This endless world

Chapter 564 Mu Cheng returns home: not just living for himself

For Cheng Xiao, his father is not only the leader of the family, but also a towering mountain in his mind. Its true height and depth have always been unknown and can only be seen from a distance but not close to him.

In the real face-to-face battle, Cheng Xiao gradually realized his father's true strength. He began to understand that the reason why the head of the Cheng family was able to maintain the family's glory for a long time was not only because of his persistence and bravery in martial arts, but also because of his never-satisfied and constantly improving attitude.

If Cheng Xiao's boxing skills are light and agile, like the biting cold wind on a high mountain, then his father is like an immovable mountain, calm and solid. Under Cheng Xiao's offensive, his father did not respond with violent counterattacks, but showed stability and depth like the earth.

Each of Cheng Xiao's attacks was like the howling wind in the mountains, fast, cunning and unpredictable, trying to find gaps in unpredictable angles and rhythms to break through the opponent's defense. However, his father seems to have already understood these tricks. His defense is as impenetrable as a mountain. Every move and response does not show any flaws, and it is as solid as a rock.

However, it was Cheng Xiao who won in the end. The exchange of internal power and fighting spirit from the main god space, and the "Original Python Devouring Abyss Record" given to him by Yang Yun allowed him to make up for the accumulation of years, making Cheng Xiao's body full of energy. The reserve is not inferior to that of his own father. And the shocking battle in Resident Evil 2 made him see the road ahead clearly... Even so, when Cheng Xiao really knocked the man standing opposite to the ground, he still felt as if he was in a dream. The feeling of waking up.

"...I win, Dad."

Cheng Xiao spat out a mouthful of bruised blood, worked hard to force his broken ribs back into place, and then took out a bottle of "Body Refining Spiritual Liquid" prepared by Yang Yun from the space bag and drank it in one sip. The life energy inside suddenly began to increase rapidly. Repair his body. After completely healing the injuries in his body, he helped his father up and fed him a bottle of the same potion.

"...Well, that's a good fight."

Even when he was defeated head-on by his own son, the communication between the two father and son still remained brief and blunt. This method of communication seems to have always been a trademark of his father in Cheng Xiao's memory, and it always carries a sense of awkwardness that is hard to detect. However, over the past twenty years, Cheng Xiao has adapted to his father's unique communication posture: "That's it, mainly because I have been working hard during this period..."

"I'm sorry that I didn't give you an explanation for what happened back then."

Cheng Xiao was slightly startled by the sudden words, because he could hear concern and emotion in these words that sounded just like chatting. It was as if his victory had shattered his father's outer shell, revealing his sincerity hidden beneath his cold expression. As he spoke, the man who was knocked down by his son took out a letter from his arms: "Here is the truth. Although I wanted to wait for you to calm down before handing it to you, but in the past few years, you have never given me this chance. …”

"No need, actually I know everything."

But what Cheng Xiao's father didn't expect was that when faced with the truth of that year, Cheng Xiao only showed a complicated expression: "During the Spring Festival last year, the old man called me and told me."

Even without opening the letter, Cheng Xiao could recite the contents. It was a story about a little girl who came from a hermit family and was good at divination, and fell in love with a little boy who was born in an ancient martial arts family and had been a genius since childhood; as the little boy grew older, his body became more and more deadly. The most serious thing is that in order to save the little boy's life, the little girl used the ancestral method of death substitution and exchanged her own life for the other person's ability to live...

Even so, Cheng Xiao's eyes were still firmly fixed on the letter in front of him. Even if he thought about it many times, he seemed to be able to feel his lover's determination and determination when writing these words, and he could even clearly describe the thoughts she had in the last moments of her life. Facing the rushing mudslide, the girl who made the choice must have made her choice without any regrets and quietly waited for the end to come.

——This feeling has tortured Cheng Xiao countless times at night, causing him endless pain like a poisonous insect that eats his heart.

"you know?"

But Cheng Xiao's answer was completely beyond the man's expectation. The man looked at his son with extremely surprised eyes, as if it was the first day he met him: "Then why are you still..."

"Because before, I couldn't understand why you hid such an important thing from me and didn't let me know."

Cheng Xiao raised his head, not knowing whether he was looking at the starry sky or not letting his father see the expression on his face: "The old man said you were doing it for my own good. He said this was a decision made jointly by you and my mother. He said that my mind was not mature enough to accept this fact at that time. If you really tell me the truth, then the internal skills I have practiced for more than ten years will fall short under the great joy and sorrow."

"But I feel that if you are really good for me, you should tell me the truth earlier instead of hiding everything from me and letting me be kept in the dark like an idiot... This is not what I want The result is not the life I want.”

The three words "for your own good" were like poison. Instead of cheering up Cheng Xiao, they made the heirs of the Cheng family resolutely choose to participate in the most confidential operation after seeing this letter, and In the deepest despair, he successfully sent himself into the main god space.


Cheng Xiao's father moved his lips. Only then did he realize that he seemed to have made a mistake. The "well-intentioned concealment" from his parents not only failed to let the child out of the shadow, but made him sink deeper and deeper. At this moment, he had thousands of words to say, but when the words came to his lips, he could only turn into the simplest sentence: "I was wrong. I didn't take care of your feelings, and I didn't ask you." your opinion."

"I know, so I came back this time just to beat you up."

Cheng Xiao exhaled a long breath, stood up, and looked at his father again: "Just think that this is your son's rebellious period that has been delayed for ten years...Okay, my vacation time is running out, and I still have to Let’s go meet her.”

After saying that, Cheng Xiao turned around and left. When he walked to the door, he heard his father's concern from behind: "Don't die, son."

"I can't die. My life is not just for myself."

Cheng Xiao did not look back: "I will find a way to bring her back to me."

Then, he took one step forward. (End of chapter)

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