This endless world

Chapter 87 The Beginning

——The original legend of gods and ghosts has become the world of Harry Potter.

——Xiao Honglu did not join the Zhongzhou team because he lacked the support of wise men.

——In addition, due to his rude performance just now, Zheng Zha is now obviously doubting himself.

Bad news came one after another, and Yang Yun was shaken.

"In the end, the plot is just a plot and can be changed. What's the difference between you changing our plot now and us changing the plot to get rewards in a horror movie?"

"Don't be too superstitious about the so-called history and plot. Due to the butterfly effect, the gap between current history and the history in your memory will only get wider and wider. Even if I help you analyze it, it will probably be a piece of nonsense in the end. "

Yang Yun couldn't help but think of the night when he was talking to Chu Xuan in the main god space. At that time, he wanted Chu Xuan to help analyze the future situation, but he got this answer. It can only be said that Chu Xuan really saw through everything...

In fact, Yang Yun has also thought about the infinite horror plot changes caused by the butterfly effect, but according to his expectations, the entire world he entered should have changed. This huge change should have happened at least after The Lord of the Rings, and no matter how soon, it should also happen in Resident Evil 2. After that, how could the legend of gods and ghosts change in the fourth world? In addition, Xiao Honglu did not enter the Zhongzhou team, which was another heavy blow.

But what Zheng Zha said makes sense, survival is the first priority no matter what. If we completely lose our self-confidence now and cannot survive this team battle with the Indian team, then forget about everything and it would be more enjoyable to wipe our necks directly here.

——The past is gone, and the future continues. Although the dawn is small, it is by no means despair.

Continuing to act like a frightened ostrich who chooses to shut himself in and bury his head in the sand is not only bowing to the difficulties he has overcome, but also denying his comrades who have lived through three worlds side by side. If you can't believe in yourself, then who else can?

——Forget it, sooner or later I will throw away the crutches and move forward on my own, but now it’s just a little earlier!

——Even if I lose my familiarity with the plot, I still have other weapons, the understanding of the main god's space, the trust in my teammates, the grasp of some settings... Even if I give it a try, so what? It’s just a matter of death!

Yang Yun stamped his foot hard and began to activate all his brain cells to recall the plot of Harry Potter. After all, he is also a man who has survived the "catastrophe of supporting roles".

——Zheng Zha and his teammates trusted me and chose to believe in my arrangements in Grudge.

——The positive ones recognized my status as a wise man and did not even let Xiao Honglu join the Zhongzhou team.

——Then how can I stop here?

At this time, all the newcomers have woken up, and Zhan Lan is explaining the existence and rules of the Lord God Space to them in detail. However, it seems that due to the change in the horror film, not only are there no Xiao Honglu, but only two newcomers entering this time.

One is a handsome, baby-faced young man in his twenties, who is obviously Zhang Heng, who has the same name as the person facing the front; the other is a bald man in his forties with a sinewy face. This person is the third man. A third master who said the famous saying "I want to beat you into two small cakes".

Since there are only two newcomers, even if Yang Yun is included, this horror film is only nine-person difficulty, which is slightly lower than the eleven-person difficulty of the original Legend of Gods and Ghosts. I don’t know if it is because of the curse. Was it too many deaths or something else.

Although the difficulty of the horror movie does not seem to be high, the information that the Indian team will enter in 48 hours shows that this team battle of the Zhongzhou team is far more dangerous than in the original work!

You must know that in the original work, the conditions for the Indian team to enter were after Immorton was resurrected, and the reason Imogen was resurrected was because the heroine Eve secretly took out the Black Bible of the Dead from several archaeologists, and After unintentionally reading the words of resurrection in the Bible of the Dead, the conditions for Immorton's resurrection were met... but everyone in the Central Continent team did not stop it, but allowed it all to happen.

In fact, the conditions set by the Lord God are very favorable to the Central Continent team, because Immorton's resurrection can actually be controlled artificially. If the operation is done properly, everyone in the Central Continent team can completely stop it. They only need to keep Eve away from the Bible of the Dead, keep these two books in their own hands, and buy enough time to slowly prepare for Immorton's resurrection.

Whether it is planting a large-yield nuclear bomb in Imogen's grave in advance or a bomb with special lethality to the soul, immediately sending Imogen to sleep again as soon as he is resurrected, thereby avoiding a head-on confrontation with the Indian team conflict; it is better to go to other parts of the world to find magic weapons that can kill Immorton, such as the Spear of Judgment or the Golden Mask, to enhance the team's combat effectiveness; even if that doesn't work, they can unite the friendly forces in the plot in advance, such as the black-clad army The thousand-man cavalry team led by Huzi... Even if the Zhongzhou team did anything, their team battle with the Indian team would not be so difficult.

Entering after forty-eight hours, this clear time will make the entry of the Indian team a foregone conclusion. The total time limit of this mission is thirty days, and some preparations can be made in two days at most. I want to be fully prepared, but Don't mention anything...

After Zhan Lan finished explaining and received the prompt from the main god, she nodded to Zheng Zha and handed the stage to the current captain of the Zhongzhou team. Zheng Zha also said unceremoniously: "I won't say any unnecessary nonsense. Please tell me your previous occupations and areas of expertise. We will decide whether you are qualified based on your ability and temperament." Join our team. If you fail, we will issue you a weapon and a hundred spiritual bullets, plus a gold brick..."

Before Zheng Zha finished speaking, the bald man with a sinister face smiled ferociously and said: "Gold? Are you kidding me? I don't believe what you just said. Is this some kind of TV scene? You don't want to ask me. Third Master’s name on the road!”

Speaking of this, the big man suddenly showed a lewd expression: "Speaking of which, the women here are quite beautiful, and there are such things as childlike and giant... ah!"

The third master took a few steps forward and planned to touch Zhao Yingkong's face. But just as he raised his wrist, he felt a light touch on his hand. When he came back to his senses and looked back, his arms were broken at shoulder level. Zhao Yingkong, who was on the side, silently flicked the memory metal wire that was slightly stained with blood. After the metal wire became almost invisible to the naked eye again, he put it away.


The leader adds three updates, but there are too many rich guys.jpg

In addition, the update time will be in the evening from tomorrow. If there is no problem, it will basically be set at seven o'clock.

Thanks again to all readers, Meng Yun is flattered.

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