This endless world

Chapter 563 Returning home at dusk: three years

When Cheng Xiao walked all the way and stood in the courtyard of the main hall, dozens of children of the Cheng family were already lying behind him.

As an ancient martial arts family, the Cheng family members have received strict martial arts training since childhood and have begun practicing internal strength since childhood. Although there is no way to reach the level of "building a foundation in a hundred days" like Cheng Xiao, after all, he has more than an ordinary person's background.

There is no waste in the Cheng family. Decades of hard study and practice have made them very capable in both external and internal skills. Even in an environment full of unknowns and dangers like the main god space, they can outperform many novices. The reincarnators were more able to deal with it calmly... Unfortunately, they met Cheng Xiao and experienced the "Violent Flame-Tornado Sky" at the cost of their lives. Cheng Xiao made another breakthrough after his resurrection.

No matter what boxing technique or martial arts the opponent uses, Cheng Xiao can always find the most suitable time and angle to enter the opponent's defensive blind spot. His steps are light and flexible, like an agile cat, able to move freely through complex battle situations, even when attacked by multiple people.

Facing the fierce wind of fists, Cheng Xiao often just turned slightly to let the incoming force slide lightly along his body, as if a gust of wind was blowing through the leaves, silent but powerful. And wherever he passed, no one passed his second move.

"I thought you would be later."

Standing in front of the gate was Cheng Xiao's father. This middle-aged man with an unattractive appearance had been standing here for a long time. Faced with Cheng Xiao's achievements along the way, he chose to look at it with a complicated look. Looking at his son: "But I seem to have underestimated your talent."

"The extremely simplified fist and kick skills are more effective than any fancy moves. You have realized this truth... Being able to get here in ten minutes is enough to prove that you have not given up on yourself in the past few years."

"Of course I didn't give up on myself. If this is the first test you set for me, then the difficulty of this test is too low."

Cheng Xiao shook his head, his words revealing a trace of dissatisfaction and disappointment. As he said, this level cannot be called a "battle" at all. It is just a warm-up exercise at best: "Is the strength of the family getting worse and worse? There are only three or four uncles who have unlocked the gene lock. "

"The unlocking of genetic locks is often accompanied by the baptism of blood and fire, and the same is true for martial arts practice." The man shook his head gently, with a hint of helplessness and deep thought in his tone: "But to say that they are not strong enough would be too much. Too biased. After all, your growth rate and achievements have exceeded what ordinary people don't know, and even far exceeded my expectations."

The words were still echoing in the air. The man's right foot moved slightly, and a secret power was instantly transmitted from his feet to the ground paved with bluestone. A loose old brick suddenly cracked, and the rubble flew towards Cheng Xiao like bullets.

Facing the flying gravel, Cheng Xiao seemed particularly calm. He waved his right hand lightly, as if he was a conductor guiding the symphony in the air. Surrounded by inner power, the surrounding wind responded to his request and turned into the gentlest power. The stones that were originally sharp and powerful seemed to have fallen into a quagmire under the caress of the wind. They lost their original threat and fell to the ground helplessly.

"After all, I am a genius." After showing his beautiful hands, Cheng Xiao answered frankly, without any hesitation in his tone: "And I have been since I was a child."

As he spoke, Cheng Xiao clenched his fist and let the breeze gently slip through his fingers, like a delicate and gentle woman's hand caressing him. Although this circulating power seems ordinary and invisible, it contains potential that is ready to burst out at any time. And all of this is his new understanding after experiencing death and resurrection, and is his deeper understanding of martial arts.

"Yeah, genius."

The man's voice was low and full of complex emotions. It seemed that in his heart, this evaluation of Cheng Xiao was not just appreciation, but also mixed with unspeakable worries and memories: "But you are still so deviant."

He deflected his gaze and paused for a moment on Cheng Xiao's colorful hair. He seemed to see the epitome of Cheng Xiao's rebellious and independent character in this unusual color: "Your mother and I didn't know what we told you when you were young. No matter how many times I talk to you or how many times I beat you, I can't make you change your temper. Once you decide something, even nine cows can't bring it back."

Although the man's words were straightforward and even a little harsh, Cheng Xiao didn't mind. He showed a row of white teeth, and his smile revealed fearlessness and confidence. He neither refuted nor agreed with the man's evaluation, but only responded with his own attitude.

"This is my advantage." He said self-deprecatingly and proudly, as if all rules and frameworks could not restrain his soul: "And I can decide my own life."

"No, you can't, at least not until you defeat me."

The man's voice seemed to have a hint of relief, he was pleased that his son had grown up and had the courage to speak these words openly. Being able to express one's will openly and openly is probably what every father wants to see.

But this trace of relief was instantly replaced by something deeper in the words. As the man finished speaking, his body leaned forward slightly, his feet firmly planted on the ground, and he put on a posture that Cheng Xiao was all too familiar with. , a posture he had seen since he was a child, and it was also the classic preparation posture adopted by his father before a battle.

This action silently told Cheng Xiao that now was the time to be serious, the time for him to use his strength to prove himself.

"So let me see what skills you have learned in life and death, blood and fire." The man's tone became cold, as firm as a rock, which meant that he was not just a person at this time. A father, but also a warrior who is about to fight the enemy, a warrior: "The communication between warriors always uses their fists to speak."

This sentence is like a family creed, often heard from Cheng Xiao's father's mouth, and it has become the yardstick he constantly uses to test Cheng Xiao. In the Cheng family, an ancient martial arts family with a long tradition and profound foundation, "strong" and "weak" are not only symbols of strength, but also directly related to the distribution of the right to speak. In such an environment, fists represent power, and only the strong are qualified to speak out.

"I once promised you that when one day you have enough power to defeat me, you will have the right to know the truth of the past."

There was a heavy solemnity in the man's voice, and his muscles bulged high, which was a sign of unlocking the second-level genetic lock. At the same time, he was recommitting to the promises he had made in the past, which belonged to the relationship between father and son. An agreement: "Three years have passed and it seems you are ready."

But what the man didn't expect was that when faced with these words, Cheng Xiao was just slightly stunned: "Three years? I didn't expect it to be this time."

"Huh? Did you even forget the time when you were living outside?"

"No, I just remembered a story... Although the background is different, it is still slightly similar."

"what story?"

"A story from a novel."

Faced with this question, Cheng Xiao smiled slightly, and also adopted the same fighting stance as the man opposite him, and his muscles also expanded a few points in an instant.

"Three-year agreement."

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