This endless world

Chapter 562: Cheng’s return home: Cheng family

Returning to reality this time, Cheng Xiao exchanged for a month, but it took him a full twenty-five days to complete what he should do.

During these twenty-five days, Cheng Xiao was like a behind-the-scenes guardian, silently handling various matters related to his teammates. Although his actions are not known to the world, they are related to the past of those partners who fought alongside him and the last traces of their connection with the real world.

He properly settled Zheng Zha's family, helped Zhan Lan delete her browser history even though she disappeared but was not noticed at all, provided enough funds for the orphanage where Luo Gandao was located, and went to a place that was burned by a fire. Cheng Baidi's research institute went to Hong Kong Island to investigate the clues left by Adam... And when Cheng Xiao completed all the work and traveled thousands of miles at night to return to the Cheng family, he always felt like he was in another world. .

Looking at the rolling villages not far away, a trace of reminiscence flashed in Cheng Xiao's eyes. This is the home of the Cheng family, the core of the ancient martial arts family with a long heritage. Although the Cheng family was not the place where he grew up in his childhood memories, he spent his early life in another quiet mountain village. It was not until he was ten years old that he came here under the guidance of his parents and truly integrated into Cheng. Home extended family.

The Cheng family is more than just a family, it is more like a small society full of vitality and vitality. The villages here have lasted for hundreds or even thousands of years. As time went by, the Cheng family continued to thrive and spread, making the clan a large number and maintaining a strong population and strong family power. In this clan land, the Cheng family's traditions and culture have been preserved and passed on, and every generation is maintaining the family's glory and strength. For Cheng Xiao, this place is not only the center of the family, but also an important part of his personal growth and identity.

Cheng Xiao stood in front of the Cheng family's door, with a complex emotion passing through his heart. Many years ago, he walked out of his house angrily, determined never to look back. However, the reincarnation of fate made him set foot on this familiar yet unfamiliar land again. The emotion that surged deep in his heart was a profound understanding of the impermanence of the world and a memory of the past years.

The reason why he left here was very simple. It was because of the mudslide that destroyed the small mountain village where he grew up and the people he loved. As a member of an ancient martial arts family, Cheng Xiao could not accept this fact at all. Considering the strength gap between martial artists and ordinary people, if one of his relatives had helped him in that accident, it would not have developed to this point. situation.

Cheng Xiao ran away from home because he could not let go of his loss and grief, and also because of his confusion and anger towards his family. He couldn't understand why a powerful family disappeared at that time. In his eyes, the family's power was enough to change the outcome of the tragedy, and their actions were enough to prevent the girl's death.

However, they did not do this. They chose to stay out of the matter and chose not to lend a helping hand. This kind of stand-by attitude is completely incomprehensible and unacceptable to Cheng Xiao. He believed that the family was fully capable of carrying out rescue if they were willing, but in the end, his loved one still could not escape fate, and the desperate young man could only build an empty grave for her without a body.

Cheng Xiao naturally couldn't accept it, so when he couldn't suppress his inner emotions and returned to Cheng's house to question his father, the answer he received was cold and cruel reality.

"If you want to know the answer, ask with your fists. The strong know the answer, but the weak have no right to speak."

"The world of warriors should be so simple."

Cheng Xiao's heart burned with anger and unwillingness, and he could not accept the cruel logic proposed by his father. At that moment, his emotions completely surpassed his reason, and he chose to express his resistance in the most direct way... However, the reality was cruel. Cheng Xiao's hot blood could not change the power gap. In front of his father, his resistance was in vain. Just three seconds were enough for him to lie on the cold ground with a bruised nose and face.

That day, Cheng Xiao suffered a complete defeat, and the pain in his body was probably far less than the pain and frustration in his heart.

This failed challenge became a turning point for Cheng Xiao, and his youthfulness and arrogance became the driving force for him to change his destiny. He chose to leave his family and go to the army, hoping to start from scratch there, exercise himself through rigorous military training, and improve his strength and skills so that one day he can find his own answers and have enough strength to protect what he owns. Everything he cherished... However, in the end, the empty tomb left an irreparable hole in his heart and allowed him to finally enter the main god space.

——Now, he is back from the main god space, although it is only temporary.

However, when Cheng Xiao took a deep breath and prepared to step into the village again, three people stood in front of him.

"Seriously?" Cheng Xiao looked at the people who stopped him, which were his thirteenth uncle, seventeenth uncle and nineteenth uncle. Although they haven't seen each other for several years, he can still call each other by name: "I'm just going home, how about such a big deal?"

"I understand, but the clan leader also said that when Cheng Xiao comes back here, it means that you are ready."

What preparation? Cheng Xiao didn't ask, and the other party didn't answer, but the fighting postures they made showed their purpose of coming. It was not a reunion between relatives after a long separation, nor was it a treat for dinner.

"Okay, if this is what my father means..."

Before Cheng Xiao finished speaking, the three people on the opposite side were already rushing towards him like wild beasts. One of them squatted down and sprinted quickly, punching Cheng Xiao's side with his right fist; the other was tall, carrying fierce wind with both fists, and smashed down on Cheng Xiao's shoulder, trying to hit Cheng Xiao's shoulder. He was crushed; while the third person spun quickly and struck Cheng Xiao's leg with a sweeping sweep, intending to disrupt his center of gravity——

"...Then I'll knock you down first, and then I'll go see him."

Facing the joint attack of three people, even the surrounding air became tense due to the sudden attack. Just when the attack was about to come, Cheng Xiao's left and right hands moved at the same time.

His movements were neither as heavy as a fist nor as violent as a kick, but rather three light and almost non-threatening hand knives. The left hand dropped from top to bottom like a waterfall, while the right hand surged from bottom to top like spring water. The two forces skillfully bypassed the attack lines of the three people, like a spiritual fish swimming in the torrent, gliding in lightly. A blind spot for their attacks. Then, his hands quickly swept across the opponent's neck, his movements were elegant and deadly, like flowing clouds and flowing water, leaving no trace.

The next second, three sounds of bodies falling to the ground sounded at the same time, in no particular order. Cheng Xiao, on the other hand, took steps forward again.

"Anyway, it won't waste much time." (End of Chapter)

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