This endless world

Chapter 557 Swallowing and Assimilation

Monsters are strong.

Even if it is just the instinct of a biological weapon, the Brood Warship, which existed so many years ago, still has genetic technology that far exceeds that of today's pioneers. From the production, assembly, and manufacturing of monster organs, everything is completed in an instant.

These monsters created by the Brood Warship are undoubtedly extremely terrifying biological weapons. Not only are they physically strong and able to repair themselves, they also possess amazing strength and speed, as well as the ability to spit energy acid and plasma.

If such a powerful monster comes to earth, even with Chu Xuan's upgraded mecha hunter team and Luo Gandao's power, it will probably still be an arduous battle. The combat power of this kind of monster has reached a level that can wipe out the entire civilization of the earth. It really has the style of a monster movie... But now, there are hundreds of them here!

But even so, they all swarmed up and could not pose the slightest threat to Yang Yun who had unlocked the fourth-level gene lock!

The fourth-level gene lock can already control genes and replace and modify the sequence of genes. The so-called gene is actually a string of codes and a piece of information. Humans and all carbon-based organisms just choose a sequence composed of four kinds of bases to carry this information. Even if the physical bases are replaced by Morse code, digital signals or frequency changes of electromagnetic waves, there is no doubt that the same genetic information can be expressed.

And if genes are the carrier of life... then various energy operation procedures can also be recorded in the genetic information of plants!

"Wood Release - Wood Dragon Technique!"

Emerald energy surged throughout the body, and as the green life energy rolled up like a tide, more than a hundred seeds sprouted and grew rapidly under the guidance of Yang Yun's will, and in an instant they turned into a giant wooden dragon with a length of a hundred meters. These wooden dragons are lifelike, with winding bodies, bark as hard as armor, branches as sharp swords, and the vibrant green energy gives them powerful vitality.

There was no need for Yang Yun to be distracted at all. With a loud dragon roar, the wooden dragon took the initiative to take off and faced the monsters attacking from all directions!

Either swallowing, biting, spitting light from the mouth, or charging wantonly, more than a hundred wooden dragons that are meant to purify pollution are the nemesis of these monsters, slaughtering the group of monsters like tigers entering a flock of sheep. They are not only creations spawned by Yang Yun using life energy, but also have a lot of characteristics related to plants. Not only do they have strong combat power, but they can also spontaneously attack the enemy, bursting out with powerful attack power!

In less than half a minute, hundreds of monsters were killed by the wooden dragon that rushed out. Some of them were exhausted because their lives were completely squeezed out, some were entangled and strangled into three parts by the body of the wooden dragon, some withered due to the constant acceleration of evolution that exhausted the energy in the body, and some withered. Burned out by the fire of life, some were pierced by crystal blades condensed from life energy...

However, the Brood Warship did not stop from continuing to create monsters.

A steady stream of monsters are still flying out of its body, and the monsters that appear next moment are even stronger than the last moment. Not only that, every time one monster is eliminated, the other monsters will learn from its experience and evolve corresponding resistance, making the wooden dragon's attack effect smaller and smaller... At this time, what is covering their bodies is Yang Yun The extremely familiar yet completely different color of dark black life energy!

Faced with this energy use method that was essentially the same but had completely different effects, Yang Yun instantly became solemn. With his eyesight, he can naturally understand that this dark black life energy does not represent "healing", but represents "devourment" and "assimilation".

——It absorbs all visible light in the spectrum and does not reflect light of any color, which is black. This represents the way the Brood Warship uses life energy. It is selfish to the extreme and devours only for the continuation of itself. All roads.

"A biological weapon that swallows everything, absorbs everything, and assimilates everything."

Yang Yun watched as a wooden dragon finally collapsed completely due to lack of life energy after killing several monsters, and was then wrapped and assimilated by a monster. And a few seconds later, a black dragon-shaped monster emerged from the opening of the Brood Warship: "It's exactly the same disgusting thing as what this race has done."

"Although I really want to argue with you about the nature of 'evolution', and see who can have the last laugh when both parties are constantly evolving; I also want to continue to see it, the two come from the same source but they are not the same. What kind of inspiration can the same road bring to the light of my soul..."

Yang Yun stared at the brood warship in the distance that only had instincts but was still producing a large number of monsters, and said softly: "However, now is not the time."

When he understood the nature of this Brood Warship, Yang Yun realized that he could not delay it any longer. He thoroughly understood the scene in front of him, and also noticed that the Brood Warship was also iterating.

It relies on the cruel laws of nature - survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest. It continuously adapts to Yang Yun's attack mode through evolutionary algorithms, and then evolves and iterates, trying to breed a new generation of biological weapons that can compete with him.

This is not the ability of the fourth-level gene lock, but the instinct of the creature from the moment it is created; it is also a ruthless cycle, a process of continuous self-upgrading in order to obtain the strongest creature. And with the total energy of a planet, if someone controls it inside, or has the corresponding normal thinking ability, and uses all resources to create monsters with strong individual strength, then it is not possible to create monsters with strength close to the fourth level. impossible.

Even as the initiator of the fourth-level gene lock, Yang Yun knew that he would never be able to win a competition based on energy alone. His opponent can continuously draw power from the core of this world and has an almost endless source of energy. In such a battle, time is the biggest enemy for Yang Yun... Every second the battle drags on , the destruction of this world is one step closer.

Yang Yun is not stupid, and he is not the kind of fighting nation who wants to fight the last battle despite knowing that the planet is about to be destroyed. He has never forgotten that the goal of coming here this time is not to fight with a dead person. I don't know how many years of biological weapons have been used in meaningless battles, fighting to the death.

What he needs to do is find a solution to the problem in the shortest possible time.

"It's time to end this."

Then cyan light gathered in his hands.

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