This endless world

Chapter 86 The Disappeared Person

——The time of thirty seconds is sometimes too short, and sometimes it is too long.

When he regained consciousness, Yang Yun found himself lying on a cold street. It was midnight, and the white full moon vaguely hidden in the clouds could be seen in the sky, while there was silence around him. Looking at the surrounding scenery, the entry point this time should be beside the street of a park.

Excluding Zhang Jie who was definitely pretending to be fainted again, Zheng Zha was the only one who woke up earlier than Yang Yun. He was frowning and reading the content displayed on the Lord God's watch. Judging from Zheng Zha's serious look, he might have used all the energy he had in reading documents when he was the department head.

After all, this is a team battle, and there is no room for negligence. It is very likely that everyone's lives are hidden in the mission instructions of the Lord God.

After Yang Yun woke up, he didn't pay attention to Zheng Zha. He also looked at his watch immediately. He directly skipped the goal of this mission and found the familiar words "Yinzhou Team" on his opponent in the team battle. Finally, he let out a long breath... This was the first time since Yang Yun entered the main god space to thank the positive person so much.

Fortunately, the positive side did not change the opponent in this team battle. The enemy that the Zhongzhou team needs to face is still the Indian team.

——The Indian team has no wise men, and its normal combat power is not very strong. The only young monk who has unlocked the second-level gene lock is an embroidered pillow that was exchanged for a growth-type summoned beast... The Zhongzhou team, which has greatly improved in strength, should be dealt with. It shouldn't be a difficult task for the Indian team.

...Wait, where is Xiao Honglu?

Yang Yungang breathed a sigh of relief, but when he saw the newcomer lying on the ground clearly, his face turned ugly again. Because apart from everyone in the Zhongzhou team, there are only two newcomers who entered the Zhongzhou team this time, and they are a baby-faced young man and a strong man in his forties. Obviously, their appearance does not match Xiao Honglu...

——The damned positive person will not destroy the wise man Xiao Honglu, right? Although according to the principle of the Lord God, the same type of talents will not appear repeatedly, Chu Xuan died in the curse. After his death, a wise man should be added, that is, Xiao Honglu entered the Zhongzhou team!

——However, in the curse, I seem to...

"I am Yang Yun. My current position in the team is half main combat force and half healer. I also serve as the wise man in the team..."

Yang Yun's face froze, and he suddenly thought of a possibility. In order to gain luck, he deliberately said that he was the wise man in the team when introducing himself. Both the non-positive person and the main god took this sentence seriously, so they didn't let Xiao Honglu join the Zhongzhou team, right?

Damn it, that’s just a rhetorical technique!

"Protect Albus Dumbledore from death within thirty days. If successful, the team will be rewarded with two C-level side plots and 3,000 reward points; if failed, the same side plot and reward points will be deducted, and the team will randomly kill three people. Regardless of Whether the mission succeeds or fails, the members of the reincarnation team will return to the main god space thirty days later..."

"Forty-eight hours later, the Indian team will enter the Harry Potter world. Killing the members of the opposing team who have not activated the gene lock will receive two thousand reward points. Once there is a C-level branch plot, killing the members of the opposing team who have activated the gene lock will receive Seven thousand reward points. For one B-level side plot, if one of your own team members dies, one point will be counted as negative, and if one member of the opponent's team is killed, one positive point will be awarded. The final number multiplied by two thousand will be the reward points received by the remaining members of both teams. "

Zheng Zha was reading the text on the watch carefully. When he heard the sound of Yang Yun getting up behind him, he turned around and said: "Judging from the strength of the main god, we should be weaker than the Yinzhou team. These forty-eight The hour is the preparation time given to us by the Lord God. Once the countdown is over, the Indian team will enter immediately, and the time given to us is not very much."

"...Yang Yun, why do you look so ugly?"

At first Zheng Zha planned to have a good discussion with Yang Yun about the main mission and team battle, but when he saw the expression on Yang Yun's face clearly, he couldn't help but ask aloud.

In Zheng Zha's sight, Yang Yun's face was visibly darker, and his mood was not very good. This also made Zheng Zha's heart skip a beat, and he couldn't help but think of Yang Yun's strange behavior before entering the light pillar.

"Put aside those feelings, stand from the perspective of an outsider, and use your brain to think about it... Zheng Zha, Yang Yun has a problem!"

Zhang Jie's words echoed in Zheng Zha's ears again at this moment. During the one hundred and twenty days of training with Yang Yun in the curse, he did not see the secret hidden behind Yang Yun. As usual, this man and Zheng Zha were sparring, treating each other, and exchanging some tips on energy operation, so that everyone could become stronger and survive the next team battle...

But Zheng Zha also knew that just because he didn't see Yang Yun's problem, it didn't mean that there wasn't something wrong with him. It might just be that he was hiding it too well... For now, it was obvious that something happened to Yang Yun that he didn't know. matter.

(Yang Yun, why is there such a huge contrast between your front and back? Is it true that you are the leader hiding in the Zhongzhou team, as Zhang Jie said?)

At this moment, Zheng Zha had thousands of thoughts running through his mind.

After hearing the voice, Yang Yun came back to his senses and tried his best to make his expression normal: "It's okay... I'm okay. Don't worry about me. The focus now is on the team battle."

As he spoke, Yang Yun reluctantly suppressed his fear and confusion, glanced at the Lord God's watch randomly, glanced at it, and began to rack his brains to analyze: "Based on the need to protect Albus Dumbledore. Come on, this horror movie should be the sixth installment in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, but before that, let’s take a look at the newcomers first…”

This way of changing the topic was too obvious, but the rest of the Zhongzhou team began to get up from the ground one after another, and the newcomers seemed to be showing signs of waking up. It was not a good time to talk. So Zheng Zha did not continue to ask, but took a deep look at Yang Yun and said: "If you don't want to say, then I won't ask for the time being... But Yang Yun, I hope you can remember that for us now, life is The first thing is to get down. No matter what difficulties you have or what secrets you have, at least for now, I still treat you as a partner."

"And I hope that you will also regard us as partners... After all, the scenes where we fought side by side were not false."

After saying that, Zheng Zha stopped asking questions and introduced the general situation of the team battle to Zhan Lan and Zhao Yingkong who had woken up. Yang Yun was left alone to smile silently...

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