou's voice does not have any supernatural power, let alone a divine ability, but with a fatal temptation, the divine beast borer can't help but be moved.

Unconsciously, even his strength has converged a bit.

Lu Xingzhou first suddenly transformed into three Avatars, gave the divine beast a savage drink, and then bewitched his heart with words, making his heart shake vividly. After a set of operations, it was really stable. After the situation was resolved, for a time, the two sides actually showed a confrontation in the boundary river.

At the same time, in the main peak of Floating Clouds Mountain.

"It's finished!"

Lu Xingzhou spit out one mouthful of impure air deeply and said: "Old Xiao, Lao You, how about it?"

Soon, Xiao Yuyu and You Xianke's responses came from the Tai Chi Hall and Jade Imperial Palace: "It's okay."

"It's finally delayed."

Lu Xingzhou's eyes are divine light lingering, looking towards the headless giant who is still thinking outside and has received some strength in his hands.

Where does he know Avatar Technique.

Three Avatars?

bluff that's all.

In fact, it is nothing more than Will of Heaven Wheel, Heaven and Earth Jade Ruyi Scepter, Investiture of the Gods, all taken out, with three magical treasures that have the breath of killing their souls, this is Evolved into the appearance of Avatar, and then secretly let himself, Xiao Yuyu, You Xianke, and the three of them enter the operation of Avatar.

It seems to have created an Avatar that is not inferior to the deity.

In fact, it's just a silver-like pewter spear tip.

There are all kinds of empty space,

There is no use for eggs.

Moreover, this technique can only confuse for a while, not for a lifetime. After all, the cultivation base of Xiao Yuyu and You Xianke is still lacking. I am afraid that it will not be long before the divine beast borer will react. , So the time that this move can gain is very limited, and I must not waste it.

"..." In front of the Zhenzhen Temple, Lu Xingzhou sat cross-legged. At a foot and five inches above his head, a god was shining and shining, only his arms were still wrapped in black energy.

He wants to cut Liupu!

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