This endless world

Chapter 556 The reverberation of the battleship

"This time, I came to the right place."

After countless genetic modifications, Yang Yun finally overcame this difficulty.

Around him, countless plants grew toward the outside, and their branches and leaves intertwined to form a natural barrier, firmly blocking out the purple-black fluid. Although they are constantly being eroded by pollution, each tree still stands proudly in place, only slightly withered and decayed.

Feeling that the roots of countless trees penetrated deep into the ground and continued to expand, further tearing the earth in front of them into a path that could lead directly to the depths of the earth. Yang Yun wiped away the non-existent sweat on his forehead and looked with a trace of emotion in his eyes. Looking at the forest he created, he smiled in his heart: "Since it can resist such strong pollution, then controlling the pollution of the earth should not be a problem."

As Chu Xuan said, pressure can generate motivation. When faced with this level of pollution, it is indeed possible to extract beneficial genes and speed up the pace of environmental improvement. But now facing this bottomless dark abyss, Yang Yun could feel the faint pulse coming from the depths of the earth.

Realizing that the will of the world he was seeking was at the end of the abyss, Yang Yun took a deep breath and adjusted his energy field to ensure that he could maintain the best condition in the harsh environment. Under his guidance, the roots of the trees continued to extend deeper, opening up a smooth path for him. These trees are like his loyal messengers, their roots penetrate the soil and pass through the rocks until they touch the heart of the world.

Then, he jumped down.

——There is a familiar feeling.

The last time I came into contact with the World Will in the Cursed Plane was when I was half asleep and half awake. At that time, the third-level Gene Lock realm was still unable to face the essence of the World Will directly, and there was no way to accept the countless information. But now Yang Yun, who has been building the foundation for a long time and has unlocked the fourth-level gene lock, can see the entire history of this plane in a completely awake state.

At the beginning, this plane was still green. Although there were no traces of humans, there were dinosaurs and other creatures living freely here. But when the Pioneer's ship arrived on this plane one day, everything changed.

These escapees from the outer plane completely changed the fate of this planet. They did not have any respect for this new world. Instead, they regarded it as their own refuge from disaster, and unscrupulously transformed everything for their own survival.

They captured the dinosaurs that originally lived freely on this planet, injected these powerful creatures with foreign genes, and turned them into tools of war and killing; they cut down the dense forests on this land, sacrificing the beauty and balance of nature. , just to create an environment suitable for the survival of their own race; they even controlled the battleship they came here to parasitize on the previously squeezed dead planet, and collide with it, taking the new planet with its belt. Bones are eaten away.

——And this is already the number of planets that the mothership has been parasitized on.

As time goes by, this parasitized and devoured planet gradually loses its original vitality and color. The river is no longer clear, but emits a faint black light, which is the result of various chemicals and genetic modifications. The land is no longer fertile and has turned into a gray-black desert, where ordinary life cannot survive at all. The plane that was once full of life and vitality has turned into a dead world and is about to usher in complete destruction.

Yang Yun continued to descend along the road leading to the center of the earth. As he went deeper, the past of this plane appeared in his mind one by one like an unfolding scroll. The pain of the planet and the cry of life have left a deep mark on his mind. These memories are gathered into a tragic epic, telling travelers deep into the center of the earth about past life and present death.

The surrounding environment is getting worse and worse. The pollutants are combined with huge amounts of radiation, emitting a dark black light, as if it is the painful tears of this planet. But the emerald-colored energy field on Yang Yun's body is like the strongest shield. It resists all harm from the outside world and protects his steps forward. The dark radiant light complements the new green color of his body, but it also It interweaves a unique tone that makes people feel decay and decay.

This color is not only an intuitive reflection of the current situation of the world, but also a symbol of Yang Yun's increasingly bad mood.

——I came too late.

——The time when the Lord God sent the Zhongzhou team to this world was too late.

Falling, falling again, after a while, Yang Yun finally reached the center of the earth. There is a barrier made of thick energy here. It seems to be the last line of defense guarding the core. After blowing it away with one punch, his eyes suddenly became clear.

Behind the barrier is an unusually huge underground space. The energy fluctuations here are more intense than before, and so is the pollution.

In the very center of the space, there is a battleship that is tens of kilometers or even more than a hundred kilometers long.

A huge battleship that was in great decay, but still continued to draw energy from that almost undetectable point of light at the core of this world.

It was driven by the pioneer group in the past, and it was comparable to the reverberation of a living battleship the size of a planet. With the passage of time, such a huge biological weapon has completely died due to lack of energy, and only a few embers remain, lying in the core of this plane like a parasite, constantly sucking blood.

The battleship was already in decay, and Yang Yun could not sense any signs of life from its interior. After countless years, no pioneer could survive in the center of the world... But even though the battleship only had its remnants of sound left, , but it is also the most powerful biological weapon, far surpassing any level 5 or 6 monster.

As if sensing Yang Yun's arrival, and sensing the powerful energy fluctuations emanating from around his body, the surface of the battleship lit up with blue psychic light.

"Absorb", "devour", "fusion", "energy".

Even if he didn't understand the language, Yang Yun could still understand its meaning. It represented the never-satisfied emotion and also represented the instinct of biological weapons. A world that is about to be drained can no longer meet its needs. This battleship wants to absorb more energy, even though it cannot understand the fact that this plane is about to be destroyed, and it cannot survive the destruction.

– and it’s already being done.

It is more like a mother nest than a battleship. In an instant, countless monster organs were produced inside its body, and were quickly assembled and assembled to form dozens or even hundreds of monsters, such as Coming towards Yang Yun like a tide!

"Blood-sucking maggots, remnants abandoned by the times, should no longer exist in the world."

Facing the countless level five monsters attacking, Yang Yun just sneered, clasped his hands together, and more than a hundred optimized seeds flew out of his hands: "Wood Release..."

"Wooden Dragon's Art!" (End of Chapter)

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