This endless world

Chapter 559 I’m late


Endless light.

In this huge space, a little light first lit up, and then it bloomed brightly like stars.

The vast, fierce, endless light turned into the fire of judgment, as if it was going to burn everything; the boundless power turned into a blazing wave of light, like the most dazzling flash of light in the blazing sun, and seemed to fall to the ground. The shooting star embodies endless hope and the anger of the world.

Pure white terrifying flames enveloped the Blazing Spear, and with the power of being compressed to the limit, it cut open the surrounding space and divided this already unstable space into two. At this moment, all the power was condensed into the gun body thrown out by Yang Yun, turning into a miracle of light that cut through the sky. Time seemed to be frozen, and space seemed to be distorted. Only the holy spear, wrapped in light and fire, pointed directly at the brood warship that produced the monsters with an unstoppable force!

Yang Yun understands that he does not need to completely imitate Setsuna's "Gear that Shines at the End" that killed Ashiya Michitoshi. The gun he is holding now is a gun that is transformed by the light of the soul and is essentially short-lived. As for perishable weapons, it is just right to treat them as disposable throwables... The Blazing Spear, which is integrated with the world's anger, is the best special attack weapon against the Brood Warship that has parasitized the world for a long time!

——The moment the Blazing Spear was thrown, the brood warship on the opposite side made its own response.

Faced with this devastating shot, the Brood Warship's response was to take a hard hit. In a very short period of time, it produced a large number of carapace organs at an alarming rate, seemingly to withstand the coming impact with quantity and quality. These carapace were quickly loaded onto the periphery of the Brood Warship, forming layers of defensive barriers in an attempt to withstand the power of the Blazing Spear... At the same moment, those who were originally fighting the wooden dragon on the battlefield The monster also gave up its original battle target and rushed towards the Blazing Spear!

They may know that their sacrifice is inevitable and small, like moths flying toward a flame. But even so, they still try to become a shield for the Brood Warship, if only to consume even a trace of the Blazing Spear's energy. Because the Brood Warship cannot give up its own energy source, the core of the world in this plane is about to be completely extinguished. This is the instinct of its still dead body and the last remaining obsession.

However, it was useless.

In Yang Yun's gaze, this life-saving spear penetrated all the defenses like a torrent. Countless monsters were directly penetrated like tissue paper in front of the dazzling light, without even a little stagnation, and layer upon layer The stacked carapace defense lines also seemed extremely fragile in the face of this force. The Blazing Spear penetrated all obstacles and penetrated deeply into the interior of the Brood Warship!

——This foreshadows its ending.

It stands to reason that despite the extremely dazzling light of the spear, given the huge size of the Brood Warship, the Blazing Spear cannot even be considered a toothpick. But the moment the gun body penetrated the interior of the battleship, a boundless light suddenly lit up!

Like cracked porcelain, no matter how strong the outer shell is, it cannot stop the damage inside. Countless spider web-like cracks began to appear under the light of every outward opening of the Brood Warship. Light leaked from these cracks, illuminating everything that was originally hidden in the darkness.

Under this dazzling light, nothing can cover it, all darkness is dispelled, and all pollution is purified. Together with the dark life energy, it became brighter under the light, and even those radiating elements were completely rejected, as if this space only allowed light to exist...

The boundless and magnificent light, like countless sharp swords, turned into countless light pillars and overflowed, spreading from the cracks and bursting out from the inside. With the anger of the world, the huge and boundless Brood Warship was completely burned into nothingness!

"Destroy the wreckage of the biological weapon warship, get an A-level branch plot, and reward 10,000 points..."

"If it were the old days, then your means would not be limited to this."

After listening to the prompts from the Lord God in his ears and confirming that the enemy had been completely eliminated, Yang Yun breathed a sigh of relief and closed the fourth-level gene lock.

If this Brood Warship still had the same size as before, and had the drive and command of the Pioneer ethnic group inside, then it would not have been defeated so easily. The biological weapon warship that can travel across planes and bring the remaining tribe of pioneers to escape from the ancient continent probably has at least the fourth level of advanced or even higher combat effectiveness. Even if it faces the wrath of a plane, it can't There should be many ways to resist.

However, it has been dead for who knows how many years, and all that remains here are the remnants of the past, and it can only act on instinct. So it was defeated, defeated by Yang Yun's "Gear of Shining in the End", and also defeated by the anger of the world.

Yang Yun understood in his heart that although the Brood Warship in front of him was huge and had an energy source that constantly produced monsters, it did not reach the fourth level in terms of individual combat power. Although its scale is daunting, it still seems a little powerless in front of the real strong... Apart from this, even Zheng Zha from Resident Evil 2 can take out his purple thunder sword and transform into a giant Use the ship-cutting sword to strike a "sure-kill dragon sword" to recreate a famous scene.

——However, if Zheng Zha were here, he would probably have no choice but to kill the enemy and the hostages in two.

Yang Yun stared into the distance. This dark space had been completely illuminated by blazing light, and in this ocean of light, he found a tiny point of light, which was still beating continuously.

That is the will of the world, the goal of his mission this time, and it is also the object that he did not hesitate to use the power of miracles once again to peel off the boundless darkness.

Yang Yun has been struggling in the main god space so far. Naturally, he does not only have one or two skills and tricks. However, when facing such a special enemy - the Brood Warship, a huge existence that is almost integrated with the will of the world, choosing the most appropriate tactics is particularly critical. In this case, what he needs is not only a powerful attack power, but more importantly, the ability to strike accurately to avoid unnecessary damage to the world itself.

Therefore, the trick "Shine in the End" became Yang Yun's best choice. Not only is it powerful, but it is also highly differentiated, ensuring that the attack will only cause damage to the enemy... and the power and fury of the world itself is also the most suitable method.

"Feel sorry."

Yang Yunfei stepped forward, stretched out his hand towards the light spot that was so dim that it was almost invisible, and took it into his palm.

"I'm late."

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