This endless world

Chapter 85 The changed world (thanks to dongjiuyue’s leader)

"Fuck! Harry Potter world???"

Yang Yun's sudden foul language was too eye-catching, especially when he was about to enter the Lord God's Teleportation Light Pillar in thirty seconds. It immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The moment the words came out, Yang Yun realized his gaffe, and he quickly said wisely: "Wouldn't the Lord let us enter various horror movies to complete the task? The Harry Potter series of movies, It's a horror movie, but it's more of an adventure story for children... It shouldn't have anything to do with horror movies, right?"

Although Yang Yun's reaction was a bit excessive, the reason was still reasonable. Zheng Zha frowned and said: "...It's indeed strange, but we'd better go ahead with the light beam. We only have thirty seconds." , we can talk about the rest later.”

After saying that, Zheng Zha was the first to walk towards the main god's beam of light, and Yang Yun, who barely concealed his past, quickly followed Zheng Zha's footsteps and quickly walked into the main god's beam of light. But after Yang Yun's figure was completely obscured by the beam of teleportation, he just stood there, his eyes completely out of focus, and his normally rotating brain stopped functioning at this moment, as if it was down. Blank, all that is left is confusion and fear about the future...

How could it be Harry Potter! How could it be Harry Potter?

What about Legend of Gods and Ghosts? What about Immorton? Where is the Sun Sutra used for resurrection? In the future, the Zhongzhou team will enter. What about the saint’s ruins and the hanging pavilion in the legend of gods and ghosts? What about the Donghuang Bell and the Good Fortune Jade Disc?

If there were no legends of gods and ghosts, wouldn’t these be all gone?

Can even the horror movie Legend of Gods and Ghosts be changed? What about the Indian team? Will the next team battle opponent be the Indian team? How will the plot develop in the future?

——My biggest reliance, knowing the plot well, is it still reliable?

No one can understand Yang Yun's confusion, and he can't express his confusion to others. Chu Xuan, who knew part of the truth, is dead, and because of the positive and negative reasons, it is impossible for Yang Yun to use the same words to fool Zheng Zha again... Zheng Zha exists as the protagonist of this book, who can Ensure that these words will not be presented as text in the plot?

In fact, after Yang Yun heard that the world he entered next was Harry Potter instead of Legend of Gods and Ghosts, he felt as if the sky was falling... This was by no means a lie, Yang Yun knew very well that he He has a few kilograms, and if he didn't have a familiar and infinitely terrifying plot to rely on, his ending would probably not be any better than that of Li Xiaoyi.

In other words, it is precisely because Yang Yun has the advantage of knowing the plot that he is able to reach this point.

In Resident Evil, he successfully broke through the laser channel and got the first pot of gold; in Alien, he exchanged the melt gun in advance and killed an alien, avoiding secondary damage caused by the unstable factor Li Shuaixi; in Grudge, he strategized and ruthlessly He racked up a lot of points and unlocked the first-level genetic lock... Yang Yun did not follow the rules and be timid. He knew that change would eventually come, and his philosophy was to try his best to gain enough before it arrived. capital and be prepared accordingly.

——However, the change came too early.

Although I have known for a long time that one day, sooner or later, the breeze brought by the flapping wings of my butterfly will distort the original plot of "Infinite Horror", but why is it now? It's a little too early...

It can be said that everything Yang Yun has achieved so far is based on his familiarity with the plot and belongs to a comfort zone. And now the coming world of Harry Potter is a completely unfamiliar field for Yang Yun. In this blank field, no one can help him in the slightest.


- I have to calm down.

Stay calm in times of crisis and use reason to make judgments, rather than being overwhelmed by panic and fear and making wrong decisions in a hurry.

This is not only an indispensable quality for a mature reincarnation, but also a required course for wise men taught by Chu Xuan to Yang Yun.

Now that things have happened, it is useless to say anything. All we can do now is try our best to make things right.

Yang Yun took a few deep breaths, then exhaled, inhaled again, exhaled again... After repeating this several times, he managed to regain some of his usual thoughts, and his rusty brain began to function again.

——The first priority that needs to be considered at the moment is not the issue of world change. The first thing that needs to be confirmed is whether the opponent in the next team battle will still be the Indian team.

——If we look at it according to the normal situation, then our opponents will not change, because Jackal Doctor A Luote and Zhao Yingkong have a long history, corresponding to the assassin families in the East and West respectively. The positive person should not give up on this, which is obviously carefully designed by him. special person, so the Indian team should...

Thinking of this, Yang Yun's thoughts involuntarily went in another direction. Yes, the teamfight opponent of the Indian team is just "supposed" not to change, so isn't the world of Legend of Gods and Ghosts much more important to the Zhongzhou team than the mere Indian team?

You must know that whether it is the Golden Sutra of the Sun, the Golden Mask, the two original members of the Central Continent team, Immortun and Ansuna, or the legacy of the yellow-skinned saint, their importance in the book of infinite horror is greater than that of the Indian team. The first team battle opponent... Then why did Yang Yun confidently say that the Yinzhou team "should" not change?

When he thought of this, Yang Yun suddenly woke up. He bit his tongue cruelly. As the slightly fishy smell of blood spread in his mouth, his wandering thoughts returned to the right track... No matter who the opponent was in the team battle, etc. After entering the world, you can tell by looking at the Lord God's watch. There are less than ten seconds left before entering. Why do you think so much and don't have anything?

——Perhaps because of fear and nervousness, my thinking became a little confusing and I needed to think again.

So, the best way in today's situation is to seek help from Chu Xuan... But Chu Xuan has already died in battle.

Yang Yun's original idea was to find the Sun Gold Scripture to resurrect Chu Xuan in Legend of Gods and Ghosts, and then gather all the effective forces of the Zhongzhou Team to fight a head-on battle with the Demon Team in Resident Evil 2. But now even the world has changed, and the Sun Golden Scripture is naturally nowhere to be found. Chu Xuan and he...

——Damn, my train of thought went astray again.

After biting his tongue again, Yang Yun's eyes suddenly lit up... By the way, it was true that Chu Xuan was dead, but wasn't there another wise man? If I remember correctly, Xiao Honglu originally entered the Legend of Gods and Ghosts. Although this little boy's intelligence and layout are not as good as Chu Xuan's, they are only slightly inferior. Compared to Yang Yun himself, he is worse than Yang Yun himself. too much.

Yang Yun has a clear self-awareness. He has never forgotten that no matter how much information about the plot is in his mind, no matter how great his potential is, until he has not fully grown up, everything is empty talk.

In other words, if Zheng Zha hadn't pulled him out twice in Resident Evil, he would have died quietly and became one of those zombies.

——Perhaps if you are lucky, you can still live until Resident Evil 3. When the two Zheng Zha Honghuang collide with each other in the future, you can be a "bystander" to witness the battle and face death unknowingly?

Therefore, Yang Yun never thought that his IQ was superior to everyone else. He just relied on the information in his mind and a little bit of luck to get to where he is now.

Attachment to the strong is one of the survival instincts of the weak. Fortunately, compared to Xiao Honglu, who had just entered this world, Yang Yun, who had experienced three worlds, was undoubtedly a strong one in terms of strength.

And compared with Chu Xuan's layout, Xiao Honglu has one advantage, that is, his layout method is not as ruthless as Chu Xuan's.

——If I protect him in exchange for his survival, with Zhan Lan as my mental controller, I won’t be in a passive and beaten situation like in the original world line. And this team battle, with his layout and my intelligence support, should not be a problem...

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