This endless world

Chapter 558 Blazing Spear

——It’s time to end, because now, I will reproduce the miracle of salvation here.

Since unlocking the fourth level gene lock, this is the first time Yang Yun has used the power of "miracle".

This kind of ability derived from stories, emotions and souls has extremely strict requirements for users, so Yang Yun has always used it as his last trump card and kept it secret. In the last fierce battle with Zheng Zha, he did not use this unique skill, but relied purely on the power of the fourth-level gene lock to compete with the opponent.

However, once the conditions are ripe, this power can explode with astonishing power, even allowing Yang Yun to fight across steps and cross a chasm like a natural chasm. Just like how he once challenged and suppressed the fourth-level intermediate-level clone Zheng Zha with his third-level gene lock, once putting the latter in a life-or-death dilemma.

This miraculous power is undoubtedly a very threatening trump card in Yang Yun's hand. Once it is used, it will completely change the entire battle situation.

And now, it's time to put the final word in place.

Cyan light gathered in Yang Yun's hands. At the same time, Jianmu deep in his heart also flashed a green light at this moment.

The light gradually took shape, creating an appearance similar to a branch. It was a branch made of the same material as "building wood" and shaped by cyan light. The moment the branch appeared in reality, Yang Yun's face turned pale.

At that moment, Yang Yun mobilized the power of Jianmu in his body, materializing the branches of Jianmu deep in his heart, and presented them in the real world. This process seems simple, but in fact it consumes a lot of energy. This operation alone consumed a lot of his physical energy, even more than the energy required to give birth to more than a hundred wooden dragons before.

But just with every breath, the heart of life beats rapidly, quickly replenishing the energy consumed before. And the branch materialized by the green light in his hand also began to grow rapidly, branching, and the branching and branching were entangled with each other and spiraled, and finally turned into a spiral spear, just like Odin in "Infinite War System" The Gangnir he holds is also like the Holy Spear Lungominiad controlled by Setsuna, which is inseparable from the Holy Spear Armor Avalon.

——It is completely different from the previous use of Gong Yeyu's power to transform into the Overlord in the Cursed Plane, and the use of the power of Odin and Pei Jiao in Resident Evil 2 to use the "Infinite Battle System-Eighteen Stars Heavenly Dou Formation". What I reproduce this time is a story that I have experienced myself.

——It’s a story about me, Zhang Jie, Liuli, and Setsuna, saving a certain world together.

The memories of the past flashed before his eyes, the emotions in his heart surged, and the Jianmu deep in his heart was continuously providing strength for the spear in his hand.

Although the surrounding wooden dragons gradually decreased in the fierce battle, Yang Yun's attention was completely focused on the spear in his hand. His right hand tightly grasped the handle of the gun, as if it was integrated with the weapon, while his left hand gently slid over the gun body, each touch bringing a subtle vibration.

This spear is the crystallization of Yang Yun's spiritual light. Although it is condensed from spiritual power, its texture, weight, and even temperature are no different from a real spear. When his fingers gently brushed the gun body, the originally calm gun body seemed to be injected with life. Little bits of light jumped and flickered on the gun body, like the brightest stars in the night sky, following Yang Yun's movements. Flash up.

These light spots are not only beautiful, but also contain huge energy. With every stroke of Yang Yun's left hand, the light spots gradually converged into a dazzling beam of light, covering the entire spear in light.

Holy Spear - Lungominiad, the spear that shines in the end. Although it is not exactly the same as the one used before Setsuna, the light that shines wherever Yang Yun's fingers pass is more intense than the one used by Setsuna. , also more intense.

The light emitted by the Lungominyad gun used in the previous moment was pure and vast, fierce and clear, dazzling but not dazzling; and the Lungominyad that Yang Yun embodied this time was It presents a more fiery and intense brilliance, not only exuding a scorching brilliance, but wherever the light passes, it seems that even the space is ignited and purified.

"If we say that Setsuna's shot, it was the long-cherished wish of the entire Fourth Regiment for 1,573 years that was poured into it, and finally the light of the human heart bloomed, and Ashiya Michitoshi was completely eliminated with 'human power'. "

Yang Yun's voice was low and firm, and his right hand held tightly the Lungominyade that exuded hot brilliance. This spear seemed to be covered in flames composed of pure light. The fiery light made it look like not only a weapon, but more like a beam of pure light and heat, carrying some kind of sacred mission. Under his control, Lungominiad made a slight stroke in the air with incomparable power, as if he wanted to burn and purify all the filthy and unclean things in this space, and burn them until they were invisible. .

"Then my gun," Yang Yun's words were full of determination and anger, as if the gun in his hand was no longer just a weapon, but a symbol, a symbol of death after being destroyed and parasitized. The anger and unwillingness of the world, "are the anger of the world that died completely after being parasitized by you, and poured into this mimetic Lungominiad. It is a holy spear belonging to the 'power of heaven'."

Yang Yun pointed the mimetic holy spear burning with blazing flames at the Brood Warship that was still giving birth to monsters. He knew very well that there would be no verbal response to this reverberation of the past, but this did not prevent him from expressing his feelings.

Because for Yang Yun, the declaration at this moment was not just for dialogue, but to convey the cry of a world shrouded in suffering, and to express the anger and unwillingness deep in his heart. Although his voice is calm, it is full of power. Every word seems to carry weight. It is a record of the tragedies that have happened in this world and a strong accusation of the past.

"Fill it with the light of your soul," Yang Yun whispered, as if he was performing a sacred ritual, and every word was full of power and expectation: "Burst out the glory that saved the world."

He felt the response of the holy spear in his hand, which was a silent resonance, the brilliance of the light of the soul. At this moment, the gun will no longer be just a gun, but a carrier of hope and faith.

——So, feel it, what is the "light of the soul".

"Pour the world's anger into it," Yang Yun's voice became more determined, as if his words had transcended space and were directly conveyed to this suffering planet, "bloom out the light that belongs to the world."

He felt the response of the world, the response of this world that was weak and about to die, but was awakened by Jianmu's communication. It did not hesitate to lend all the power it could to the miracle worker who came to save it.

——So, feel it, what is the "wrath of the world".

So the next moment, the whole world seemed to have lost its color. In the world, only the blazing spear in Yang Yun's hand exudes its own brilliance.

Holy Spear, pull out the anchor——

Shine in the final spear! (End of chapter)

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